Saturday October 2 2010 a March on the Capital will take place for jobs to
support Obama and the current administration.. Can you cover this?? Catch of the
Day, Video News, Covered this event in Washington DC . A sponsor paid my transportation. I went Greyhound/PeterPan night
rider both ways no sleep at all. That is a story in itself. I walked the full distance from the House of Representatives
to the Lincoln Memorial pulling my camera gear in my bag plus a few extra stuff for the trip. . I took a pedi cab for
a few blocks for 10.00 all I could afford. My footage is about 1.5 hour long. I tried to capture the gathering
crowd but had to stop and rest twice. I ended at the Lincoln Memorial as it was stopping. So the entire walk was a good
4 hours. All for 2.5 miles . My comment is that it was primarily a black spanish
latino event that supported communists socialists pro choicers and homosexulaity. Rev Jesse Jackson spoke and many others.
Yes there were whites present, but in my past 6 years taping public events I have never seen as many Blacks attend anything.
And my footage proves the point. JAldrich, 10 07 10

Time To Stand Up For Families
Dear Janet,
I’ve never felt so alone in the fight
for the family.
To be honest with you, I don’t know if I can go on much longer...
Every day
it’s something new.
Like when my heart sank as Ann Coulter announced she’s abandoning the family
to team up with so-called “conservative” homosexuals.
By speaking at GOProud’s “Homocon”
last Saturday, she gave her personal endorsement to those in the Homosexual Lobby who want to infiltrate our movement and
destroy us from the inside.
Say it isn’t so, Ann! Where did you go wrong?
I remember just
a year ago, Ann joined me in calling on Christians to take action and get involved in the fight for traditional values.
In her own words, she told us “it’s time for the churches to stand up and react” to the “endless
push for gay marriage.”
But now, she’s dumped us like last week’s garbage...
paced my office for two hours last Saturday as she delivered her speech. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I just
felt so... alone.
Today, I wonder if you are still with me.
I try to be positive and focus on the
countless times in the last 30 years you and I drove back the Homosexual Agenda.
But never have the Radical Homosexuals
and their allies been so vicious, so powerful, and so well-financed.
They have been strolling through the Halls
of Congress handing out campaign contributions like sweet candy in an attempt to win over weak-kneed Republicans who may be
about to re-take congress.
And it’s working...
Just last week, Senator John Cornyn of Texas
attended a fundraiser hosted by the “Log Cabin Republicans.”
You know them; they’re the oldest
cell of homosexual Republicans in D.C.
The same “Log Cabin Republicans” that are suing our military
for protecting soldiers from homosexual filth.
The same “Log Cabin Republicans” that are teaming up
with groups like the “Republicans for Choice” and the “Republican Youth Majority.”
infiltrators actively recruit pro-abortion environmentalists into our movement to disguise themselves as “conservatives.”
Why, John? Just for extra campaign cash?
And Senator Cornyn isn’t the only former ally of
the family who is now pandering to the Homosexual Lobby.
Grover Norquist, once a trusted conservative activist,
has double crossed us as well.
He is not only supporting the radical homosexual GOProud organization, but has also
become a member of their advisory board!
He even claims radical homosexuals are “an important part of the
conservative movement.”
By God, no, Grover!
These people want to tear down traditional marriage
and erect in its place a brave new world of free-love promiscuity!
How can they possibly be “an important
part of the conservative movement?”
As conservatives, we understand that family is the basis of any society.
Without strong and healthy families, anchored in a mother and father’s holy matrimony, America doesn’t
stand a chance against the socialist schemes that threaten our nation.
Lenin (the Soviet communist, not the
English singer) said it himself: “[If you] destroy the family, you destroy the country.”
We used to
know that.
But now I feel like my soul’s being ripped away, like I’ve been left out in the cold,
abandoned in the family’s greatest time of need...
I feel like all that is good and wholesome in this
country is falling apart, like the bulwarks of liberty I’ve helped defend for 30 years are crashing down.
it seems no one will stand with the family anymore...
Except you.
You have always been there
for the family... and for me.
I know it is impossible to give every time I ask and painful to give as much as is
But, I need to know you’re still with me.
Will you sign your Renewed Commitment to the Family today? |
Left leaning Church mob spit at Breitbart.. video content
included.. check this out .. today.. Great link from Drudge on New York Tornado today 9 16 10 great footage great
story.. GOP goes after Dems on Don't Ask Don't Tell posting 9 16 10, Remember this story??? Very scary how these stories just
seem to slip by and go submarine ..
copy and paste the following link to get AP
on your desktop.
Will Obama bow to Brian Camenker when he sees
these great authentic racist photos by MassResistance?? oops sorry Oby this is your crowd! 4 25 10
31,000 bed bug infestations in facilities
in California.. yikes 40 Percent people do not react to bites. can come in on luggage.. Dr Oz. on TV right this minute. 91510
Breaking News:, 1000 people found God.. in KCMO.. check this out! 24/7 internet broadcast..never be sad again.. this is where
it is at.. 1000 attend services .. coming from everywhere.. to be in the midst of the 24/7 song and praise ministry College..
prayer room ..
Best News site ever:, for the full story on news. posting to Blip tonight
the Maine coverage listed below. Stay tuned. I have been told to use U Tube. I like Blip because all my
footage is in one place. The Bus is traveling around the USA. There were approximately 15 people there tonight
and equal on the panel. Portland is 76 miles north of Newburyport. A long ride . There is a press conference
at 830AM tomorrow at Roxbury Community College in the McDonald room. Please come.
Monday June 20 2010, House and Senate have
formal sessions this week to settle budget items, Common Cause has a Press conference at noon today on election finance, Romney
is in town on Wednesday keep watching for new updates, just getting back into swing.. JAldrich
Thursday June 17, 2010, please if the left wing nuts
go normal which is nuts, what do the right wing nuts do?? Tell the left wings they are wong.. because they are right!
So the lefties are so out of control they are attacking the Constitution again... please get on the phones.. because they
will arrest you if you let this one slip on by.. Days of love and fuzzies is over.. Lets arrest them.. first.. becuz they
are weally wong this time.. Reid must be so woeweed.. Harry, get over yourself.. go home and just give us a rest.. it is summer
dude... What is your problem?? come on... come on.. come on.. you are a commie arent.. u... What's sa matter?? the handwriting
on the wall again thing?? Be a man Harry and stop the takeover..
of the Constitution.. no forgiveness without confession.. you get arrested for that kind of stuff.. are there any men left??
Ronald Reagan said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from
extinction" Are we seeing this happen in our eyes???
Saturday july 3 2010.. Herb Chambers is offering
a Honda Lease on a new car for $99.00 per month. Of course there will be a downpayment, but can you think about
maybe donating to Comflm Registry News? We would then have a car to use for Stories.. especially during Election year..
think about it. email, And if you get one tell them you saw the ad here and if they lease a ton due to this site, maybe they will give us
a deal.. Happy Fourth of July!, AP Reports on Mexico City Pride Parade 6
27 10 This is the by product of casinos.. we all forgot to foresee..
stupid is as stupid does.. 6 26 10.. net neutrality means the FCC will have power to stop comcast
and verizon from blocking your emails, streaming video content and amount of usage you use. I support net neutrality.
J Aldrich
Census workers can enter your homes, apartments! on oil spill updates.. 4pm monday 53110
Seatle Washington story, they want nude beach??
Full list of Obamacrats by AMann you've got to
see this one! Posted May 3 2010 just saw this.. amazing.. put it on the refrigerator.. email me when you have it memorized for a
private test and a prize..
When is
a good thing a bad thing? Do you have control of your internet appetite? Read this report on a couple who neglected
a baby to be online.. this is serious folks.. are your instincts to slow down and get off the net capturing your mind and
body ?? Students kicked off campus for a flag on their tea shirts.. Principle suspended.. gooood bye! dont come
back no more no more hit the road jack don't come back no more!
Funny funny funny!
Oh vel Dorothy, does Kansas have any
ole fashioned fear of the Lord?? Weeeel see.. Kansas overturns abortion ban on late term abortions.. is it a wonder or strange to you that all the earthquakes are in concepti...on.. ?? Spiritual
tools for dummies chapter one. I lived near Kansas when a young woman. It was obvious to me then that those
real Bible thumpers got their real Fear of the Lord from all the wicked tornado
stories we lived through every fall and spring.. someone make a book of those stories will ya?? At least start a Blog.
connecting the dots..
Sixty 60 Hospitals fold after new health care bill..
well isn't that the point?? To bankrupt all hospitals so the people have no choice because the Gov underbid the cost closing
hospitals on purpose and then wait the price will go up.. and there will be no choice and no way out of the socialism strangler
at large..,
Cap and Trade Treason article Environmental Hoax..
posting 4 27 10
Conservatives in the movie business are being
shunned.. released 5 minutes ago.. 42710 media research .. this is the story released on the spit story during Health Care Debates.. now combined with immigration
vs tea party roudiness.42710 no video yet on this incident and has anyone asked Cleavor to talk about it?? Because the pink code people were throwing water at the tea party people.. could that have been mistaken
as spittal???? nothing sacred.. ponzi meat scam has 10 children when temptation strikes.. who can be left standing?? Paul Revere rides again! Check this photo out! Today Would Revere be Yelling the EU is Coming!!?? found this for you 4 9 10 lots of other interesting conservative news also.. Two Newsmeat Stories to watch! posting 4 06 10 ja
posting 3 29 2010
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