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 A final vote on ObamaCare in Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives
in imminent.
And, according to United Press International, White House Press
Secretary Robert Gibbs claims Nancy Pelosi is only five votes away from ramming ObamaCare down our throats.
With all the arm-twisting and back-room deal making taking place, the vote could possibly be even
closer than that. In fact, senior officials in the Obama Administration are already talking as if ObamaCare is a
done deal.
Gibbs told FOX News' Chris Wallace that by Sunday, news show interviewers
"will be talking about healthcare reform not as a presidential proposal but as something that
will soon be the law of the land."
You can make Gibbs eat those words. You can stop ObamaCare once and for all. But that means, as we go into the
home stretch, the American people must turn up the heat. We must bombard Congress with Blast Faxes and phone calls against ObamaCare.
Our best, and perhaps
last, chance to stop ObamaCare is to stop Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi from strong-arming the votes in the House of Representatives
they so desperately need to pass it.
use the button or hyperlink below and send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each of the 31 members
of the House of Representatives who live in conservative districts but previously voted in favor of ObamaCare. Or alternately,
you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate.
Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that when the American people said “No” to ObamaCare, we meant it. Let these
elected officials know that you are on to the latest, underhanded scheme to pass ObamaCare against the wishes of the American
people. Tell them to stop the back-room deals and legislative tricks. Demand they stand firm against government-run health
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
He's Pledged To Shove ObamaCare Down Your Throat Even If It Kills Him. So says the
Associated Press; "Barack Obama says he will persuade Congress to pass his health
care overhaul even if it kills him."
A final vote on ObamaCare is now imminent... it can come at any time. That means if we are going to stop it, we cannot let up the pressure.
Barack Obama may have
given Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid a deadline to ram ObamaCare through Congress, but knowledgeable sources in Congress are telling us that Pelosi will push the Senate-passed bill to the floor of
the House of Representatives the very second she believes she has the votes to shove it down our throats... or
maybe even sooner.
Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) confirmed what we are being told when
he said to FOX News' Greta Van Susteren that Pelosi may bring ObamaCare up for a vote any day now. Ryan
said, “She'll do that if she thinks she has the votes. They might even come to the floor without
having the votes locked in because what they typically do is announce the vote to try and get the fence sitters off the fence
and on board. And so they're putting huge amounts of pressure on their members to vote for this."
And we don't need to tell you what’s at stake. You already know about the extreme cuts in Medicare... the rationing... the crippling taxes... and the long waiting lines that we may
all be forced to endure for substandard medical care.
But, truth be told,
as former-presidential candidate Gary Bauer recently reminded us, the battle we
are waging is not about health care, it's about preserving our way of life:
bankrupting the insurance industry and undermining the free market is a stated goal of some healthcare reform advocates. ...
the goal of healthcare reform is to create a system that bankrupts private industry and leads to socialized medicine. And
that is a goal shared by Barack Obama."
Congressman Ryan cautions us
that Obama and Pelosi are only 5-15 votes shy of reaching that goal.
And that means it is up to us to deny Obama and Pelosi those votes.
Our best, and perhaps last, chance to stop ObamaCare is to stop Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi from strong-arming
the votes in the House of Representatives they so desperately need to pass it.
Please use the button or hyperlink below and send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes
to Barack Obama and each of the 31 members of the House of Representatives who live in conservative districts but previously
voted in favor of ObamaCare. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the
Members of the House and Senate.
Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that when the American people said “No”
to ObamaCare, we meant it. Let these elected officials know that you are on to the latest, underhanded scheme to pass ObamaCare
against the wishes of the American people. Tell them to stop the back-room deals and legislative tricks. Demand they stand
firm against government-run health care.
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
The Horse Trading And Hardball Tactics Being
Employed To Shove ObamaCare Down Our Throats Are Unprecedented. How Low Will They Go? Obama and
Pelosi may be down for the moment, but they are not out for the count... far from
it. They've got their eyes on the prize and they’re working overtime to make government-run health care
the law of the land. Congressman Ryan also told Van Susteren that there's "lots of horse trading
taking place" and further warned that Pelosi's an expert at "muscling votes."
"[Y]ou can never count the Speaker out. On cap-and-trade, she was down 24 votes
the night before, but she muscled it through and passed it by eight. She's very good at cutting deals, at muscling votes and
using the carrot and the stick to get the votes she needs. She's been very successful so far this year."
Make no mistake, if we do not act, Pelosi
WILL strong-arm those votes. The back-room wheeling-and-dealing and political
dirty tricks will only increase.
A short time back, Obama arrogantly told the American people that the fight is over and that we should just step aside and let him
have his way.
Specifically, Obama told us: “Everything
there is to say about health care has been said,” just before he, rather ironically, hit the road one last
time on his ObamaCare Traveling Snake-Oil Show.
Well, we've got some news for
Barack Obama. This fight isn't over... not until ObamaCare is defeated once and for all.
It's clear... proponents of ObamaCare are playing hardball and they're playing for keeps. Every patriotic American in receipt of this urgent appeal must do the same. If not, then all could be lost.
Our best, and perhaps last, chance to stop ObamaCare is to stop Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi from strong-arming
the votes in the House of Representatives they so desperately need to pass it.
Please use the button or hyperlink below and send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes
to Barack Obama and each of the 31 members of the House of Representatives who live in conservative districts but previously
voted in favor of ObamaCare. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the
Members of the House and Senate.
Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that when the American people said “No”
to ObamaCare, we meant it. Let these elected officials know that you are on to the latest, underhanded scheme to pass ObamaCare
against the wishes of the American people. Tell them to stop the back-room deals and legislative tricks. Demand they stand
firm against government-run health care.
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
Barack Obama Tells Us That This Fight Is
Over. Let's Tell Him Otherwise. Let's be frank, this attempt
to push ObamaCare down the throats of the American people was never about making health care more affordable and accessible
to everyday Americans like you and me.
It was never about helping Americans...
it's all about control and a never-ending quest by politicians to gain more power... power over you... the power to make your
decisions for you... power over all of our lives.
To repeat what Gary Bauer said, "the goal of [so-called] healthcare reform is to create a system that bankrupts private industry
and leads to socialized medicine. And that is a goal shared by Barack Obama."
Even Congressman Ryan said as much. According to Ryan this attempt to push ObamaCare down your throat is about ideology:
"[T]his is more about ideology than health care policy, because if this was about
health care policy, we can get a bipartisan agreement tomorrow. It's not about health care policy."
trying to ram it [ObamaCare] through as fast as they can before their power slips away from them, and that is why they're
trying to create this brand-new entitlement which really does have the government take over 17 percent of our economy."
And Ryan also said that this surreal push to shove ObamaCare down our throats
is really about creating "a cradle to grave social welfare state." And that Obama, Pelosi and the other
proponents of ObamaCare are determined to push it through "whether the American people
want this or not..."
Make no mistake, we are in the home-stretch of
this fight. And the only people who can defeat ObamaCare are the American people.
Congressman Ryan again: "The American people have a huge role to play in this. This will be
decided this week or next week, and the American people can make a big difference."
Remember, the Associated Press reports that Barack Obama is determined to shove ObamaCare down your throat
"even if it kills him."
And if Obama
is willing to go that far (even figuratively) that means that every patriotic American reading this urgent appeal should be willing to do something... anything... to stop him. And that means (even if you've done so before) that
now is the time to pump out the calls and faxes.
Only patriotic Americans like you can
make a difference but we can't make a difference sitting on the sidelines. It’s crunch time... the time to make your voice heard is now.
Our best, and perhaps last, chance to stop ObamaCare is to stop Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi from strong-arming
the votes in the House of Representatives they so desperately need to pass it.
Please use the button or hyperlink below and send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes
to Barack Obama and each of the 31 members of the House of Representatives who live in conservative districts but previously
voted in favor of ObamaCare. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the
Members of the House and Senate.
Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that when the American people said “No”
to ObamaCare, we meant it. Let these elected officials know that you are on to the latest, underhanded scheme to pass ObamaCare
against the wishes of the American people. Tell them to stop the back-room deals and legislative tricks. Demand they stand
firm against government-run health care.
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
Jeff Mazzella President Center for Individual Freedom Center for Individual Freedom 917-B King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 703-535-5836 Fax:703-535-5838 CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization
with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights. Contributions to CFIF are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions may be deductible as a business
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