Video's will be added on the L'sperance story and Devine
Story when possible and available. Please email links you may find and let's all do a great investigative research story
please. Interview with Mrs Devine, West Newbury  Same day in Salisbury Chief L'esperance was being suspended for Investigation, here
are the Media Trucks waiting for more on the story
December 8, 2010 post saga Court Day. I attended the Court Hearing. I was intercepted by a stupid train schedule where the train
actually rode by me and threw dirt on me from all the leaves. Nice start to a 12 hour day. I arrived after boarding
the 855am train to Newburyport and walking over about 845am to the Court. I explained to the guards at the door I was
media, and of course they ask who are you with? I explained I am Independant Media and had spoken to the Court yesterday
and had not received a call back from the Security Dept or Judge's office. So I wanted to just have the protocol under
my belt for the next time as I would probably start covering Newburyport.They called upstairs and I was told the Justice did
not want the case videotaped.
then went to the Clerks office to find the sheet. I explained I was media and wanted to know if they had a form to sign
to register with the Court for future coverage. They did not and did not know of any forms. Then they went up
to the Justice office and asked again for me. A second no was given to me for this time and I gave them a card and went
to Court Room 1.
Mrs Devine was
in the Hall when I arrived as she was in the Queue and was not called yet. I went into the court room and began to take
notes on the proceedings. There were approximately 20 cases heard before Mrs. Devine vs Waring was called. That
gave me lots of time to grasp the Justice style and what was being heard in this light large hearing room. Before Mrs.
Devine's case was called Justice called a 5 minute recess which was around 20 in actuallity. The court came back
into session appoximately 1145am.
He called
Mr. Dale Waring and Mrs Kristi Devine to come up. Both stood like Lawyers as each were pro se on the matter before
the Court. The Judge started the proceeding by asking Mrs. Devine if she wanted to not have him hear the case.
Mrs Devine pointed out that she was surprised that he did not recuse himself, and that she wanted a different venue from Newburyport
Court and Haverhill, where she was the victim and now the accused and that in both Courts she had been mistreated. Mr.
Waring was upset the documents he wanted were not available in other courts. The Justice was quick to respond with you
will have to get your own documents for the trial. When asked what date Mrs Devine stated she wanted it sooner than
December 13 will be
the date the Justice will choose the Court, and Dec 21 2010 will be the date of the Trial in that Court. All parties
were asked to follow the Court Staff to obtain a copy of the days Judgement. Mrs. Devine asked that the restraining
order, brought forth by Waring and issued by Judge Doyle, be both ways so that Waring would have to stay aware from Mrs.
Devine when she entered and exited her driveway. The Justice was not willing to do so. Mrs Devine then asked
for another request that the document address the fact she cannot exit her driveway without coming in contact with Mr Waring
and violating the restraining order because he is always there within the 50 yards it specifies she must not
go. The Justice then added she is able to freely exit her property and come and go. Mrs. Devine then pointed out
this is a cul de sac and she has to actually drive around his property edge to leave the area. The Justice added she
is able to come and go freely . Mrs Devine stated the order was affecting her liberty. posted Dec 8, 2010 J Aldrich,
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting.
Mr. Warings one paragraph statement to obtain this restraining order makes two allegations against Mrs. Devine but
provides no incident date. Mrs. Devine attempted to ascertain the dates, and when Mr. Waring was asked for this information
by Judge Doyle, Mr. Waring said he gets all confused, and no answer was provided.
When leaving the court building J Aldrich, set up her camera to take a video of the court. Mrs. Devine came
out to give a Press Conference. A few minutes into this Mr. Waring left, and a Court Officer came out to ask J Aldrich
to video from the parking lot. JAldrich quickly stated she is unable to use stairs and would have to leave from the
handicapped area. While leaving with Mrs. Devine J Aldrich tried to capture a shot of Mr Waring and others Mrs. Devine
pointed out were accomplices in her saga.
Mrs. Devine received a call at this time from NECN and was asked if they could get an interview. Mrs. Devine
and J Aldrich , drove to Salisbury to the Police Station where Channel 5, 7 and NECN were in trucks due to the Police Chief's suspension
pending investigations for criminal conduct. Mrs. Devine spoke with several reporters and a link to the Salisbury
Case was established by Mrs. Devine who claimed Police Chief L'esperance was the Police Officer in West Newbury who
orchestrated her false arrests and incarcerations, three times. NECN explained that the data obtained would have
to be validated and any report would take appropriate time.
Mrs. Devine and JAldrich, then decided to stop for a food break and discuss the case further at Stripers.
A heartily good choice.
I spent almost a decade screaming from the rooftops that this guy was bad, corrupt, evil. Everyone knew it, no
one cared. He had the power. He had the guns. Five years ago, after this police officer had calculated and coordinated my
three false arrests, imprisonment and the exile of me from my home and family, I went up the food chain to get help, from
the DA’s office to the US Attorneys office (3 times). Everyone listened, but no one would LOOK. At the DA’s office,
they never let me in, but in the lobby a crowd of disbelievers gathered. One was a State Trooper who was head of homocide
for the DA. He said it wasn’t really his area, but to tell him about it, maybe he could do something. After a bit of
discussion, and him going into his office to check me out on his computer he asked me who my attorney was. I told him and
he said, he’s known as a “pit bull”, would he verify your story? I gave my pattented answer: “I can
substantiate everything I am telling you with proof, but no one will look at it.” He said he would call him
so I got my attorney on my phone hoping the Trooper wouldn’t dissappear into his office, and would have the conversation
with me. (I should add that I did not know at this point in time that the attorney I relied on for my liberty and all else
worked for the “other” side). I authorized my attorney to tell him everything. The Trooper walked far away from
me with my phone and spoke with my attorney for a long time. He returned my phone and said, “Yes, your attorney verified
that your neighbors are crazy and that it is awful what is being done to you but what do you want?” I
answered, “I want guns and badges removed from people that shouldn’t have them and I want to see them behind bars”.
He responded with a chuckle: “Are you kidding me? This is MASSACHUSETTS. We have officers that we know committed rape
and we can’t get them off the force.” Five years later, hundrends of thousands in damages to my family and me,
and major sleepless nights, and emotional devastation, the removal of guns and badges begins. This story was on
the front page of the local paper as I was due in court yesterday. I would appear before the very judge who, in my last two
appearances, shackled and handcuffed me and was sending me to Framingham Prison if my father did not cough up thousands of
dollars. Previous to that, this was the judge who exiled me after my three false arrests and incarceration in Framingham
Prison. I was yesterday, contesting a restraining order issued by that judge on behalf of my neighbor, the neighbor whose
false accusation put me in Framingham Prison because THAT’S WHAT L’ESPERANCE WANTED. (Of course all charges were
dismissed, but the agenda well established). The hearing scheduled for yesterday, was by - - - same judge
again, postponed until later this month pending a new judge and change of venue - - - FINALLY. That, in and of itself doesn’t
really matter because this judge will make sure it gets assigned to the ‘right’ judge as he has done so successfully
before. The injustices served up out of Newbury District Court have successfully quashed any possibility of justice
in Lawrence Superior Court, Lawrence Housing Court, Haverhill District Court, Dedham Superior Court, and U.S. District Court.
ALL of these venues have dealt with issues emanating from what went down in Newburyport District Court with devastating
results, and there is no expectation that anything will change until the web of corruption initiated by L'Esperance in West
Newbury, Massachusetts is exposed and rectified. Will the DA's office finally investigate what L'Esperance and ADA Maura
Bailey have been doing to people in Newburyport District Court for the last few decades? God knows they have a plethora
of information from me, IN WRITING, to have started FIVE YEARS AGO. Will West Newbury's Selectmen who have
bred and housed these criminals at taxpayers' expense finally do what is right? They have always been apprised, from
multiple sources beyond me, about the corruption and misconduct of the former Chief, the current Chief, and, of course, L'Esperance
and looked the other way. Prior to yesterday's court date and L'Esperance's suspension, I implored them to help me with
these new developements that were forcing me into court again because West Newbury won't do what is right and necessary.
An IMPARTIAL investigation into West Newbury's Police Chief would immediately result in her suspension, and/or termination,
and instead of me going to court for a bogus restraining order, West Newbury would have brought charges against my accusser
based on the 15 pages of documentation of this neighbor's criminal harassment, stalking, and abuse of me from JUST THE PAST
12 MONTHS ALONE, regardless of his more than a decade long history of the same. It's all there. in the police department
records. Just needs SOMEONE to look at and investigate. But the Selectmen have no excuse for not knowing
what is in the police and court records, because I have been showing them and trying to get them to properly supervise
their rogue police department for the last ten years, UNINTERUPTED. THEY should be investigated and thrown out,
COUNSEL/TOWN CLERK Larry Murphy practically nurtured L'Esperance's crimes in his 20 years on the police force here,
and they most certainly helped him get away with them. “There is no crueler tyranny than
that which is exercised under cover of law, and with the colors of justice . . .”U.S. v. Jannotti, 673
F .2d 578, 614 (3dCir. 1982)
Best regards, Kristi L. Devine 978-852-8012 |
Kristi Devine, of West Newbury is being harrassed again by neighbor but the report is unretrievable by the Defendant.
The Restraining order filed again in Newburyport Court does not have to contain any relevant documents. It is
only a first file and the injured party does not have to explain until the Court date. On that day if a sufficient fact
is established the Defendant could go to jail. This case is not new to Mrs Devine, and this is a new argument to complain
against this gorgeous blond homeowner in West Newbury. 8AM AT THE TIP OF RTE ONE NEWBURYPORT ACROSS FROM