ComflmRegistryNews, the only attempt at a Public
Affairs Network in Massachusetts is seeking pro bono Attorney and CPA and any money pits to help set up the Network
be on the Board and bring COMFLM closer to the goal. If you really care about transparency email me at
please join comflm registry
news.. 25.00 per year.. join zipcar .. as comflm member 25.00 take a cable access class.. 25.00 - catchoftheday , videonews, freelancereporting, J Aldrich Editor
- Writer, Videographer, Health Background, Single Divorced Senior and happy
site and are copyright protected. What does that mean exactly! That means
you must appropriate links to the site when using. You should email, for permission to use it and state your source if it is comflm registry
news , J Aldrich, or Catchof the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting. I am a First Amendment Activist that wishes to
protect Rights of Fair Use, however, there are cases that strict interpretation must be used. According to JK any usage
of more than 30 seconds video content is not fair use. Comflm, must be informed and reserves the right to restrict
usage. Why? Because I have been told I because I am considered a non working Press outlet that
somehow interferes with the strict interpretation of a News Outlet It does not! and people need to be reminded that
this cannot remove the law from a copyright infringement of creative materials. So please respect this News Outlet
as it respects other outlets and shows the trail of sources on each story we find. This is a wonderful protection that
is specifically in place to protect source from faulty interpretation or misrepresentation of intent.. posting February
10 2010
ComflmRegistryNews on Facebook..
ComflmRegistryNews RSS feed to CatchoftheDay, VideoNews, FreelanceReporting on BLIP TV
RSS feed to ComflmPress on Twitter
Sign our Petition
today.. posted April 13 2010 by ComflmRegistryNews
Take our Poll, this
will run until November 2010.. each month end we will announce the results. The poll starts today. April 13, 2010, rather than email we are going to use a link method. I am getting 50 visitors per day at this time. So lets
see what happens. You will not be able to take this poll twice. The address is stored and will recognize the person.
Survey Monkey has a free poll service and this can be updated at some time. Thank you for taking time to answer ComflmRegistryNewsPoll.
JAldrich, is back.. please review as this amendment change is going to continue rallying its cause but wait.. the unpowers that
be are threatening to not support it if signatures are obtained at Tea Party Event Wednesday.. Question is.. Do these Beacon Hill Unpowers have the power to block this effort we the people want to happen???
August 22 2010 Breaking News.. Castle Island Tea Party
Rally:, immigration topic Just found out about Quibids.. need some
equipment?? how about going on for Comflm.. we needs lots of equipment..
These are used in South Carolina.. taken from
InstaPundit Photo page..
All of Nature Groans for the Sons of God to
Appear in the Earth! Nature was groaning if you ask me this day as the people came to Honor our fallen soldiers
and Honor God as Washington's God, Lincoln's God and King's God. Where was Obama? No where to be found, defending
his honor against his accusers of being a Muslim. May he wake up and smell the flowers. The Sweet Rose of
Sharon. This Country is bankrupt, not just in gold, but
morally. Restore Honor in Government, Schools, and Military and we shall know our destiny with leadership. Truth
has fallen and we must repair the breach in every area and save the family from its unduing by misdirected leadership at all
levels. It's not about the money it's about conscience.
Reagan said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction" Are we seeing this happen in
our eyes???
Hey you out there in the traffic, feeling
alone in the big wall ?? Why not make a statement on your car.. test the passion of America.. forget about the bullies.. test
them out! Go get some of that window marker and write on your car wall! You can see through the glass and it washes
off.. with windex.. Have some fun! Be a brave soul in a tunnel of mummies.. dead silenced brain watered down car czar
socialists.. Stir em up a little.. Give em some heat! And put a camera on the seat for the crowd crashers..
we can, yes we can fight back..
Fourth of July 2010, Comflm will be out
of th eoffice for the next month. The coverage will resume in August up to Elections. A special news story may
appear but the site will be resting.. JAldrich, catchoftheday,videonews,freelancereporting.. Our apologies to
those who have gotten used to us covering special events. We are exploring avenues to get all the work published we
have accumulated in one year. You can still email comflm
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