You gotta check this site!
President Faust, how appropriate to be the one to force Harvard
to denounce DADT .. de ja vue.. should she not be concerned her name is too telling?? That is Divine Appointment!
C-Span will be covering One Nation Live on the Green
12noon Oct 2 2010, Washington Dc where Unions, Socialists, Communists, Transvestites, Planned Parenthood and many other coming
in 500 buses will march on the Capital for jobs.
TRANSGENDER MARCH: The Massachusetts
Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) and Lesbian Gay and Bisexual community are planning to march in Washington D.C. on
Saturday The Power, National Black Justice Coalition, National Stonewall Democrats, Queers for Economic Justice, MTPC, National
Center for Transgender Equality. Buses will leave from Massachusetts on Friday, Oct. 1 and return early Sunday, Saturday Washington DC details on March, Ryan Sorba taking on Frank Kameny, gay identity icon. Sorba double edge geek brain sword, (National
sword weilding Icon ZORBA the Greek revisited) will send terror down Kameny's back when he tries to sink
his mantra fangs into Sorbas Geeky's brain tissue, cloned from Socrates or something like that.. Can't wait for this
to eclipse on the western horizon.. take em down szorba.. Or is it Washington? who cares just get em.. were all rooting
for you maybe a few bets might happen too.. how gay is that.. can't vait.. New Spyware can attack a single item. Rev Michael Carl found this article
Iran President
Threatens "WAR without Borders" -- Urgent
Video Dear Reader, As you probably know, Iran's President
Mahmoud Ahmedinejad threatened the already struggling Obama administration with a "war without borders" if Iran's
nuclear facilities get attacked. This is yet another fiery comment in a long string he's made over the years, threatening Israel, threatening
total war, and even insulting the Holocaust. And even worse, his latest comments came right from New York City where he met with
the United Nations...outrageous! But there IS a way you can protect yourself and your family from this insanity. It's revealed in this urgent video, that
also shows you the REAL reason Iran wants the here to watch it now. Regards, Byron W. King Petroleum Geologist, Investor Advocate
Press material available for cost on the New York visit
by Ahmadinejad.. see below What I said
would happen in New York did happen when I confronted Iran's leaders and President Ahmadinejad.
Tonight I will
send out the intelligence briefing on everything that happened. I don't want anyone to be left out. With your gift of any
amount today, you will receive the briefing. Would you be kind enough to send a gift to make it possible for me to continue
to be your ambassador defending Israel?
Click here to give a donation online:
Here are the questions that will be answered:
How did you get into the hotel with Iranian diplomats
when the U.S. press was kept out?
Were there Iranian spies in the hotel?
Why are you saying Iran panicked?
What happened?
How did you get such favor with most of Iran's diplomats when you have been one of the strongest
opponents of them, have written many books opposing them, and are an unapologetic Christian Zionist?
What happened
at the hotel between Iran and other diplomats that forced New York City police to handcuff one of the diplomats?
What did you say to Iran's President?
Thank you to each one who gave a gift to send me to New York City to confront
the Iranians who want to wipe Israel off the map. Your heavenly account has multiplied 1,000 times.
Here is a
sample of what you will receive:
I had just made arrangements with the Secret Service to inspect the camera equipment
for the interview when all hell broke loose. Iranians were shouting at each other in the Hilton Hotel lobby in a growing state
of panic. The Iranian chief of staff then came to me and asked if the Fox Network could arrange a debate between Ahmadinejad
and Obama. I said there was no chance of that happening.
The situation became totally chaotic when Ahmadinejad
himself arrived. The Iranian delegates were shouting at one another and running around in alarm. A Sudanese diplomatic delegation
arrived from the UN shortly afterward for a scheduled meeting with the Iranian leader. Before the meeting, a scuffle broke
out as they pushed, shoved and screamed at each other. One of the Sudanese diplomats had to be cuffed by police.
Ahmadinejad's aides would only repeat to me that the president had "bilateral problems, bilateral problems."
It was Iran's mullahs who overpowered many of their own diplomats in demanding Ahmadinejad attack America by accusing
the U.S. of carrying out the 9/11 attacks. I met with the Iranian religious leaders and their diplomats in the hotel, and
the inescapable conclusion is that the mullahs, Iran's real rulers, were seeking to use Ahmadinejad's speech to appeal to
their followers in Iran. During the Fox interview the mullahs were seated next to the cameras; there were few Iranian diplomats
in the room.
Eric Shawn asked Ahmadinejad if the Mahdi, the prophesied redeemer of Islam and the world, would
come soon. Ahmadinejad responded in the affirmative. Shawn then followed up by asking if his coming would be ushered in by
an apocalyptic event.
In the four days at the Hilton Hotel, Iranian spies living in the United States poured in
almost hourly. Some claimed to be physicians, others were journalists, and numerous business leaders as well. One thing was
obvious they were treated as celebrities by Iran. In addition, diplomats with embassies from Turkey to Pakistan used their
missions to assist Iran. The entourage ranged from a Holocaust-denying rabbi desperately trying to profit financially from
Iran to a group of Zionist-denying rabbis who had the same ambitions.
To see the uncut version of the Ahmadinejad
interview, click below:
Your ambassador to Jerusalem,
Mike Evans
Your Jerusalem World News:
Your Jerusalem Prayer Team:
The last question above video question to President of Iran
was is there a moslem savior coming.. his last words are he is coming much sooner than you think.. do you think he thinks
he is it? Very smirky smirky ...
Oklahoma where
the waving wheat, shall sure smell sweet is now brewing up a not so sweet sharia law fight on it's Capital Hill. Are
we going to ignore this battle brewing on November Election Day? Are we willing to stick out heads in the sand and ignore
the fires blowing across this great land in the natural and the political? We have a problem. Do you know Obama
reported Arizona to the Human Rights Commission for protecting it's borders? Do you think he will stop this? Wake
up America or be Waked. Time to smell the waving wheat! | LIVE CONFERENCE CALL With Washington DC: Council on Security Policy & Oklahoma Rep Sat Sept 25 6:pm dial in: 605-562-3000 code:
Or Join Skypes at tulsahouse2 (send
your skype address to us by noon please to be on)
Dear Janet,
Thank you for the interest you have shown in attending our briefings for national security matters and our Ground
Zero Prayer Shield meetings.
Saturday Sept 25th, Tomorrow, we will be hosting
3 important events.
10:30 we
will be meeting with staff and volunteers and board members at the Tulsa Prayer House.
If you can not attend, Would You Please call in on the conference call number above and join? We urgently need to have each
one involved that are working with us on the WHO IS GOD crusade for the billboards/trucks/rallies/musical events this fall
and next year. (We want to literally wrap America in the Blood Line and evoke Word
Based & Blood Covenant Based Biblical Prayer for this nation!)
Noon to 3:00 We will be live connected to the streaming at for the Solem Assembly at Plymouth MA. There will be Lou Engle and others praying and fasting at the place where our forefathers
first met with God on American soil. There will be a unified plea for Him to hear us and turn this nation back to the Constitutional
Design and Christian/Judaic government that He first inspired. If you are in Tulsa, please join us in the Prayer Room at the
TULSA PRAYER HOUSE 7724 S Evanston Ave, Tulsa, OK 7436
4:30 - 8:30 NATIONAL SECURITY briefing, Conference Call, Prayer. EVE SCHEDULE 4:30 with a "Tea
Party". Bring a covered dish, something to throw on the grill, and a friend. - 6:00 In the Prayer
Room at the Tulsa Prayer House, we will connect to a Live Briefing Call
- from
Washington DC. Frank Gaffney (or his assistant Chris Brim),
the former assistant Secretary of Defense for Ronald Regan and his staff and guests will be speaking to us
about the upcoming elections and the Anti Sharia Bill that puts
Oklahoma on the Front Lines for the entire nation just like the gay marriage battle put Massachussettes on the front lines.
- 7:00 - 7:30 Power Point update on the LNG Crisis in Massachusettes and Maryland. Let's prevent the
next 9/11!
- 7:30 Exact Steps:
- How to get the Anti- Sharia Bill Passed in OK
- How to get the Conservative Voice heard in the Nov
- How to route out and halt
the Muslim Brother Hood activity in your community NOW!
- 8:30 Prayer and Q & A (You asked for a foot path
of where you can place your feet to be active and make a difference. So tune in or come. You will be glad you did.)
| OKlahoma #755 Anti-Sharia Bill is on the ballot for November. Pray about it.
Read about it. It will be significant for the entire nation! A
group of Muslim Brotherhood protesters in PA last month vowed and shouted that Shaira would come. Allah's law. And then they
would "Veil America's women!" |
send a support offering today.
Shelli Manuel
Harvest Projects
International Inc PO Box 6518, Branson, MO 65615 918-493-1004 |
| |
| Attend
a briefing in Ventura CA Sept 29th, call 805-223-4646
or LAX CA on Oct 3rd
or Sacremento CA Sept
27th or 28th email for information:
Harvest Projects International Inc | 759 CJC #272 | Cohasset | MA | 02025 |
This article comes on the wake of the no vote on DADT
today in the Senate but reminds readers the intent is still to use the Courts to overule the will of the people and the Legislative
Arm and become the final arbetor of anarchy in the USA. Wake up or be waked America. Are we going to stop this
madness or what? DADT is on its last unconstitutional legBy
Joe Solmonese - 09/22/10 01:50 PM ET Article printed and sent in email by the Hill. Wash DC Yesterday was a sad day for our men and women in uniform and every American whose freedom
they fight to protect. Senator John McCain led the Republicans in a game of partisan politics in filibustering the annual
defense bill and won – for now. While the Senate didn’t take the necessary steps to get this
discriminatory law off the books, thankfully there are other avenues to ensuring our military remains the best and most capable
fighting force in the world.
Reflecting on yesterday’s loss, I can’t help but think of the 14,000 veterans
discharged under “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” since 1993 and the nearly 70,000 gay, lesbian, and bisexual
service members who continue to selflessly serve in silence. They have been waiting for the Senate – for their country
– to come through for them, to allow them to finally serve openly, honestly, and with the full integrity their uniform
The Senate failed them. Election year posturing beat out not only dedication to our men and women in uniform,
but also the will of the American people. Nearly 80 percent of Americans hold the common sense belief that on the battlefield
what matters is getting the job done, not sexual orientation.
There is still hope though that the end of DADT is
near. Senate Majority Leader Reid has committed to bring the bill back up following the mid-term elections. In over 40 years,
Congress has not failed to act on the National Defense Authorization Act, and we hope they don’t fail the troops this
year. We are in a time of war and the stakes are too high. We will continue that fight to create a lasting and durable policy
that discrimination has no place in our armed forces.
On another front in the battle for repeal, the Log Cabin
Republicans successfully argued in front of a federal district judge that DADT is unconstitutional. After hearing significant
evidence, including testimony by six discharged service members and seven expert witnesses, the decision makes clear that
DADT does not further the government’s interest in military readiness or unit cohesion. The decision also acknowledges
that that the military is discharging qualified service members, including those with skills critical for the military’s
Opponents of open service are out of arguments. They may have won the day through procedural maneuvering
on the Senate floor this week, but even they are facing the very real fact that the days of this failed and discriminatory
law are numbered. So what can be done to keep equality moving forward?
The Justice Department can choose not to
appeal the Central District of California’s decision that DADT is unconstitutional allowing the well-reasoned opinion
to stand. The facts gathered in the case add to the ever-growing list of evidence illustrating that Congress lacked even a
rational basis for enacting DADT. While we continue to fight to get the Defense bill over the finish line, now it’s
the Attorney General’s turn to stand on the right side of history.
The facts are on our side. Momentum
is on our side. Military leadership, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of Defense, and the
President of the United States, is on our side. The majority of Americans have gone from supporting this failed law, to overwhelmingly
opposing it. DADT is on its last unconstitutional leg. The road to progress hasn’t been easy but someday soon we’ll
leave this failed law in the dustbin of history. Joe Solmonese is the President of
Disclose Act back up for Senate Vote Tomorrow
Thursday September 23 2010 call first thing News Alert: Disclose Act Rears It's Ugly
Head Again Dear
Janet, A few weeks ago, the Senate fell just short of the
votes needed to begin debate on the DISCLOSE Act -- the most outrageous bit of election fixing ever conceived. The Disclose Act is intended to reverse a Supreme Court ruling from earlier this
year and would require any activist organization to disclose information about you if you made a contribution to them. Then
of course they would share that information with those you stand against so that they could target YOU.
Other measures in the Disclose Act include prohibitions on political spending by
companies that have significant holdings overseas. Freedom
loving conservatives spent years trying to get the U.S. Supreme Court to restore the free speech stripped away by the McCain-Feingold
"Finance Reform" Act. These conservatives wanted to protect their right to tell the truth about the Liberal Agenda
in Washington. When the Supreme Court ruled the McCain-Feingold
Act unconstitutional, the liberals in Washington came up with a new "campaign finance" bill called the Disclose
Act. Let us be clear about this: Congress wants to eliminate
free speech during election time. And now they are trying
to push it through yet again.
DO? Tomorrow, your Senators will have
a provisional vote to end debate on the Disclose Act. It's essential they hear from you -- their constituents -- on
this issue. Make a quick phone call, tell your Senators why you're happy the DISCLOSE Act didn't pass last time, and demand
that they vote against disclose again tomorrow! Make your voice heard, and make sure that they know you want any so-called
"election reform" legislation killed. Contact
Senator Senator John Kerry at (202) 224-2742, and Senator Senator Scott Brown at (202) 224-4543, and tell them to vote "NO"
on the current “Campaign Reform Act" as long as it contains legislation to limit your freedom of speech.
The Disclose Act was designed by liberals who want to shut you
up and silence all opposition prior to this November's election. Without this critical legislation, conservative organizations can publicize legislator's liberal votes and explain
the legislation that was passed. Do not be fooled! The
far-reaching disclosure requirements of the Disclose Act are designed help to hide liberal senator's and congressmen's voting
records rather than to bring transparency to elections. Their fancy rhetoric about "strengthening democracy" is
designed to cover up the real reason that they pushed this bill: TO KEEP INCUMBENTS IN OFFICE. In 1978, one of the first pieces of legislation Public Advocate spoke against in
Congress was "HR One" which would restrict spending in Presidential elections. We predicted that this would lead
to more attacks on free speech, and we were proved correct with the McCain-Feingold Act and again with Disclose. That is why Public Advocate, with your support, launched an all-out effort to oppose
the DISCLOSE Act and prevent it from going into effect before the November midterm elections. Action on the legislation is once again being revived, and it is imperative that you get on your phones
and call your Senators. But be prepared, the liberals will push for it again tomorrow. Disclose is being conjured up again by fearful democrats, and the Senate now has two choices: accept
that the American people do not want this free speech stifling legislation and move on, or try to sneak it in again. We must
be prepared for them to try and sneak it in again! This
is a critical moment for free speech; we must demand they protect our right to free speech and ensure that informed voters
remain the cornerstone of our Republic. Thanks for all
you do,  Eugene Delgaudio President, Public Advocate
Public Advocate depends solely
on your support.
Help fight for the American Family. Donate to Public Advocate of the United States!

Because Public Advocate of the U.S. lobbies to
fight the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby, contributions are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. This email was not
produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense. Public Advocate's website is
wednesday Sept 22 2010 For Immediate Release: Fox News Changes Debate Rules Hours
Before it is Scheduled to Start
| From Marty
Lamb Political Consultant, Holly Robichaud: At 3:30pm today, FOX25 in Boston left a message for the Lamb
campaign that they have changed the agreed rules for the one-on-one debate Congressman McGovern. At the last moment, they
have thrown in Patrick Barron, which was not what we agreed to. Quote from Holly Robichaud - "We are extremely disappointed that Congressman McGovern doesn't have the guts to face us one on one. We had an agreement.
I have been campaigning for 23 years, and I have never seen a news outlet change an agreement for a debate just hours before
it. Clearly, someone is showing for Congressman McGovern. We want the one-on-one debate that we agreed upon and would have
expected better from this news outlet." |
| |
| | | National
Right to Life called early this evening to say that Harry Reid was going to slip in a vote on DISCLOSE tomorrow or Wednesday.
Anything to muzzle us and skew the elections! I didn't send out an email because I thought we would simply thank Senator
Brown after the vote. The following just arrived. I guess you can laugh or gag. Keep up your great work!
Ben Smith
September 21,
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just scheduled a vote on the DISCLOSE Act, which would force donors to publish
their involvement in political ad campaigns, for Thursday.
Why not tomorrow, you might ask? Because there are no
votes in the Senate scheduled for tomorrow. And that may be, in part, because there's something else going on tomorrow: A
big New York fundraiser for the Senate Democrats.
"I would be honored if you would join me for a very special
reception with President Barack Obama on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 in New York. We have a limited numbers of tickets available
to our general reception. If you would like to join us, please contact ...[redacted]"
The event
has prices raising up to $15,200, but a mere $2,500 contributed or raised buys you access to a "VIP reception with members
of Congress." The money goes to the House Senate Victory Fund, which splits its receipts between the DSCC and the
"An individual can contribute as much as $60,800 per calendar year to the House Senate Victory Fund,"
the invitation helpfully notes. (These donations will, it's worth noting, be disclosed.)
And then, it's back to
D.C. to get all that big money out of politics.
The source who sent this puts it in the you-can't-make-this-up
category. |
As usual Mass Resistance has been sand shoveling this
summer.. when you may have hoped they were pounding sand.. we thought things were getting kinda dull but this one will
break the bubbles for the month.. go for it.. Blog writer AMann.. posts these links.. on Romney and Brown..gotta read..
maybe sit down a minute.. OK now the secrets out.. bow! A Mann writing again!
E Did
you know that if you sell your house after 2012 you will pay a 3.8% sales tax on it? That's $3,800 on a
$100,000 home etc. When
did this happen? It's in the healthcare bill. Just thought you should know. SALES
TAX TO GO INTO EFFECT 2013 (Part of HC Bill) | |
So, this
is "change you can believe in"? Under
the new health care bill - did you know that all real estate transactions will be subject to a 3.8% Sales Tax?
The bulk of these new taxes don't kick in until 2013 (presumably after Obama’s reelection). You can thank Nancy,
Harry and Barack and your local Democrat Congressman for this one. If you sell your $400,000 home, there
will be a $15,200 tax. This bill is set to screw the retiring generation who often downsize their homes. Is this
Hope & Change great or what? Does this stuff makes your November and 2012 votes more important? Oh, you weren't aware this was
in the obamacare bill? Guess what, you aren't alone. There are more than a few members of Congress that aren't aware of it
either (result of clandestine midnight voting for huge bills they've never read). AND, there are a few other surprises
lurking. Why
am I sending you this? The same reason I hope you forward this to every single person in your address book.
People have the right to know the truth because an election is coming
in November! |