Team Sholley,
A new website has been set up for supporters of Earl Sholley. This website is open to the public, it is a place
to organize, and plan grassroots efforts. The more people we have involved with this site, the better.
is similar to Scott Brown's "Brown Brigade" site, which was very useful for Brown.
visit the site, sign up and get involved. Pass the link along to your friends.
It's time to go into action, let's make Sholley's Battalion
a very popular site!
Thank you for supporting Earl Sholley!
| Earl Sholley- A Son of the American
Revolution |
| Earl Sholley, Vietnam-Era Veteran, Tank Commander, and Republican
Candidate for Congress, in the 4th District of Massachusetts, has just been informed by Jack Manning, a genealogist for the
Sons of the American Revolution, that he is pending approval for admission into the national organization. Almost 165,000
members have been admitted since their founding, which includes 16 American Presidents. The Sons of the American
Revolution is an organization of the descendents of the men and women Patriots of the American Revolution. The SAR consists
of 28,000 members in over 500 chapters in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
The organization was founded in 1876 on the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution as a civic and fraternal organization
to salute those men and women who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the battle for independence
from Great Britain. They desired to keep alive their ancestor's story of patriotism and courage in the belief that it
is a universal one of man's struggle against tyranny - a story that would inspire and sustain succeeding generations when
they would have to defend and extend our freedoms. Earl's Swiss ancestors came to America in the mid-1700's. He
anticipates joining the National Organization, The Sons of the American Revolution, the Massachusetts Society, and the Robert
Treat Paine Chapter which meets in Fall River, MA. _________________________________________________________________ |
Earl Sholley has been putting
in thousands of hours meeting thousands of people, from one end of the district to the other. He is wholeheartedly
committed to serving the people and will work tirelessly to undo the damage that has been done to our great country by self
serving politicians like Barney Frank. I, for one, am ready
be represented by an informed citizen who is not a Washington insider, has not been groomed
for a career in politics, and does not walk in lockstep with the party establishment just to get elected. I
am excited to be able to vote for a candidate that shares my values and beliefs of hard work, family, education, God and country,
determination, honesty, fiscal responsibility, limited government, and respect for the Constitution. _____________________________________________________
This is the final
push with only THREE days left until the Primary on Tuesday, September 14th! Remind your family and friends to vote
too! Please, consider a donation of any size to help with last minute mailings, robo-calls
and ads. $5.00 = calls to125 voters in the district. $11.00 = 25 postage stamps $450.00
= 30 second radio ad (estimated) |
| |  | "...government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Abraham
Lincoln |
| |  | "It's not tyranny we desire; it's a just, limited, federal government." Alexander Hamilton |
| |  | "I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that
corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered
for promises of office." Andrew Jackson |
| Thank you in advance for any help you can give to the campaign whether it be in time, talent, or treasure.
As always, please know that your support is greatly appreciated. Donations
can also be sent to: Sholley for Congress PO
Box 76 |
3 16 10 BREAKING NEWS, | Greetings!
In 33 weeks, the voters will go to the polls and decide whether to continue
down the road that we are currently on, or to elect men and women who will make government more transparent, accountable,
smaller with fewer taxes, and fiscally responsible. The current model is unsustainable. We cannot continue to spend
money that we do not have.
It is time
that we start electing individuals who will represent the people, who will get our financial house in order, and who wish
to serve their country . . . not the other way around. We need candidates who have worked in the real world, and most
importantly, have common sense. BARNEY FRANK RECENTLY SAID THAT THE
the Treasury! Chairman Frank had to take back his statement. Folks, the Treasury is you and me. This is
a liability underwritten by the taxpayers. It's time to send a strong message to Chairman Frank - "You're
Please send me to Washington to repair the damage. We need to balance the budget, fix America
first, and renew our manufacturing base. We cannot continue to ship jobs offshore. People want work, not an extension
of unemployment benefits. Please support our efforts. Victory is just around the corner.
AMERICA CAN NO LONGER AFFORD BIG GOVERNMENT Please help us in the next few days with
your most generous contribution. We are approaching our 2010 Campaign Kickoff period at the end of March. We will
be running ads on radio and over the Internet. Will you please stand by me and support the People's Campaign by donating $1,000,
$500, $100, $50, or even $33.00 ASAP.
PLEASE DONATE NOW! As your next Congressman, I promise you that I will obey the Constitution, get spending
under control, work to keep Americans safe by winning the war on terror, control illegal immigration, work for parental rights
and traditional values, fight the culture of death, ensure energy independence, and protect our vital interests around the
world without continuing to be the world's policeman. Please help me to fight the deep pockets of Barney Frank's Machine by donating just $33.00.
Please send more if you are able.
Thank you for your continued support.
Together, we can get America moving again! God bless you, and God bless America!
Fighting for you, Earl Sholley
Republican Candidate for US Representative, 4th
District of Massachusetts |
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PRESS RELEASE 2 19 10 | | For Immediate
Release Contact: Lisa Camp 774-328-9850 Sholley for Congress |
| For Immediate Release 4th District Republican Congressional Candidate Earl Sholley - Statement on the Effectiveness of the Amber Alert System. Norfolk, MA, February 19, 2010 - Earl
Sholley, 4th District United States Republican Congressional Candidate
praised the Amber Alert System that is currently in place. The system,
Sholley stated "is responsible for the safe return of that 13-month-old
child, who was abducted in Swansea on Thursday. Our children are our
future, and our duty, as citizens and elected representatives is to
put into place legislation that aids in keeping them safe. Keeping its
citizens safe is one of the legitimate roles of government."
Sholley is opposing 15-term incumbent Barney Frank in the 2010 4th District Congressional Race. Sholley noted the sharp contrast between himself and Representative Frank. "Frank voted against the enhanced nationwide Amber Alert legislation in 2003. The vote in the US Senate was 98-0, and the vote in the US House was 400-25. Frank said at the time he opposed the legislation because of Republican amendments added to the bill. What were those amendments? They were more stringent measures to punish pedophiles and child pornographers.
It shows, once
again, how out of touch the incumbent is with his constituents. I can
promise the citizens of the 4th district, that, if elected, I will work toward protecting the most vulnerable citizens of the Commonwealth,
our children. " For additional information contact: Lisa Camp, at 774-328-9850 email: |
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