| Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,
We are now in what is often referred to as the 72 Hour Push in campaigns.
It is the last 3 days of the campaign cycle and this is when the work really ramps up. It is time to roll up your sleeves
and commit a piece of your time to insure that we have victory for liberty and a referendum on the core values we
have been pushing for the last 19 months.
As Mark and Jenny Beth have been on the 30 city Get Out the
Vote Tour, they have asked the crowds if they know what the real secret to elections is. Do you know what it is?
Many people say:
getting out the vote or walking neighborhoods or going door
to door or having the right message or poll watching
Those things are each important to the
secret. The real secret is that when the ballot boxes are sealed and the polls are closed for the night, the side with the
most votes wins. That line gets a lot of chuckles. It is obvious and
simple. It is what elections come down to in the end.
It is our job to make sure that on Tuesday,
people who agree with our core values go vote and that they do not sit out this election.
With that
in mind, there are 4 specific things you can do in the next 72 hours to get out the vote.
1.) Use the Tea Party Patriots Phone Banking System to make phone calls. It is so simple and extremely effective. You login and the system
pulls up a name from our massive nationwide database that has not yet received a call from us. You call that person and read
a really short script. Then you click a button on your computer and get another name from the list. EASY, EASY, EASY.
Click here to see a short video demonstration to help you out. Or click here to login and get started. - Even if you can only make 5 calls, you'll be helping out tremendously. But every call you make hammers home our
victory that much further. 2.) Sign up to be a poll watcher for Operation Voter Shield ( CLICK HERE). We are about 1,300 poll watchers short of our final goal. We will train you on what to do. You will observe the election
process and make sure that the polling places are upholding the law and not violating anyone's voter rights. We have
a legal war room powered by Let Freedom Ring that will be active on Election Day to support you. Please, sign up to
be a poll watcher today. If you know of other people who can volunteer on Election Day, ask them to sign up as poll watchers as well. These Congressional Districts are the key spots where fraud is likely and Poll Watchers are needed.
Please help if you can! CA-11 McNerney vs. Harmer DE Carney vs. Urquhart FL-2 Boyd
vs. Southerland FL-8 Grayson vs. Webster FL-22 Klein vs. West FL-24 Kosmas
vs. Adams IL-11 Halvorson vs. Kinzinger IL-14 Foster vs. Hultgren NV-3 Titus vs. Heck NY-19 Hall vs.
Hayworth NY-20 Murphy vs. Gibson NY-24 Arcuri vs. Hanna NY-29 Zeller vs. Reed OH-1 Driehaus vs.
Chabot OH-15 Kilroy vs. Stivers OH-16 Boccieri vs. Ranacci OH-18 Space vs.
Dailey PA-3 Dahlkemper vs. Kelly PA-7 Cook vs. Meehan PA-8 Murphy vs.
Fitzpatrick PA-10 Carney vs. Marino PA-11 Kanjorski vs. Barletta PA-12 Critz vs. Burns
3.) Update your Facebook status,
LinkedIn status, twitter, etc. to read
I will vote for liberty and to restore the US Constitution." Ask your friends,
followers, etc. to update their status with the same.
Send an email to your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. telling them how you are voting and why. Be sure
to focus on our core values of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets.
You can also use the TPP theme for the fall of Recycle Government, Teach DC the 3 Rs: Repeal, Reduce, Restore. Tea Party Patriots
are working to repeal the government takeover of health care. Reduce the size and scope of the the federal government and
reduce the deficit. We seek to balance the federal budget. Finally, TPP will restore the US Constitution. Please do these items. Watch for an email tomorrow where we continue to give you useful information
to get out the vote. Also, watch for an Election Day Scorecard you can use to keep track of the election results on
Tuesday night.
| | You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement.
Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!
Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team, Debbie Dooley, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman
TPP Support email: support@teapartypatriots.org TPP Support phone number: 404-593-0877
Jenny Beth Martin
(jennybethm@gmail.com, 770-878-1550) Dawn Wildman (dmwtpp11@yahoo.com) Mark Meckler (mark.grassroots@gmail.com)
Tea Party Patriots,
Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions
to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
http://www.hnatv.com/video/5441/ , code pink at anti war protest lafayette park Washington DC
Thought about starting a Chapter?? This is what it takes!
When you go to the actual site you will find all the list
are links.. really cool stuff! !!!
Helpful Hints and Todo List For Starting A Tea PartyPrint this page and use as a guide
to help you organize your event. Download a Tax Day Tea Party banner for your website. - Event
- Pick your Tax Day
Tea Party event date, April 15th 2010 is on a Thursday.
- Select your event begin and end times,
2-3 hours is best.
- Events on Tea Party Patriots are added to a Tea Party group. So create your group if it does not already exist.
- After your group is added enter your event information here on Tea Party Patriots so people can find you.
- Location
Get your location permits now, some cities and counties have lengthy permit processes. It is important to start this process
immediately. Start by contacting your city hall, mayors office or county courthouse.
- Ask if insurance
is required.
- Talk to local law enforcement.
- Consider available parking.
- Check for nearby bathroom facilities.
- Check for nearby electricity.
- Ask if you are allowed to build or bring a stage.
- Consider alternate
locations in the event of rain.
- Determine if there is an internet connection for streaming live
feeds of the event.
- Speakers
- Consider having 5-8 speakers.
- Quality speakers that engage the crowd is important.
- Speakers should
elicit responses from the crowd often.
- Note: Most people do not want to have politicians speaking
at Tea Party events.
- CL Bryant is an example of a great Tea Party Patriots speaker who energizes the crowd. If you would like to have CL Bryant at your
event, send an email requesting information.
- Other Activites
- Find a band that
can play patriotic tunes.
- Break up the speakers with patriotic music.
- Pick
a child or group of children from the crowd to lead the pledge of allegience.
- Get the name and
contact information for everyone who attends so you can add them to your email lists.
- Consider
having a live audio or video feed of your event.
- Enter the URL/CODE for your audio or video live
feed widget into the live feed module on Tea Party Patriots. (Coming Soon)
- Consider gathering
items for a local charity. Solider angels is great cause as well.
- Consider setting up a letter writing booth.
- Consider
having petitions available.
- Hand out local or Tea Party Patriot literature with instructions
for people who want to get involved.
- Consider having concessions.
- Consider
setting up a Be Heard booth. A Be Heard booth allows people to be interviewed on camera, audio or local radio voicing their
concerns. This can be a side attraction put on by a local radio or TV station or just a volunteer with equipment. Hold it
while the speakers are speaking. Also have the speakers go through the Be Heard booth.
- Announce
the Be Heard booth at the beginning of the event.
- Announce that you will pick 3 of the most passionate
participants from the Be Heard booth to speak for 5 minutes on stage.
- Consider holding a sign
making party in the days leading up to the event.
- Ask a professional photographer or videographer
to create a DVD of the event that you can sell as a fundraiser.
- Marketing
Note: Some
of this requires funds be available, but there are many free ways to promote the event. - Design and
sell t-shirts. Tea Party Patriots has t-shirts that you can sell as well.
- Find out if any conservative talk show hosts will hold a Tea Party call in show in the days
immediately before the event.
- Call in to the local conservative talk show programs to promote
the event.
- In the weeks before the event organize neighborhood canvass groups to put fliers on
- Build a website, or you can use the one provided for your group here on Tea Party Patriots.
- Cross promote your event with other groups in your region or state be exchanging links on websites.
- Hold signs on sidewalks advertising the event.
- Go to the websites
for local businesses and organizations such as newspapers, join their forums and post entries announcing the event.
- Contact local conservative bloggers who would be willing to write about your event.
- Write
a press release about your event one month out. Send a reminder press release ten days out.
- Write
to the newspaper op-eds about your event.
- Add the event to your local chamber of commerces online
event calendar.
- Add the event to your local Convention and Tourist Bureaus online event calendar.
- Add the event to your cities online event calendars.
- Add the event
to your cities public announement shows.
- Add the event to television stations public event calendars.
- Billboard and Radio are two types of advertising that are affordable and work.
- Craigslist
- Free postings under "Community," and then either "Events" or "Politics." Keep your listings
current every few days for best results.
- Facebook - Create a local group and an "event,"
so you can begin inviting people and promoting your event.
- Radio - Reach out to local or regional
friendly talk radio hosts. See if they will promote your event, or broadcast live from your event. In smaller communities,
radio advertising may be cost effective as well.
- Fundraising
- Collect
donations from attendees at events.
- Local corporate event sponsors.
- Create
a PayPal account so you can accept credit card donations. Add PayPal donate button on your website.
- Some
people prefer to mail in checks, so make sure you have an address where checks can be sent.
- Volunteers
- Find volunteers from your online networks.
- Use some of the Marketing
ideas from above to find volunteers.
- Provide volunteers with a free t-shirt.
- After
the Event
- IMPORTANT! Find your event page here on Tea Party Patriots and enter the attendance
numbers. (To find your event, login and click on My Account > Events then enter the attendance numbers.)
- Upload
your videos and photos to your online albums.
- Share your video and photo links here on Tea Party
Patriots. (Feature coming soon)
- Send thank you letters to all who volunteered for your event,
especially your speakers.
Enter content here
Enter content here
Enter content here
Enter supporting content here
Comflm sm Registry News, CRNewsTeam dba Ranbo Enterprises, Hamilton, Massachusetts..
978 388 2457 Comflm Registry proudly Preserves Public
Works Documents for the past 17 years on Beacon Hill, and Documents Public Events & Press Conferences when
invited. A Pro Bono copy of footage is given to any Committee up to 2011 being covered in order to promote honest trackable
press standing for Independant Reporters who wish to join Comflm Registry and be respected for their integrity in reporting
the daily News in New Media Format. When we have the 350 reporters we will continue this practice keeping copyright
to producers and pro bono donations to Committee intact.
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