Boston Herald at the GOP Plymouth Dinner Sept 18 2010
Republican Primary
Totals - Statewide
215,008 SCOTT LIVELY (write-in) 1,021 TIMOTHY CAHILL (write-in)
RICHARD TISEI 191,442 KEITH DAVIS (write-in) 1,925
JAMES MCKENNA (write-in) 27,711 GUY CARBONE (write-in) 9,505
Way short
on publicity & support Mass Resistance Email 9 28 10
Finally, Massachusetts GOP getting it together..
here is a list you might want to connect with for a story.. remember this site is a Reporters Blotter..and is in order by
date on every page.. and by topic on page.
| MassGOP Newsletter June 8, 2010
U.S. Senator Brown to Receive Lincoln-Reagan Award
United States Senator Scott Brown will receive
the 2010 Lincoln-Reagan Award from the Massachusetts Republican Party at a June 25th reception. Invitations to the Annual Lincoln-Reagan Reception are in the mail, so please save the date and plan
on joining the MassGOP in congratulating Senator Brown on his accomplishments. The special evening will also feature special
guest Charlie Baker, the Republican nominee for Governor. The reception
will be held the evening of Friday, June 25 at the Seaport Hotel, One Seaport Lane, Boston. For more information, email Will
Walker, finance director, at
MassGOP Office Hours for Candidates The staff of the Massachusetts Republican Party will hold open office hours
to provide strategic planning and assistance to all GOP candidates through the election. The office hours are in addition
to the training materials and seminars the MassGOP staff is conducting statewide. Weekly office hours will be on Mondays from 3-5 p.m. at the 85 Merrimac St., Boston, headquarters, with finance,
political, field and media staff available for consultation. For more information, candidates should email Mike Rigas,
political director, at
174 Republicans Running in 2010 In a show of strength and enthusiasm, 174 Republican candidates have qualified
for the ballot this year, the most fielded in recent memory. The 2010 election season will also include 29 Republican primaries
and a strong interest in congressional seats. Or as the Boston Globe headline read, "Packed field changes game for Democrats"
The Capitol View - Blog for the GOP House Caucus - Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Republican Leader CONTACT US:
The Massachusetts Republican Party 85 Merrimac St., Suite 400 Boston, MA 02114 (617) 523-5005 STATE PARTY STAFF: GET CONNECTED: |
GOP planning to block the Dems on Wall Street
.. the Hill Reports
ComflmRegistryMember ChrisNoonanFunnell at the
GOP Convention last week..
| MassGOP
Newsletter April 26, 2010
RICHARD ROSS FOR STATE SENATE! May 11th is a date we're asking all of you to have in the forefront of your minds. Rep. Richard Ross is running for state
senate in a special election taking place on that critical date, covering the towns of: Wayland, Needham, Wellesley,
Natick, Sherborn, Millis, Norfolk, Franklin, Wrentham, Plainville, North Attleborough and Attleboro. This past weekend, Senator Scott Brown was here in Massachusetts
campaigning for Rep. Ross in Attleboro and Natick. CLICK HERE to read about the events. You can also CLICK HERE to visit Rep. Ross’ website. Learn about his message of bringing jobs and fiscal sanity to Massachusetts. Time is of essence, and here's how you can help: 1.) Phone Bank - Call (508) 384-6240 or visit Richard Ross' Campaign HQ in Wrentham at 29 Franklin Street. Also, you
can email Mike Rigas to schedule a time to phone bank: 2.) Donate!
- Visit to contribute and help drive Richard Ross to victory on May 11th! PLEASE GET INVOLVED TODAY! IN CASE YOU
MISSED IT CLICK HERE to watch MassGOP Chairman Jennifer Nassour on NECN with Jim Braude this past week, discussing the GOP's goals for November.  BAKER: ONE PARTY RULE ATTACK ON TAXPAYERS
CONTINUES Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker today warned of more spending and higher taxes if Patrick or Cahill were elected.  Baker was joined on Beacon Hill by LG candidate Sen. Richard Tisei and Barbara Anderson, executive director of
Citizens for Limited Taxation and Government, to condemn the one party rule that has run amok with tax hikes and increased
spending, as the Legislature has been forced to backtrack on its latest attempt to raise taxes. "The Legislature’s
most recent attempt to raise taxes, by doing an end run around Proposition 2 ½, is typical of the Beacon Hill mentality
which always chooses tax hikes over doing the tough work of reforming government and cutting spending,” said Baker.
"Whether it's serious pension reform or giving cities and towns plan design authority, Governor Patrick and Treasurer
Cahill have ignored the real reforms necessary to improve our state. It's no wonder spending has spiraled out of control
under their watch." SUMMER
INTERNS WANTED! The MassGOP is still seeking Summer Interns during this critical election season. The deadline
is soon, so be sure to contact in order to ensure your spot to make history today HELPFUL
LINKS: The Capitol View - Blog for the GOP House Caucus - Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Republican Leader CONTACT US:
The Massachusetts Republican Party 85 Merrimac St., Suite 400 Boston, MA 02114 (617) 523-5005 STATE PARTY STAFF: GET CONNECTED: |
| Bush starts institute on media and educating women globally. RNC Chairman resigns
the Buzz is out.. there was a scirmish to put
another person in than Teisei.. I was there and my group said nothing about this one..,, at the Convention.. take a listen
Let's call this one.. All Politics is
Local.. JAldrich, CatchoftheDay, VideoNewsFreelanceReporting Republican Convention Worcester takes place Saturday April 17 2010 .. Republicans tie
a juggernut in election process that Brown skirting the subject of gay marriage when asked by reporters in Scott Browns words..
"people have moved on" concerning the gay marriage debate.. WEEEEEL see... the fight has just begun
if you ask Comflm Reporter. The people have no choice now and this Party will be soon wiser for the lesson when it comes to
the vote in November.. Let's see who will help out in this battle. I say the homosexual crowd have some deep searching
to do when it comes to poster boy Patrick versus Baker/Teisei.. in the coming elections. At least the subject will be addressed and avoided the balance will see saw both to oblivion if you
ask me. People will now have to speak louder or forever hold their peace in this marriage of politics and conservatism
vs immorality and the right wing of the Republican party a passe in Massachusetts. Shall we mourn or move.. that is the question.
No choice is Republican now and if you ask me the Tea Party will have to choose also as the heat is on the pot to identify
with even tougher moral compass questioning by the estranged media. Shall the Republicans in November shout to the Conservatives
amongus the BRIDGE IS OUT! NO PASSAGE?? I think the word is now out already and it will not be about color as in bigotry
but local color of the political machine..
Wait theres more! Tales from the FlipFlopps.. Romney gets straw poll for President... am I reading
this right?? Did anyone not think this would be happening?? Bricks work better than straw.. says little this little
the wolf..stalking his house..
Yahoo posts Gingrich Blasts Obama.. love
this but wait there's more! just what we need.. Gingrich.. that will depend
on God.. will come back to haunt him.. though I love God and the statement for personal belief the haters of God and Country
will take that one to the cleaners.. show and tell will continue til November.. 2012.. oh well, Gingrich is not known for
his meekness is he.. Browns seat up for grabs.. Tuesday Race.. in Needham ....
FOX NEWS states am news before 6am.. Brown
distancing himself from the Tea Party and Palin?????youve gotta be kidding Brown.. 4 12 10 Fairy tale Brown betta realize who put him in office.. distance
yourself??? your going to hit rock hard ground Brown.. your ticking the we the people off.. and when you start hearing
from them .. your ear will tingle.. don't say I didn't warn you.. I feel a de ja vu coming on.. JAldrich
Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance reporting!
Was Scott thinking on "his" feet
when he made that stupid statement yesterday for the world to see.. so the Hill says he is busy getting re elected?? how dumb
is dumb Scott. You should have called Comflm Registry News for a tip on what to do.. too bad.. Your pundits only scratch the
surface.. I go behind the 8 ball. I admit I am not perfect.. I have learned how to say I make mistakes.. RNC Chairman Resigns.. 940pm cst replaced by Leavitt.. posting 4 6 10 830 est very raw story .. boston news..
twist in bashing.. GOP Senator defends Pelosi
jabbing Fox News ..?? posting 4 06 10
Bus ride to Republican
Convention on Saturday 4/17/2010 at 7 am,10 Centurion Park, Peabody, Mass to Worcester.. Beverly
Republican Town Committee sponsored, $ 20. Contract Eamon Fennessy by e-mail, if interested. New Hampshire Activist Resigns RNC putting more pressure on Steele.. Newsmeat.. 4 06 10
When is the Convention? April 17, 2010 Where
is the Convention? At the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. DCU Center 50 Foster Street Worcester, MA 01680 How can I volunteer to help at the Convention? We are happy to have excited volunteers to make this a successful event.
Please go to the Volunteer page to sign up. What is the cost
of the Convention? The cost to attend is $65.00 per delegate
before March 19, 2010, or $75.00 per person after that date. Can
anyone come to the Convention? Delegates, Volunteers and
Guests are welcome. The cost to attend as a guest is $25.00 per person. How many delegates does my town get to send to the Convention? Please download the delegate allocation PDF HERE How does one become a delegate? Any registered Republican as of December 1, 2009 is eligible to be a delegate. The person must
be a resident of the ward or town in which they are selected. Who
gets to decide who the delegates will be? Delegates are
chosen by each organized Republican ward or town committee, and delegates ex officio. When are the delegates elected? The
delegates are elected at a caucus held by their Republican Town Committee. Each town or ward shall elect its delegates during
the period beginning on the 87th day (Janurary 20, 2010) prior to the Convention and ending on the 73rd day (February 3, 2010)
prior to the Convention. Who’s considered an ex-officio? The following persons shall be eligible to be delegates ex officio: (i) based
on office held as of the date of the ward or town delegate election: The Regular Members of the State Committee, any Republican
Senator or Representative in the General Court, the Sheriff, or District Attorney of each county if a registered Republican;
(ii) County Commissioners, Registers of Probate, Registers of Deeds, Elected Clerks of Courts, and County Treasurers if holding
office and if a registered Republican; (iii) mayor, selectman, alderman, and city or town councilors and school committee
(municipal, regional, vocational) if holding office and if a registered Republican; (iv) the Chair of each Republican “City,
Town, or Ward” Committee; (v) 150 members of the Convention Planning Committee selected by the Party Chair; (vi) 150
members of the Massachusetts Republican Finance Committee selected by the Party Chair; (vii) current and former Republican
Congressmen & Senators, Republican state-wide officeholders; (viii) all present and former Party Chairs and executive
directors of the State Committee; and; (ix) candidates for state representative and state senate who qualified for the ballot
in the last election immediately preceding the convention, only if members or associate members of their Republican town or
city committee. Ex Officio delegates shall have all the rights and duties of elected delegates, including the right to vote.
Newcomers are welcome! Thank
you to everyone who has sent in their reply form already.
FEINBURG FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 6:00 SOCIAL HOUR, 7:00 DINNER 1640 HART HOUSE RESTAURANT, 51 LINEBROOK ROAD, IPSWICH Christina Bain, John Racho, Rep. Brad Hill and the Ipswich Republican Town Committee invite you to the Annual Essex County
GOP Dinner for an evening conversation with WRKO morning co-host Todd Feinburg. We will also be joined by special guest,
Mary Connaughton, former Turnpike Authority Board of Directors and candidate for State Auditor. If you have any questions,
call John Racho at 978-412-8152.
If you have not RSVPed by mail yet, you can RSVP ONLINE at by Monday and mail a check payable to the "Essex Club PAC" to John Racho, 395 Linebrook Road, Ipswich, MA 01938.
Please include meal choice when you RSVP: -Fall Orchard Chicken. Boneless breast of chicken stuffed with
apples, currants, dried cranberry, sausage and bread crumbs, finished with cider sauce. -Pork Loin stuffed with Sage
Sausage, Bread and Dried Fruit. Roasted and served with a Madera pan gravy. -Traditional North Atlantic Baked Haddock,
served with buttery cracker crumbs. -All meals served with oven roasted red bliss potatoes, Hart House Garden Salad,
Apple Crisp topped with Ice Cream and Coffee
DIRECTIONS: Route 95 North to Exit 50. Follow signs to
Route 1 North. Pass Topsfield Fairgrounds. Go straight through 2 more lights. At third light (Cumberland
Farms), turn right onto Linebrook Road. The Hart House will be on the left across the street from Our Lady of Hope Catholic
Also, Save the Date... CAPE ANN FOR CHARLIE BAKER SATURDAY, MAY 1, 5:00-7:00pm WOODMANS,
-- -John N. Racho Republican State
Committee, MA First Essex and Middlesex Senate District<>
OOPS I couldn't resist this one.. Happy Easter
America.. have we repented yet?? Also called RNC takes a hit!