ARTICLE IV **Other lawful provisions, if any, for the conduct
and regulation of the business and affairs of the corporation, The definition here of conduct is the daily
business of operating a media registry: recruiting, registering, training sessions, speakers, public relations, web management, member
data base management, newsletter management, public speaking engagements, assignment desk intake and disbursement management,
accounting, sales, equipment, funding, duplication and production, film management, news teams, and all other areas of concern
and public safety links. for its voluntary dissolution, On the basis of continuous poor
support by the Independant Media Community which at present has applauded this grass root organization we will proceed
to dissolve the registry. However, it is of such importance at this time of a digital age that it is deemed that
this organization shall not ever need to be dissolved and a continuous need for emerging Independant Media to be credentialed
shall be authenticated. or for limiting, defining, or regulating the powers of the corporation, This Corporation when created shall be a governing force of this corporation alone and shall make non binding
recommendations yearly All Members are independant contractors and are in no way a personal liability to this membership
corporation. The binding inclusion process of a current Cori report is a required to belong to this
organization and shall indemnify the Corporation of any liability of wrong doing of it's members.
Any member who will not comply with a current yearly cori and is found guilty by law of a public safety crime is responsible
for himself This organization will not be responsible. This is a media membership organization that facilitates
Crew members coming together as a team and the statewide effort to recruit from the community reporters, videographers,
journalists who are willing to cover their public/private events at a consideration cost known to them alone.
This membership organization will offer non binding ongoing training notices for its members and will make available
a non binding rental car program for members through a designated rental car provider . For those who choose
not to use a personal car for their media activities. Members are responsible for their own fees relating to the rental
car program. A binding cori compliance is also achieved at this time by utilizing the rental program through the
RMV application to such rental car program. A yearly membership fee will be charged to
each member for a cori report. A fee to produce the press pass shall be charged to the members and a fee to support
the membership to COMFLM, REGISTRY . A proper identification badge shall be worn at all times while
on assignment by members. The badge shall consist of the Registry name, Comflm, Registry, Members Name and photo, Members
Id number.. State Building Access Seal stamped card.. and the name of the Independant Contractor's Business. The
photo ID shall match the RMV photo ID. That RMV ID is renewable every 5 years, and the Comflm, REgistry ID shall be
renewable every 2 years. or when address/business name changes or of its directors or members, or of any class of members, are as follows: Officers, Teams, Independant
Contractors, Interns
Comflm sm Registry News, CRNewsTeam dba Ranbo Enterprises, Hamilton, Massachusetts..
978 388 2457 Comflm Registry proudly Preserves Public
Works Documents for the past 17 years on Beacon Hill, and Documents Public Events & Press Conferences when
invited. A Pro Bono copy of footage is given to any Committee up to 2011 being covered in order to promote honest trackable
press standing for Independant Reporters who wish to join Comflm Registry and be respected for their integrity in reporting
the daily News in New Media Format. When we have the 350 reporters we will continue this practice keeping copyright
to producers and pro bono donations to Committee intact.
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