Greenspan, C Span, Yes he can.. hat's off to the new show in Medford Barry!
Hello fellow Republicans and friends,
After a nearly four year absense, I've decided to revive the public
access TV series I produced from 2003-06, "Today's Republican Voice", which will run thirty minutes per monthly
My guest is Gene Pinkham, a local conservative Republican newspaper columnist.
Barry Greenspan Producer, "Today's Republican Voice" Former Chairman, Malden Republican City
Committee Associate member, Malden Republican City Committee
Comflm Registry proudly Preserves Public
Works Documents for the past 17 years on Beacon Hill, and Documents Public Events & Press Conferences when
invited. A Pro Bono copy of footage is given to any Committee up to 2011 being covered in order to promote honest trackable
press standing for Independant Reporters who wish to join Comflm Registry and be respected for their integrity in reporting
the daily News in New Media Format. When we have the 350 reporters we will continue this practice keeping copyright
to producers and pro bono donations to Committee intact.