REPUBLICANS 1 111th CONGRESS UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 10, 2010 REPRESENTATIVES Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Resident Commissioner and Delegates in boldface.The names of Members who have died or resigned appear in bold brackets [ ]. Three-digit room numbers are in the Cannon House Office Building, four-digit room numbers
beginning with 1 are in the Longworth House Office Building, and four-digit numbers beginning
with 2 are in the Rayburn House Office Building. Calls from outside the Capitol complex
can be made by dialing (202) 22 plus the five-digit number listed in this directory. Washington,
DC 20515 Compiled by LORRAINE C. MILLER, Clerk of the House Name Phone Room [Abercrombie, Neil], 1st HI ........................ 52726 1502 Ackerman, Gary L., 5th NY ....................... 52601 2243 Aderholt, Robert B., 4th AL ....................... 54876
1433 Adler, John H., 3d NJ ................................. 54765 1223 Akin, W. Todd, 2d MO ............................... 52561 117 Alexander, Rodney, 5th LA ........................ 58490 316 Altmire, Jason, 4th PA ............................... 52565 332 Andrews, Robert E., 1st NJ ........................ 56501 2265 Arcuri, Michael A., 24th NY ......................
53665 127 Austria, Steve, 7th OH ................................ 54324
1641 Baca, Joe, 43d CA ...................................... 56161 2245 Bachmann, Michele, 6th MN ...................... 52331 107 Bachus, Spencer, 6th AL ............................ 54921 2246 Baird, Brian, 3d WA .................................. 53536 2350 Baldwin, Tammy, 2d WI ............................ 52906 2446 Barrett, J. Gresham, 3d SC ........................ 55301
439 Barrow, John, 12th GA .............................. 52823 213 Bartlett, Roscoe G., 6th MD ....................... 52721 2412 Barton, Joe, 6th TX ................................... 52002
2109 Bean, Melissa L., 8th IL ............................. 53711 432 Becerra, Xavier, 31st CA ........................... 56235 1119 Berkley, Shelley, 1st NV ............................
55965 405 Berman, Howard L., 28th CA .....................
54695 2221 Berry, Marion, 1st AR ................................
54076 2305 Biggert, Judy, 13th IL ................................ 53515
1034 Bilbray, Brian P., 50th CA .........................
50508 2348 Bilirakis, Gus M., 9th FL ............................ 55755
1124 Bishop, Rob, 1st UT ...................................
50453 123 Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., 2d GA ................... 53631 2429 Bishop, Timothy H., 1st NY .......................
53826 306 Blackburn, Marsha, 7th TN ........................ 52811 217 Blumenauer, Earl, 3d OR ........................... 54811 2267 Blunt, Roy, 7th MO .................................... 56536 2229 Boccieri, John A., 16th OH ........................
53876 1516 Boehner, John A., 8th OH .......................... 56205 1011 Bonner, Jo, 1st
AL ..................................... 54931 2236 Name Phone Room Bono Mack, Mary, 45th CA ........................ 55330 104 Boozman, John,
3d AR ............................... 54301 1519 Bordallo, Madeleine Z. (Delegate), GU ... 51188 427 Boren, Dan, 2d OK .................................... 52701 216 Boswell, Leonard L., 3d IA ........................ 53806 1427 Boucher, Rick, 9th VA ...............................
53861 2187 Boustany, Charles W., Jr., 7th LA .............. 52031
1117 Boyd, Allen, 2d FL .................................... 55235 1227 Brady, Kevin, 8th TX ................................. 54901 301 Brady, Robert A., 1st PA ............................
54731 206 Braley, Bruce L., 1st IA .............................
52911 1019 Bright, Bobby, 2d AL .................................
52901 1205 Broun, Paul C., 10th GA ............................ 54101
325 Brown, Corrine, 3d FL ............................... 50123 2336 Brown, Henry E., Jr., 1st SC ...................... 53176
103 Brown-Waite, Ginny, 5th FL ......................
51002 414 Buchanan, Vern, 13th FL ........................... 55015
218 Burgess, Michael C., 26th TX
.................... 57772 229 Burton, Dan, 5th IN ................................... 52276
2308 Butterfield, G. K., 1st NC ........................... 53101 413 Buyer, Steve, 4th IN ................................... 55037 2230 Calvert, Ken, 44th CA ................................ 51986
2201 Camp, Dave, 4th MI ...................................
53561 341 Campbell, John, 48th CA ........................... 55611
1507 Cantor, Eric, 7th VA ..................................
52815 329 Cao, Anh “Joseph”, 2d LA ........................ 56636
2113 Capito, Shelley Moore, 2d WV
................... 52711 2443 Capps, Lois, 23d CA ..................................
53601 1110 Capuano, Michael E., 8th MA ....................
55111 1414 Cardoza, Dennis A., 18th CA .....................
56131 1224 Carnahan, Russ, 3d MO .............................
52671 1710 Carney, Christopher P., 10th PA
................. 53731
416 Carson,
André, 7th IN ................................ 54011 425 Carter, John R.,
31st TX ............................ 53864 409 Cassidy, Bill, 6th LA .................................. 53901
506 Castle, Michael N., At Large,
DE ............... 54165 1233 REPRESENTATIVES 2 Name Phone Room Castor, Kathy, 11th FL ...............................
53376 317 Chaffetz, Jason, 3d UT ............................... 57751 1032 Chandler, Ben, 6th KY ............................... 54706 1504 Childers, Travis W., 1st MS ....................... 54306 1708 Christensen, Donna M.
(Delegate), VI .... 51790 1510 Chu, Judy, 32d CA .....................................
55464 2421 Clarke, Yvette D., 11th NY ........................
56231 1029 Clay, Wm. Lacy, 1st MO ...........................
52406 2418 Cleaver, Emanuel, 5th MO .........................
54535 1027 Clyburn, James E., 6th SC ..........................
53315 2135 Coble, Howard, 6th NC .............................. 53065
2468 Coffman, Mike, 6th CO ..............................
57882 1508 Cohen, Steve, 9th TN .................................
53265 1005 Cole, Tom, 4th OK ..................................... 56165 2458 Conaway, K. Michael,
11th TX .................. 53605 1527 Connolly, Gerald E., 11th VA ....................
51492 327 Conyers, John, Jr., 14th MI ........................
55126 2426 Cooper, Jim, 5th TN ...................................
54311 1536 Costa, Jim, 20th CA ...................................
53341 1314 Costello, Jerry F., 12th IL ..........................
55661 2408 Courtney, Joe, 2d CT .................................
52076 215 Crenshaw, Ander, 4th FL ........................... 52501 440 Crowley, Joseph, 7th NY ........................... 53965 2404 Cuellar, Henry, 28th TX .............................
51640 336 Culberson, John Abney, 7th TX .................. 52571
1514 Cummings, Elijah E., 7th MD .................... 54741 2235 Dahlkemper, Kathleen A., 3d PA ............... 55406 516 Davis, Artur, 7th AL ..................................
52665 208 Davis, Danny K., 7th IL .............................
55006 2159 Davis, Geoff, 4th KY .................................. 53465
1108 Davis, Lincoln, 4th TN ............................... 56831 410 Davis, Susan A., 53d CA ............................ 52040 1526 Deal, Nathan, 9th GA ................................ 55211
2133 DeFazio, Peter A., 4th OR .......................... 56416 2134 DeGette, Diana, 1st CO .............................. 54431 2335 Delahunt, Bill, 10th MA .............................
53111 2454 DeLauro, Rosa L., 3d CT ...........................
53661 2413 Dent, Charles W., 15th PA ......................... 56411 1009 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln,
21st FL ..................... 54211 2244 Diaz-Balart, Mario, 25th FL ...................... 52778
328 Dicks, Norman D., 6th WA ........................ 55916 2467 Dingell, John D., 15th MI .......................... 54071 2328 Doggett, Lloyd, 25th TX ............................
54865 201 Donnelly, Joe, 2d IN ..................................
53915 1530 Doyle, Michael F., 14th PA ........................
52135 401 Dreier, David, 26th CA .............................. 52305
233 Driehaus, Steve, 1st OH ............................. 52216 408 Duncan, John J., Jr., 2d TN ....................... 55435
2207 Edwards, Chet, 17th TX ............................. 56105 2369 Edwards, Donna F., 4th MD ....................... 58699 318 Name Phone Room Ehlers, Vernon J., 3d MI ............................ 53831 2182 Ellison, Keith, 5th MN ............................... 54755 1122 Ellsworth, Brad, 8th IN ..............................
54636 513 Emerson, Jo Ann, 8th MO .......................... 54404 2440 Engel, Eliot L., 17th NY ............................ 52464 2161 Eshoo, Anna G., 14th CA ........................... 58104 205 Etheridge, Bob, 2d NC ...............................
54531 1533 Faleomavaega, Eni F.
H. (Delegate), AS . 58577 2422 Fallin, Mary, 5th OK ................................. 52132 1432 Farr, Sam, 17th CA ....................................
52861 1126 Fattah, Chaka, 2d PA .................................
54001 2301 Filner, Bob, 51st CA ..................................
58045 2428 Flake, Jeff, 6th AZ ..................................... 52635 240 Fleming, John, 4th
LA ............................... 52777 1023 Forbes, J. Randy, 4th VA ........................... 56365 2438 Fortenberry, Jeff,
1st NE ............................ 54806 1535 Foster, Bill, 14th IL ....................................
52976 1339 Foxx, Virginia, 5th NC ............................... 52071
1230 Frank, Barney, 4th MA .............................. 55931 2252 Franks, Trent, 2d AZ ................................. 54576 2435 Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., 11th NJ ............. 55034
2442 Fudge, Marcia L., 11th OH ........................ 57032 1513 Gallegly, Elton, 24th CA ............................ 55811 2309 Garamendi, John, 10th CA .........................
51880 2459 Garrett, Scott, 5th NJ ................................. 54465
137 Gerlach, Jim, 6th PA ..................................
54315 308 Giffords, Gabrielle, 8th AZ ........................
52542 1728 Gingrey, Phil, 11th GA .............................. 52931
119 Gohmert, Louie, 1st TX ..............................
53035 511 Gonzalez, Charles A., 20th TX ................... 53236 303 Goodlatte, Bob, 6th VA .............................. 55431
2240 Gordon, Bart, 6th TN ................................. 54231 2306 Granger, Kay, 12th TX .............................. 55071 320 Graves, Sam, 6th MO ................................. 57041
1415 Grayson, Alan, 8th FL ................................ 52176 1605 Green, Al, 9th TX ...................................... 57508 236 Green, Gene, 29th TX ................................
51688 2372 Griffith, Parker, 5th AL ............................. 54801 417 Grijalva, Raúl M., 7th AZ .......................... 52435 1440 Guthrie, Brett, 2d KY ................................. 53501
510 Gutierrez, Luis V., 4th IL ........................... 58203 2266 Hall, John J., 19th NY ................................ 55441 1217 Hall, Ralph M., 4th TX .............................. 56673
2405 Halvorson, Deborah L., 11th IL .................. 53635 1541 Hare, Phil, 17th IL ..................................... 55905 428 Harman, Jane, 36th CA ..............................
58220 2400 Harper, Gregg, 3d MS ............................... 55031
307 Hastings, Alcee L., 23d FL ......................... 51313 2353 Hastings, Doc, 4th WA .............................. 55816 1203 Heinrich, Martin, 1st NM ...........................
56316 1505 REPRESENTATIVES 3 Name Phone Room Heller, Dean, 2d NV .................................. 56155
125 Hensarling, Jeb, 5th TX .............................
53484 129 Herger, Wally, 2d CA ................................ 53076 242 Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie, At Large,
SD .. 52801 331 Higgins, Brian, 27th NY .............................
53306 431 Hill, Baron P., 9th IN .................................
55315 223 Himes, James A., 4th CT ............................
55541 214 Hinchey, Maurice D., 22d NY ....................
56335 2431 Hinojosa, Rubén, 15th TX
.......................... 52531
2463 Hirono,
Mazie K., 2d HI ............................ 54906 1524 Hodes, Paul W., 2d NH .............................. 55206 1317 Hoekstra, Peter, 2d MI ............................... 54401
2234 Holden, Tim, 17th PA ................................ 55546 2417 Holt, Rush D., 12th NJ ............................... 55801 1214 Honda, Michael M., 15th CA .....................
52631 1713 Hoyer, Steny H., 5th MD ...........................
54131 1705 Hunter, Duncan, 52d CA ........................... 55672
1429 Inglis, Bob, 4th SC .....................................
56030 100 Inslee, Jay, 1st WA ....................................
56311 403 Israel, Steve, 2d NY ...................................
53335 2457 Issa, Darrell E., 49th CA ........................... 53906 2347 Jackson, Jesse L., Jr., 2d IL ........................ 50773 2419 Jackson Lee, Sheila, 18th TX ..................... 53816 2160 Jenkins, Lynn, 2d KS .................................. 56601
130 Johnson, Eddie Bernice, 30th TX ............... 58885 1511 Johnson, Henry C. “Hank”, Jr., 4th GA ...... 51605 1133 Johnson, Sam, 3d TX ................................. 54201
1211 Johnson, Timothy V., 15th IL
..................... 52371 1207 Jones, Walter B., 3d NC ............................. 53415 2333 Jordan, Jim, 4th
OH ................................... 52676 515 Kagen, Steve, 8th WI .................................
55665 1232 Kanjorski, Paul E., 11th PA ........................
56511 2188 Kaptur, Marcy, 9th OH ..............................
54146 2186 Kennedy, Patrick J., 1st RI .........................
54911 407 Kildee, Dale E., 5th MI ..............................
53611 2107 Kilpatrick, Carolyn C., 13th MI
.................. 52261
2264 Kilroy,
Mary Jo, 15th OH .......................... 52015 1237 Kind, Ron, 3d WI ....................................... 55506 1406 King, Peter T., 3d NY ................................ 57896
339 King, Steve, 5th IA .....................................
54426 1131 Kingston, Jack, 1st GA ............................... 55831
2368 Kirk, Mark Steven, 10th IL .........................
54835 1030 Kirkpatrick, Ann, 1st AZ ............................
52315 1123 Kissell, Larry, 8th NC ................................
53715 512 Klein, Ron, 22d FL ....................................
53026 313 Kline, John, 2d MN .................................... 52271
1210 Kosmas, Suzanne M., 24th FL .................... 52706 238 Kratovil, Frank, Jr., 1st MD ........................ 55311 314 Kucinich, Dennis J., 10th OH .....................
55871 2445 Lamborn, Doug, 5th CO ............................. 54422
437 Name Phone Room Lance, Leonard,
7th NJ .............................. 55361 114 Langevin, James R., 2d RI .........................
52735 109 Larsen, Rick, 2d WA ..................................
52605 108 Larson, John B., 1st CT ..............................
52265 106 Latham, Tom, 4th IA .................................. 55476
2217 LaTourette, Steven C., 14th
OH .................. 55731 2371 Latta, Robert E., 5th OH ............................ 56405 1531 Lee, Barbara, 9th CA ................................. 52661 2444 Lee, Christopher John, 26th NY ................. 55265 1711 Levin, Sander M., 12th MI .........................
54961 1236 Lewis, Jerry, 41st CA ................................. 55861
2112 Lewis, John, 5th GA .................................. 53801 343 Linder, John, 7th GA ................................. 54272 1026 Lipinski, Daniel, 3d IL ...............................
55701 1717 LoBiondo, Frank A., 2d NJ ......................... 56572 2427 Loebsack, David, 2d IA .............................. 56576 1221 Lofgren, Zoe, 16th CA ...............................
53072 102 Lowey, Nita M., 18th NY ..........................
56506 2329 Lucas, Frank D., 3d OK ............................. 55565 2311 Luetkemeyer, Blaine,
9th MO ..................... 52956 1118 Luján, Ben Ray, 3d NM .............................
56190 502 Lummis, Cynthia M., At Large, WY ........... 52311
1004 Lungren, Daniel E., 3d CA .........................
55716 2262 Lynch, Stephen F., 9th MA ........................ 58273 221 Mack, Connie, 14th FL ............................... 52536
115 Maffei, Daniel B., 25th NY ........................ 53701 1630 Maloney, Carolyn B., 14th NY ................... 57944 2332 Manzullo, Donald A., 16th IL ..................... 55676
2228 Marchant, Kenny, 24th TX .........................
56605 227 Markey, Betsy, 4th CO ...............................
54676 1229 Markey, Edward J., 7th MA .......................
52836 2108 Marshall, Jim, 8th GA ................................
56531 504 [Massa, Eric J. J.], 29th NY ........................ 53161 1208 Matheson, Jim, 2d UT ................................ 53011 2434 Matsui, Doris O., 5th CA ...........................
57163 222 McCarthy, Carolyn, 4th NY .......................
55516 2346 McCarthy, Kevin, 22d CA .......................... 52915 1523 McCaul, Michael T.,
10th TX ..................... 52401 131 McClintock, Tom, 4th CA ........................... 52511 508 McCollum, Betty, 4th MN .......................... 56631 1714 McCotter, Thaddeus G., 11th MI ................ 58171 1632 McDermott, Jim, 7th WA ...........................
53106 1035 McGovern, James P., 3d MA .....................
56101 438 McHenry, Patrick T., 10th NC .................... 52576
224 McIntyre, Mike, 7th NC ............................. 52731 2437 McKeon, Howard P. “Buck”, 25th CA ....... 51956 2184 McMahon, Michael E., 13th NY ................
53371 323 McMorris Rodgers, Cathy, 5th WA ............ 52006
1323 McNerney, Jerry, 11th CA ......................... 51947 312 Meek, Kendrick B., 17th FL ....................... 54506 1039 REPRESENTATIVES 4 Name Phone Room Meeks, Gregory W., 6th NY ......................
53461 2342 Melancon, Charlie, 3d LA ..........................
54031 404 Mica, John L., 7th FL ................................. 54035
2313 Michaud, Michael H., 2d ME ..................... 56306 1724 Miller, Brad, 13th NC ................................ 53032 1127 Miller, Candice S., 10th MI ........................ 52106 228 Miller, Gary G.,
42d CA ............................ 53201 2349 Miller, George, 7th CA ..............................
52095 2205 Miller, Jeff, 1st FL ..................................... 54136 2439 Minnick, Walt, 1st ID ................................. 56611 1517 Mitchell, Harry E., 5th AZ .........................
52190 1410 Mollohan, Alan B., 1st WV ........................
54172 2302 Moore, Dennis, 3d KS ................................
52865 1727 Moore, Gwen, 4th WI ................................
54572 1239 Moran, James P., 8th VA ...........................
54376 2239 Moran, Jerry, 1st KS .................................. 52715
2202 Murphy, Christopher S., 5th CT ................. 54476 412 Murphy, Patrick J., 8th PA ......................... 54276 1609 Murphy, Scott, 20th NY .............................
55614 120 Murphy, Tim, 18th PA ................................ 52301 322 [Murtha, John P.], 12th PA
......................... 52065
2423 Myrick, Sue Wilkins, 9th NC ......................
51976 230 Nadler, Jerrold, 8th NY ..............................
55635 2334 Napolitano, Grace F., 38th CA ...................
55256 1610 Neal, Richard E., 2d MA ............................
55601 2208 Neugebauer, Randy, 19th TX ..................... 54005 1424 Norton, Eleanor Holmes
(Delegate), DC . 58050 2136 Nunes, Devin, 21st CA ............................... 52523 1013 Nye, Glenn C., 2d VA ................................
54215 116 Oberstar, James L., 8th MN ........................
56211 2365 Obey, David R., 7th WI .............................
53365 2314 Olson, Pete, 22d TX ................................... 55951
514 Olver, John W., 1st MA ............................. 55335 1111 Ortiz, Solomon P., 27th TX ........................ 57742 2110 Owens, William L., 23d NY ....................... 54611 2366 Pallone, Frank, Jr., 6th NJ ..........................
54671 237 Pascrell, Bill, Jr., 8th NJ .............................
55751 2464 Pastor, Ed, 4th AZ ......................................
54065 2465 Paul, Ron, 14th TX .................................... 52831 203 Paulsen, Erik, 3d
MN ................................. 52871 126 Payne, Donald M., 10th NJ ........................
53436 2310 Pelosi, Nancy, 8th CA ................................
54965 235 Pence, Mike, 6th IN ................................... 53021
1431 Perlmutter, Ed, 7th CO ............................... 52645 415 Perriello, Thomas S. P., 5th VA ................. 54711 1520 Peters, Gary C., 9th MI ..............................
55802 1130 Peterson, Collin C., 7th MN .......................
52165 2211 Petri, Thomas E., 6th WI ............................ 52476 2462 Pierluisi, Pedro R. (Resident Commissioner), PR ................
52615 1218 Name Phone Room Pingree, Chellie, 1st ME .............................
56116 1037 Pitts, Joseph R., 16th PA ............................ 52411 420 Platts, Todd Russell,
19th PA ..................... 55836 2455 Poe, Ted, 2d TX ......................................... 56565 430 Polis, Jared, 2d CO ..................................... 52161 501 Pomeroy, Earl, At Large, ND ..................... 52611 1501 Posey, Bill, 15th FL ................................... 53671 132 Price, David E., 4th NC .............................. 51784 2162 Price, Tom, 6th GA .................................... 54501 424 Putnam, Adam H., 12th FL ......................... 51252 442 Quigley, Mike, 5th IL ................................. 54061 1319 Radanovich, George, 19th CA .................... 54540
2410 Rahall, Nick J., II, 3d WV .......................... 53452 2307 Rangel, Charles B., 15th NY ...................... 54365 2354 Rehberg, Denny, At Large, MT .................. 53211 2448 Reichert, David G., 8th WA ....................... 57761
1730 Reyes, Silvestre, 16th TX ........................... 54831 2433 Richardson, Laura, 37th CA ....................... 57924 1725 Rodriguez, Ciro D., 23d TX ....................... 54511 2351 Roe, David P., 1st TN ................................ 56356
419 Rogers, Harold, 5th KY .............................
54601 2406 Rogers, Mike, 3d AL .................................. 53261 324 Rogers, Mike, 8th MI ................................. 54872
133 Rohrabacher, Dana, 46th CA .....................
52415 2300 Rooney, Thomas J., 16th FL ....................... 55792 1529 Roskam, Peter J., 6th IL ............................. 54561 507 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana,
18th FL .................... 53931 2470 Ross, Mike, 4th AR ....................................
53772 2436 Rothman, Steven R., 9th NJ .......................
55061 2303 Roybal-Allard, Lucille, 34th CA
................ 51766
2330 Royce, Edward R., 40th CA ........................
54111 2185 Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch, 2d MD .......... 53061 2453 Rush, Bobby L., 1st IL ...............................
54372 2416 Ryan, Paul, 1st WI ..................................... 53031 1113 Ryan, Tim, 17th OH ................................... 55261 1421 Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho (Delegate), MP ......................................
52646 423 Salazar, John T., 3d CO .............................
54761 326 Sánchez, Linda T., 39th CA
....................... 56676
1222 Sanchez,
Loretta, 47th CA .......................... 52965 1114 Sarbanes, John P., 3d MD .......................... 54016 426 Scalise, Steve, 1st LA ................................. 53015
429 Schakowsky, Janice D., 9th IL ................... 52111 2367 Schauer, Mark H., 7th MI .......................... 56276 1408 Schiff, Adam B., 29th CA .......................... 54176 2447 Schmidt, Jean, 2d OH ................................. 53164
418 Schock, Aaron, 18th IL ...............................
56201 509 Schrader, Kurt, 5th OR ...............................
55711 1419 Schwartz, Allyson Y., 13th PA ...................
56111 330 Scott, David, 13th GA ................................
52939 225 REPRESENTATIVES 5 Name Phone Room Scott, Robert C. “Bobby”,
3d VA ............... 58351
1201 Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr., 5th WI ......... 55101 2449 Serrano, José E., 16th NY
.......................... 54361
2227 Sessions, Pete, 32d TX ...............................
52231 2233 Sestak, Joe, 7th PA .....................................
52011 1022 Shadegg, John B., 3d AZ ............................ 53361 436 Shea-Porter, Carol, 1st NH ......................... 55456 1330 Sherman, Brad, 27th CA ............................ 55911 2242 Shimkus, John, 19th IL ............................... 55271
2452 Shuler, Heath, 11th NC .............................. 56401 422 Shuster, Bill, 9th PA ................................... 52431 204 Simpson, Michael K., 2d ID ........................ 55531
2312 Sires, Albio, 13th NJ .................................. 57919 1024 Skelton, Ike, 4th MO .................................. 52876 2206 Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, 28th
NY ........ 53615 2469 Smith, Adam, 9th WA ................................
58901 2402 Smith, Adrian, 3d NE ................................. 56435
503 Smith, Christopher H., 4th NJ
.................... 53765 2373 Smith, Lamar, 21st TX ............................... 54236
2409 Snyder, Vic, 2d AR .................................... 52506 2210 Souder, Mark E., 3d IN .............................. 54436 2231 Space, Zachary T., 18th OH .......................
56265 315 Speier, Jackie, 12th CA ..............................
53531 211 Spratt, John M., Jr., 5th SC ........................
55501 1401 Stark, Fortney Pete, 13th CA ......................
55065 239 Stearns, Cliff, 6th FL .................................. 55744
2370 Stupak, Bart, 1st MI ................................... 54735 2268 Sullivan, John, 1st OK ............................... 52211 434 Sutton, Betty, 13th OH ...............................
53401 1721 Tanner, John S., 8th TN .............................
54714 1226 Taylor, Gene, 4th MS .................................
55772 2269 Teague, Harry, 2d NM ...............................
52365 1007 Terry, Lee, 2d NE ...................................... 54155 2331 Thompson, Bennie G., 2d MS .................... 55876 2432 Thompson, Glenn, 5th PA .......................... 55121
124 Thompson, Mike, 1st CA ........................... 53311 231 Name Phone Room Thornberry, Mac, 13th TX ......................... 53706 2209 Tiahrt, Todd, 4th
KS .................................. 56216 2441 Tiberi, Patrick J., 12th OH ......................... 55355 113 Tierney, John F., 6th MA ........................... 58020 2238 Titus, Dina, 3d NV .....................................
53252 319 Tonko, Paul, 21st NY .................................
55076 128 Towns, Edolphus, 10th NY ........................
55936 2232 Tsongas, Niki, 5th MA ...............................
53411 1607 Turner, Michael R., 3d OH ......................... 56465 1740 Upton, Fred, 6th
MI ................................... 53761 2183 Van Hollen, Chris, 8th MD ........................
55341 1707 Velázquez, Nydia M., 12th
NY .................. 52361
2466 Visclosky,
Peter J., 1st IN .......................... 52461 2256 Walden, Greg, 2d
OR ................................. 56730 2352 Walz, Timothy J., 1st MN ..........................
52472 1722 Wamp, Zach, 3d TN ................................... 53271
1436 Wasserman Schultz, Debbie, 20th FL ......... 57931 118 Waters, Maxine, 35th CA ........................... 52201 2344 Watson, Diane E., 33d CA ......................... 57084 2430 Watt, Melvin L., 12th NC ..........................
51510 2304 Waxman, Henry A., 30th CA .....................
53976 2204 Weiner, Anthony D., 9th NY ......................
56616 2104 Welch, Peter, At Large, VT ........................
54115 1404 Westmoreland, Lynn A., 3d GA .................. 55901 1213 [Wexler, Robert], 19th FL
.......................... 53001
2241 Whitfield, Ed, 1st KY .................................
53115 2411 Wilson, Charles A., 6th OH ........................ 55705 226 Wilson, Joe, 2d SC ..................................... 52452 212 Wittman, Robert J.,
1st VA ........................ 54261 1318 Wolf, Frank R., 10th VA ............................ 55136
241 Woolsey, Lynn C., 6th CA ......................... 55161 2263 Wu, David, 1st OR ..................................... 50855 2338 Yarmuth, John A., 3d KY ..........................
55401 435 Young, C. W. Bill, 10th FL ......................... 55961 2407 Young, Don, At Large,
AK ......................... 55765 2111 6 UNITED STATES SENATE SENATORS Democrats in roman; Republicans
in italic; Independents in SMALL CAPS Room numbers beginning with SD are
in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, room numbers beginning with SH are in the Hart
Senate Office Building, and room numbers beginning with SR are in the Russell Senate Office Building. Calls
from outside the Capitol complex can be made by dialing (202) 22 plus the five-digit number listed in this directory. Washington, DC 20510 Name Phone Room Vice Pres. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. .................. 42424 ............. Akaka, Daniel K. (HI) ................................
46361 SH-141 Alexander, Lamar (TN) ............................. 44944 SD-455 Barrasso, John (WY)
................................. 46441 SD-307 Baucus, Max (MT) ....................................
42651 SH-511 Bayh, Evan (IN) ........................................
45623 SR-131 Begich, Mark (AK) ....................................
43004 SR-144 Bennet, Michael F. (CO) ............................
45852 SH-702 Bennett, Robert F. (UT) ............................. 45444 SD-431 Bingaman, Jeff (NM) ................................. 45521 SH-703 Bond, Christopher S. (MO) ........................ 45721 SR-274 Boxer, Barbara (CA) ..................................
43553 SH-112 Brown, Scott (MA) .................................... 44543
SR-C1 Brown, Sherrod (OH) ................................ 42315 SH-713 Brownback, Sam (KS) ............................... 46521 SH-303 Bunning, Jim (KY) .................................... 44343
SH-316 Burr, Richard (NC)
.................................... 43154 SR-217 Burris, Roland (IL) ....................................
42854 SR-387 Byrd, Robert C. (WV) ...............................
43954 SH-311 Cantwell, Maria (WA) ...............................
43441 SD-511 Cardin, Benjamin L. (MD) .........................
44524 SH-509 Carper, Thomas R. (DE) ............................
42441 SH-513 Casey, Robert P., Jr. (PA) ..........................
46324 SR-393 Chambliss, Saxby (GA) .............................. 43521 SR-416 Coburn, Tom (OK)
.................................... 45754 SR-172 Cochran, Thad (MS) .................................. 45054
SD-113 Collins, Susan M. (ME)
............................. 42523 SD-413 Conrad, Kent (ND) ....................................
42043 SH-530 Corker, Bob (TN) ...................................... 43344
SD-185 Cornyn, John (TX)
.................................... 42934 SH-517 Crapo, Mike (ID) ....................................... 46142
SD-239 DeMint, Jim (SC)
...................................... 46121 SR-340 Dodd, Christopher J. (CT) ..........................
42823 SR-448 Dorgan, Byron L. (ND) ..............................
42551 SH-322 Durbin, Richard J. (IL) ..............................
42152 SH-309 Ensign, John (NV) ..................................... 46244
SR-119 Enzi, Michael B. (WY)
.............................. 43424 SR-379A Feingold, Russell D. (WI) ..........................
45323 SH-506 Feinstein, Dianne (CA) ..............................
43841 SH-331 Franken, Al (MN) ......................................
45641 SH-320 Name Phone Room Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (NY) ........................
44451 SR-478 Graham, Lindsey (SC) ............................... 45972 SR-290 Grassley, Chuck (IA)
................................. 43744 SH-135 Gregg, Judd (NH) ...................................... 43324
SR-201 Hagan, Kay R. (NC) .................................. 46342 SD-521 Harkin, Tom (IA) ......................................
43254 SH-731 Hatch, Orrin G. (UT) ................................. 45251 SH-104 Hutchison, Kay Bailey (TX)
....................... 45922 SR-284 Inhofe, James M. (OK) .............................. 44721 SR-453 Inouye, Daniel K. (HI) ............................... 43934 SH-722 Isakson, Johnny (GA) ................................ 43643
SR-120 Johanns, Mike (NE)
................................... 44224 SR-404 Johnson, Tim (SD) .....................................
45842 SH-136 Kaufman, Edward E. (DE) .........................
45042 SR-383 Kerry, John F. (MA) ..................................
42742 SR-218 Klobuchar, Amy (MN) ..............................
43244 SH-302 Kohl, Herb (WI) ........................................
45653 SH-330 Kyl, Jon (AZ) ............................................ 44521 SH-730 Landrieu, Mary L. (LA) ............................. 45824 SH-328 Lautenberg, Frank R. (NJ) ......................... 43224 SH-324 Leahy, Patrick J. (VT) ................................
44242 SR-433 LeMieux, George S. (FL) ........................... 43041
SR-356 Levin, Carl (MI) ........................................ 46221 SR-269 LIEBERMAN,
JOSEPH I. (CT) .......................
44041 SH-706 Lincoln, Blanche L. (AR) ..........................
44843 SD-355 Lugar, Richard G. (IN) .............................. 44814 SH-306 McCain, John (AZ)
.................................... 42235 SR-241 McCaskill, Claire (MO) .............................
46154 SH-717 McConnell, Mitch (KY) ............................. 42541 SR-361A Menendez, Robert (NJ) .............................. 44744 SH-528 Merkley, Jeff (OR) ....................................
43753 SR-107 Mikulski, Barbara A. (MD) ........................
44654 SH-503 Murkowski, Lisa (AK) ............................... 46665 SH-709 Murray, Patty (WA) ................................... 42621 SR-173 Nelson, Bill (FL) .......................................
45274 SH-716 Nelson, E. Benjamin (NE) .........................
46551 SH-720 Pryor, Mark L. (AR) ..................................
42353 SD-255 Reed, Jack (RI) ..........................................
44642 SH-728 Reid, Harry (NV) .......................................
43542 SH-522 Risch, James E. (ID) .................................. 42752 SR-483 SENATORS 7 Name Phone Room Roberts, Pat (KS)
...................................... 44774 SH-109 Rockefeller, John D., IV (WV) ..................
46472 SH-531 SANDERS, BERNARD (VT) .......................... 45141 SD-332 Schumer, Charles E. (NY) ......................... 46542 SH-313 Sessions, Jeff (AL) ..................................... 44124 SR-335 Shaheen, Jeanne (NH) ................................ 42841 SH-520 Shelby, Richard C. (AL) ............................ 45744
SR-304 Snowe, Olympia J. (ME)
............................ 45344 SR-154 Specter, Arlen (PA) ...................................
44254 SH-711 Stabenow, Debbie (MI) ..............................
44822 SH-133 Tester, Jon (MT) ........................................
42644 SH-724 Name Phone Room Thune, John (SD) ...................................... 42321
SR-493 Udall, Mark (CO) ...................................... 45941 SH-317 Udall, Tom (NM) ......................................
46621 SH-110 Vitter, David (LA) ..................................... 44623
SH-516 Voinovich, George V. (OH)
........................ 43353 SH-524 Warner, Mark R. (VA) ...............................
42023 SR-459A Webb, Jim (VA) ........................................
44024 SR-248 Whitehouse, Sheldon (RI) ..........................
42921 SH-502 Wicker, Roger F. (MS) .............................. 46253 SD-555 Wyden, Ron (OR) ...................................... 45244 SD-223 8 COMMITTEES HOUSE COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES Three-digit room numbers are in
the Cannon House Office Building, four-digit room numbers beginning with 1 are in the Longworth House
Office Building, and four-digit room numbers beginning with 2 are in the Rayburn House Office Building. Room numbers beginning with H2 are in the Ford House Office Building, and room numbers beginning with CVC, HVC, or
SVC are in the Capitol Visitor Center. Calls made from outside the Capitol complex can
be made by dialing (202) 22 plus the five-digit number listed in this directory. STANDING COMMITTEES Phone Room Agriculture ..........................................................................................................................
52171 1301 Conservation, Credit, Energy, and
Research .................................................................... 52171 1301 Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry .............................................
52171 1301 General Farm Commodities and Risk
Management ......................................................... 52171 1301 Horticulture and Organic Agriculture ..............................................................................
52171 1301 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry ..........................................................................................
52171 1301 Rural Development, Biotechnology, Specialty Crops,
and Foreign Agriculture ............... 52171 1301 Appropriations ....................................................................................................................
52771 H218 Agriculture, Rural Development,
Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. 52638 2362A Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies .........................................................
53351 H309 Defense .............................................................................................................................
52847 H149 Energy and Water Development, and
Related Agencies .................................................. 53421 2362B Financial Services and General Government ...................................................................
57245 B300 Homeland Security ...........................................................................................................
55834 B307 Interior, Environment, and Related
Agencies ................................................................... 53081 B308 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies ............................
53508 2358B Legislative Branch ...........................................................................................................
67252 H-147 Military Construction, Veterans
Affairs, and Related Agencies ....................................... 53047 H143 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs ............................................................
52041 HB26 Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development,
and Related Agencies ................. 52141 2358A Armed Services ...................................................................................................................
54151 2120 Air and Land Forces ........................................................................................................
54440 2340 Military Personnel ............................................................................................................
57560 2340 Oversight and Investigations ............................................................................................
65048 2117 Readiness ..........................................................................................................................
68979 2340 Seapower and Expeditionary Forces
................................................................................ 62211 2340 Strategic Forces ................................................................................................................
51967 2216 Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities
....................................................... 62843 2340 Budget ................................................................................................................................
67200 207Education and Labor .........................................................................................................
53725 2181 Early Childhood, Elementary and
Secondary Education .................................................. 55700 1040 Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions .......................................................................
61881 112 Healthy Families and Communities
................................................................................. 55700 1040 Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and Competitiveness
............................................. 55700 1040 Workforce Protections ......................................................................................................
61881 112 Energy and Commerce ......................................................................................................
52927 2125 Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection
................................................................... 52927 2125 Communications, Technology, and the Internet ...............................................................
52927 2125 Energy and Environment .................................................................................................
52927 2125 Health ...............................................................................................................................
52927 2125 Oversight and Investigations ............................................................................................
52927 2125 COMMITTEES 9 Phone Room Financial Services ...............................................................................................................
54247 2129 Capital Markets, Insurance, and
Government Sponsored Enterprises ............................... 54247 2129 Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology ....................................................................
54247 2129 Financial Institutions and Consumer
Credit ..................................................................... 54247 2129 Housing and Community Opportunity .............................................................................
54247 2129 International Monetary Policy and
Trade ......................................................................... 54247 2129 Oversight and Investigations ............................................................................................
54247 2129 Foreign Affairs ...................................................................................................................
55021 2170 Africa and Global Health .................................................................................................
67812 H2-259A Asia, the Pacific, and the Global
Environment ................................................................ 67825 2401A Europe ..............................................................................................................................
67820 H2-256 International Organizations, Human
Rights, and Oversight ............................................. 66434 H2-255 Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade ...........................................................................
61500 H2-253 The Middle East and South Asia .....................................................................................
53345 B358 The Western Hemisphere .................................................................................................
69980 H2-257 Homeland Security .............................................................................................................
62616 H2-176 Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism
.............................................................. 62616 H2-176 Emergency Communications, Preparedness, and Response .............................................
62616 H2-176 Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity,
and Science and Technology ...................................... 62616 H2-176 Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk
Assessment ................................. 62616 H2-176 Management, Investigations, and Oversight .....................................................................
62616 H2-176 Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection
...................................................... 62616 H2-176 House Administration ........................................................................................................
52061 1309 Capitol Security ................................................................................................................
52061 1309 Elections ...........................................................................................................................
52061 1309 Commission on Congressional Mailing
Standards: Majority ...................................................................................................................
57666 1216 Minority ..................................................................................................................
60647 1216A Judiciary ..............................................................................................................................
53951 2138 Commercial and Administrative Law
.............................................................................. 67680 H2-362 Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties .................................................................
52825 B353 Courts and Competition Policy ........................................................................................
55741 B352 Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security
...................................................................... 55727 B370 Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International
Law .................. 53926
517 Publications
(CHOB) .............................................................................................. 50408 B29 Natural Resources ..............................................................................................................
56065 1324 Energy and Mineral Resources ........................................................................................
59297 1626 Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife
............................................................................... 50691 1337 National Parks, Forests and Public Lands ........................................................................
67736 1333 Water and Power ..............................................................................................................
58331 1522 Office of Indian Affairs ..........................................................................................
69725 140 Oversight and Government
Reform .................................................................................
55051 2157 Domestic Policy ...............................................................................................................
56427 B349B Federal Workforce, Postal Service,
and the District of Columbia .................................... 55147 B349A Government Management, Organization, and Procurement
............................................. 53741 B372 Information Policy, Census, and National Archives .........................................................
56751 B349C National Security and Foreign Affairs .............................................................................
52548 B371C Rules ...................................................................................................................................
59091 H312 Legislative and Budget Process .......................................................................................
51313 2353 Rules and Organization of the House
.............................................................................. 56101 438 Minority ..................................................................................................................
59191 1627 COMMITTEES 10 Phone Room Science and Technology
56375 2321 Energy and Environment .................................................................................................
58844 2319 Investigations and Oversight ............................................................................................
58772 B374 Research and Science Education ......................................................................................
59662 2321 Space and Aeronautics .....................................................................................................
57858 B374 Technology and Innovation ..............................................................................................
59662 2321 Small Business ....................................................................................................................
54038 2361 Contracting and Technology ............................................................................................
54038 2361 Finance and Tax ...............................................................................................................
54038 2361 Investigations and Oversight ............................................................................................
54038 2361 Regulations and Healthcare ..............................................................................................
54038 2361 Rural Development, Entrepreneurship and Trade ............................................................
54038 2361 Standards of Official
Conduct ..........................................................................................
57103 HT2 Office of Advice and Education .............................................................................
57103 HT2 Transportation and Infrastructure
54472 2165 Aviation ............................................................................................................................
59161 2251 Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation
....................................................................... 63587 H2-507 Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency
Management ....................... 59961
H2-585 Highways and Transit ......................................................................................................
59989 B370A Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous
Materials ................................................................ 53274 H2-589 Water Resources and Environment ..................................................................................
50060 B376 Veterans' Affairs ................................................................................................................
59756 335 Disability Assistance and Memorial
Affairs .................................................................... 59164 337 Economic Opportunity .....................................................................................................
65491 335 Health ...............................................................................................................................
59154 338 Oversight and Investigations ............................................................................................
53569 337A Ways and Means ................................................................................................................
53625 1102 Health ...............................................................................................................................
53943 1135 Income Security and Family Support
............................................................................... 51025 B317 Oversight ..........................................................................................................................
55522 1136 Select Revenue Measures .................................................................................................
55522 1136 Social Security .................................................................................................................
59263 1129 Trade ...............................................................................................................................
56649 1104 SELECT COMMITTEES Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence ................................................................... 57690 HVC304 Intelligence Community Management ..............................................................................
57690 HVC304 Oversight and Investigations ............................................................................................
57690 HVC304 Technical and Tactical Intelligence
.................................................................................. 57690 HVC304 Terrorism, Human Intelligence, Analysis and Counterintelligence ...................................
57690 HVC304 Select Committee on Energy
Independence and Global Warming .................................
54012 B243 LHOB COMMITTEES 11 SENATE COMMITTEES Room numbers beginning with SR are
in the Russell Senate Office Building, room numbers beginning with SD are in the Dirksen
Senate Office Building, and room numbers beginning with SH are in the Hart Senate Office Building. STANDING COMMITTEES Phone Room Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry .............................................................................
42035 SR-328A Appropriations .................................................................................................................
47363 S-128Armed
Services ................................................................................................................
43871 SR-228 Banking, Housing, and
Urban Affairs ...........................................................................
47391 SD-534Budget
40642 SD-624 Commerce, Science, and
Transportation .......................................................................
45115 SD-508Energy
and Natural Resources ...................................................................................... 44971 SD-304 Environment and Public Works .....................................................................................
48832 SD-410Finance
44515 SD-219 Foreign Relations .............................................................................................................
44651 SD-439Health,
Education, Labor, and Pensions ....................................................................... 45375 SD-428 Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs .............................................................
42627 SD-340Indian
Affairs ..................................................................................................................
42251 SH-838 Judiciary ...........................................................................................................................
47703 SD-224Rules
and Administration ............................................................................................... 46352 SR-305 Small Business and Entrepreneurship
45175 SR-428AVeterans' Affairs ..............................................................................................................
49126 SR-412 SELECT COMMITTEES Phone Room Ethics ...............................................................................................................................
42981 SH-220 Intelligence .......................................................................................................................
41700 SH-211 SPECIAL COMMITTEE Phone Room Aging ................................................................................................................................
45364 SD-G31 JOINT COMMITTEES Phone Room Economic .....................................................................................................................................
45171 SD-G01 Library .........................................................................................................................................
52061 1309Printing
46352 SR-305 Taxation LHOB
53621 1015 DSOB ....................................................................................................................................
45561 SD-G18 12 LIAISON OFFICES Phone Room Air Force (Virginia: 703-695-7364) (RHOB) .....................................................
56656 B322 Army
(RHOB) ......................................................................................................
53853 B325Coast Guard (RHOB) ......................................................................................... 54775 B320 Marine
Corps (RHOB) ........................................................................................
57124 B324Navy (RHOB) .......................................................................................................
57126 B324 Office
of Personnel Management (RHOB) ........................................................
54955 B332Social Security (RHOB) ...................................................................................... 53133
G3, Lobby1 State Department (RHOB) .................................................................................. 64640
B330Veterans Affairs (RHOB) ...................................................................................
52280 B328 13 MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE NUMBERS Three-digit room numbers are in
the Cannon House Office Building, four-digit room numbers beginning with 1 are in the Longworth House
Office Building, and four-digit room numbers beginning with 2 are in the Rayburn House Office Building. Room numbers beginning with H2 are in the Ford House Office Building, and room numbers beginning with CVC, HVC, or
SVC are in the Capitol Visitor Center. Calls made from outside the Capitol complex can
be made by dialing (202) 22 plus the five-digit number listed in this directory. Phone Room Phone Room ADA-TTY Services (CAO) (LHOB) ............................... 51904 B227 Architect of the Capitol ............ 81793 SB15 Accounting Office .................. 62552 H2-205 Curator .................................. 81222 HT5 Human Resources ..................
51231 H2-295 Payroll ...................................
69906 H2-291B Procurement Division .............
62557 H2-261 Attending Physician .................
55421 H166 Barber Shop/House Cuts (CAO) (RHOB) ............................... 57024 B323 Beauty Salon (CAO) ................ 54008 139 Bill Status (CHOB) .................. 51772 B106 Botanic Garden ........................ 58333 245 1st St. SW Conservatory ......................... 60672 100 MD Ave. SW Capitol Visitor Center Communications and Media Inquiries ............................ 593-1816 SVC101 Executive Office ....................
593-1816 SVC101 Special Events and Room Booking ............................. 593-1775 CVC266 Visitor Services - General Tour Questions ...................
593-1762 HVC102 Caucus Room ..........................
56450 345 Chaplain ..................................
52509 HB25 Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) .................................. 58000 HB30 First Call (LHOB) .................. 58000 B227 TTY .................................... 51904 Child Care Center (CAO) ......... 59684 H2-147 Clerk of the House ................... 57000 H154 Cloakrooms Democratic
............................ 57330
H222 Floor
Information ................ 57400
H222 Legis.
Program .................... 51600
H222 Messages
Only .................... 50466
H222 Republican
............................ 57350
H223 Floor
Information ................ 57430
H223 Legis.
Program .................... 52020
H223 Commission
on Security and Cooperation in Europe .......... 51901 H2-234 Compliance, Office of .............. 724-9250 LA200 Congressional Budget Office .... 62600 H2-405 Congressional Ethics, Office of . 59739 1017 Congressional-Executive Commission
on China .......... 63766
H2-242 Congressional Research Service (CRS) .................................. 707-5700 213 J. Mad. Bldg. CRS Center (RHOB) ..............
52030 B335 CRS La Follette Cong. Reading
Rm. ...................... 77100 204 J. Mad. Bldg. Congresswomen's Suite ............ 54196 H235 Credit Union ............................ 63100 Customer Service Center (CAO) (LHOB) .................... 58000 B227 Daily Digest ............................ 52868 HT13 Dem. Caucus ........................... 51400 202A Dem. Steering and Policy Committee
........................... 50100
H232 Dry
Cleaning (CAO) (LHOB) ... 68698
B239 Emergency
Planning, Preparedness and Operations . 60950 H2-192 Employee Assistance (CAO) .... 52400 H2-140 Equipment (CAO) (LHOB) ...... 58000 B227 Facilities (CAO) ....................... 66400 Ford Data Center Financial Counseling (CAO) .....
57474 263 First Call (CAO) (LHOB) .........
58000 B227 TTY ......................................
51904 Food Services (CAO) Capitol Market .................... 53919 HB9A Ford Cafe ............................ 52238 H2-135 Longworth Cafe ................... 56372 B223 Rayburn Cafe ...................... 69067 B357 Carryout Food Service Cannon
Cafe ....................... 56230
B114 Ford
Carryout ...................... 52238
H2-126 Rayburn Deli ....................... 56768 B326 The Creamery (LHOB) ........ 56372 B224A Caterer .................................. 52529 Capitol Host (RHOB) .......... 51403 B339B Goodie's (LHOB) ................... 56372 B224B Restaurants Capitol
Visitor Center .......... 593-1869
CVC266 MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE NUMBERS Three-digit room numbers are in the Cannon House Office Building, four-digit room numbers
beginning with 1 are in the Longworth House Office Building, and four-digit room numbers
beginning with 2 are in the Rayburn House Office Building. Room numbers beginning with
H2 are in the Ford House Office Building, and room numbers beginning with CVC, HVC, or SVC are in the Capitol Visitor Center. Calls made from outside the Capitol complex can be made by dialing (202) 22 plus the five-digit
number listed in this directory. Phone Room Phone Room 14 Members' Dining Room .......
56300 H117 Reservations ......................
56300 H117 Vending, 24-hr (LHOB) .........
64358 B219 Furniture and Furnishings (CAO) (LHOB) .................... 58000 B227 General Counsel ....................... 59700 219 Gift Shops Capitol Visitor Center
Gift Shop .................................. 593-1883 SVC300 Gift Shop (CAO) (LHOB) ...... 65362 B218 Government Printing Office Congressional
Publishing Services ............................. 512-0224 GPO Congressional Record Index ... 512-0275 GPO Congressional Record Mail List
Section ........................ 512-0268
GPO Public
Document Envelopes ... 512-0224
GPO Receiving
& Shipping Clerk Supervisor (RHOB) ............ 51565 SB353C Graphics (CAO) (CHOB) ......... 63799 B72 Green the Capitol (LHOB) ....... 58000 B249 Guide and Special Services (Capitol)
.............................. 56827 South Visitor Facility TTY ...................................... 44049 Health Units Capitol
.................................. 55421
................................... 53470
110 CVC
...................................... 55442
HVC100 FHOB ................................... 52442 H2-145 LHOB ................................... 52500 1204 RHOB ................................... 57131 B344 Senate .................................... 64830 S153 History and Preservation (CHOB) ............................... 61300 B53 House Employment Counsel ..... 57075 1036 House Garages and Parking Security (RHOB) ..................
56749 G2-28 House Historian (CHOB) .........
65525 B56 House Security .........................
62044 HVC301 House Staff Fitness Center (CAO) (RHOB) .................... 51500 G224 Human Resources (CAO) ......... 52926 H2-102 ID, Employee (CHOB) ............. 53820 321 Information Systems Security ... 64988 H2-650 Information Technology Support
(CAO) ..................... 56200
H2-614 Inspector General ..................... 61250 H2-386 Interparliamentary Affairs ........ 61766 HB28 Law Revision Counsel ............. 62411 H2-308 Learning Center ....................... 63800 Legislative Computer Systems ..
51182 2401 Legislative Counsel ..................
56060 136 Legislative Operations ..............
57925 HT13 Bill Clerk ..............................
57598 HT13 Enrolling Clerk ......................
53153 HT13 Journal Clerk .........................
55558 HT13 Reading Clerk ........................
57584 HT13 Tally Clerk ............................
57347 HT13 Legislative Resource Center (CHOB) ............................... 65200 B106 Bill Status (CHOB) ................ 51772 B106 Library of Congress Congressional
Relations ......... 76577
LM-611 Locksmith (CAO) (RHOB) ....... 58000 WA-15 Logistics (CAO) (RHOB) ......... 58000 WA-26 Majority Leader – Steny H. Hoyer
................................... 53130
H107 Majority
Whip – James E. Clyburn ................................ 63210 H329 Members and Family Committee
........................... 50622
H324 Members
Services (CAO) ......... 53644
139A Minority
Leader – John A. Boehner ............................... 54000 H204 Minority Whip – Eric Cantor .. 50197 H307 Office Supply/Gift Shop (CAO) (LHOB)
............................... 53321
B217 Official
Reporters Committees ........................... 52627 1718 Floor ..................................... 55621 HT59 Page Service Democratic
............................ 54607
H222 Republican
............................ 56377
H223 Page
Residence Hall .............. 62366
Res. Hall Page Room (Capitol) .............. 54130 HT10 Page School (L. of C.) ............ 59000 LJ-A15 Parking Security Office ............ 56749 G2-28 (CHOB) ................................. 55090 Court (RHOB) 1st St. ......................
56750 G2-28 (RHOB) C St. ........................
54310 G3-22 Underground East Office ........
57565 B Level Underground West Office .......
57600 B Level Parliamentarian ........................
57373 H209 Payroll & Benefits MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE NUMBERS Three-digit room numbers are in
the Cannon House Office Building, four-digit room numbers beginning with 1 are in the Longworth House
Office Building, and four-digit room numbers beginning with 2 are in the Rayburn House Office Building. Room numbers beginning with H2 are in the Ford House Office Building, and room numbers beginning with CVC, HVC, or
SVC are in the Capitol Visitor Center. Calls made from outside the Capitol complex can
be made by dialing (202) 22 plus the five-digit number listed in this directory. Phone Room Phone Room 15 Members
............................... 53644
139A Staff
(LHOB) ........................ 51435
B215 Photography
(CAO) (RHOB) .... 52840
B302 Physician,
Attending ................ 55421
H166 Police
Headquarters ................. 82800
119 D St. Emergency ............................ 911 TTY .................................... 80911 Chief's Office ........................ 49806 119 D St. Property & Supply (FHOB) .... 63016 H2-116 RHOB Main Entrance Independence
Ave. ............. 56893 RHOB Subway Terminal ........ 56897 RHOB SW Loading Platform . 57570 Power Plant .............................
54556 E St. SE Press/Media Galleries Periodical .............................. 52941 H304 Press ...................................... 53945 H315 Radio and TV ........................ 55214 H321 Procurement Management (CAO)
.................................. 52921
H2-327 Publication Services (CHOB) ... 51908 B28 Recording Studio (RHOB) ........ 53941 B310 Republican Conference ............ 55107 1420 Republican Policy Committee (CHOB)
............................... 56168
B58 Resume
Referral Service (CAO) (LHOB) ............................... 58000 B227 Sergeant at Arms ..................... 52456 H124 TTY ......................................
62473 Chamber Security ..................
50067 HB6 Shoe Shine (CAO) Cannon Basement Rotunda ..... 50075 Ford HOB - 3d St. Entrance .... 62236 House Cuts (RHOB) .............. 57024 B323 Speaker Speaker's Office - Nancy Pelosi ................................. 50100 H232 Speaker's Floor Office ............ 50510 H209 Speaker's Congressional Office ................................
54965 235 Superintendent of House Office Buildings (RHOB) ................ 54141 B341 Air Conditioning (RHOB) ...... 54141 B341 Carpenter Shop (Capitol) ........ 88800 HT42 House Office Bldgs. (RHOB) 54141 B337 Electrician (Capitol) ............... 88800 HT42 House Office Bldgs. (RHOB) 54141 B341 Elevators (RHOB) .................
54141 B341 Engineer (Capitol) .................
88800 HT42 House Office Bldgs. (RHOB) 54141 B341 Laborers' Room (RHOB) ........ 51957 HT47 Machine Shop (Capitol) .........
88800 HT42 Paint Shop (Capitol) ...............
88800 HT42 House Office Bldgs. (RHOB) 54141 B341 Plumber (Capitol) ..................
88800 HT42 House Office Bldgs. (RHOB) 54141 B341 Recycling (Capitol) ................
88800 HT42 House Office Bldgs. (RHOB) 54141 B341 Sheet Metal Shop (Capitol) .....
88800 HT42 House Office Bldgs. (RHOB) 54141 B341 Subway Shop (RHOB) ........... 54141 B341 Superintendent's Office (Capitol) ............................ 88800 HT42 Switchboard, Congressional ...... 0 6th Fl. Postal Square Telecommunications (CAO) ..... 56002 H2-677 Travel Airlines Ticket
Office (LHOB) 522-2286
B222 Amtrak
1-800-872-7245 TTY (Telecommunications for the Deaf)
(CAO) Incoming Calls ...................... 51904 Machine Location for Outgoing Calls LHOB ................................. B227 U.S. Postal Service (CAO) Capitol ..................................
65417 HT-1 CHOB ...................................
65408 202 FHOB ...................................
65413 H2-121 LHOB ...................................
65425 B202 Mail Collections (RHOB) .......
63764 G1-17A Postal Operations (LHOB) ......
63764 B240 RHOB ................................... 50956 2106