If I as a citizen, a mother, or a woman I wanted to say, make a comment that this subject is trivialized
on campus of any school, I would be considered a right wing freak. I say please watch the kids. Do not give
them amunition to get sexed and then say you don't know this can happen on campus.
Lets investigate
all perversity on campus. Sex police will then be the culprits also. Because the topic is titilating and should
be off campus altogether. Stop talking about sex all the time. There is more than sex in life. There is
responsibility and living reckless has consequences. That is the point to be making.
There is so much
more to this story I say take the kids out of public schools altogether. Home School the kids.
College can be online now. Who needs this crap and worry ? Live smaller, in the country and live a descent
Only let them in competitive sports when they are in college. Old enough to realize they
are being screwed by stupid idiots. Old enough to fight back and not be violated but that is still not enough and we
all know it. College rapists are there to rape. They love the titilating concept of free women liberated from
the moral compass of the prudes and families tradition. What a nightmare. This is every parents nightmare!