Preaching to the mules and other stubborn creatures
JAldrich, posted 102707
Fire Fire Fire
I don't have my masters in anything but I have mastered
scriptures to some level as one year I spent the whole year and even more reading it outloud. I thoroughly recommend
this to anyone dereft of scripture comprehension. This is not a puff me up commentary it is a fact of general knowledge.
In Hebrews it states our G-d is a consuming fire..beware. Lest we fall into the Hands of the Living G-d unaware..and
so this message is to all who are unaware of the fierceness of G-d who judges forgives and shows immeasurable mercy to those
who are..nasty word..repentant. Hate language in modern terms.
So why am I so fixated on taping in the political
realm? Does this mean I am going to mess with the minds of so many who are more knowledgeable than me? What am
I stupid??
I am interested in taping for one reason. I know my own intelligence and know I need to hear everything
and process it my way. So I read the whole scripture outloud and processed it my way. Some have to do it their
way to learn hear and comprehend.
The Acts of the Apostles are one way of learning Scripture. These
men were scarry. They had power to know your thoughts. They would terrify some people today if one showed up.
Precisely why they all died persecuted and whatever. So what is to be said of someone who wants to tell the stubborn
folk of this generation look out. We are messing with a Mighty G-d who knows our thoughts and all our history.
Each of us in particular have a recording in Heaven going on. Now that is scarry. But if we repent and turn back
to the truth instead of disrupting the earth with lies we will have a good chance of being redeemed in the end when no man
will stand righteous before Him.
Christmas is coming. I am listening to my first song on the radio today
in October. We have taken the nobility of righteousness out of a ceremony to bury the dead this week the Flag was disturbed
in the National Cemetaries. Can anyone rest knowing that happened. Who knows save those who are persistant in
researching the press stories for themselves. Why was one voice so strong to dismantle the ceremony of the land.
And why is the cry of the public to no avail when many unite on simple causes? What is going on here? Why was
one man allowed to stop the printing of documents with a mention of G-d in the Capital in Washington?
are seeing the unscrewing of the bolts that hold all things together. Another scripture states all things are held
together by Him of whom they consist..are we messing with Him??
Listen to the Songs of Celebration of the
great composers who found the truth in so many difficult places and gave us enormous music to find the truth through
their gifts. Will we become so indifferent to the truth that is self evident that all men are created equal? Will
we transform our nation and blast the universe with rebellions and abhorences for the Gospel and Law of the Universe..?
You know the answer deep in your hearts. Please I ask you take heed, lest you be found wanting in that great and
horrible day when all men's hearts will be examined and a decision is found..will you be counted with the sheep
or with the goats???
I will give no man answer for my perfections are in Him who made the worlds and all the
creatures thereof..I do not boast of my own achievements but of the acts He has mercifully given to me to take up my
own walk in this world with humility knowing my weaknesses..I am too vain and self serving. I too know the glory of
the world and its foolishness. I have lived out many sorris's that still can besiege me in calamity. But I
have learned gratitude. I am grateful that I can help find some way to make a change that will stop the insanity of
We are all struggling to make the world better. We are making choices each day
and those choices have eternal consequences. Beware is all I can say. Beware of the ignorance of lethargy
and the power it has to destroy us. We must always be vigiliant in a country which heralds the democratic flag of One
nation under G-d. When we are no longer able to do that and this has been outlawed we are in deep trouble with a G-d
who threatened at the time of Noah He would not destroy the world with water ever again..but next time will be Fire..
So I say Fire Fire Fire
Our G-d is a consuming Fire
Editorial Moment
So if anyone cannot connect
the dots....from 9:11 to 9:14 this year..we have a problem. Does it seem a little strange to you that that dreadful event
happened during Ashem's calendar New Year and not ours? Why do we not get it ever? So we continue on in our
own made up world of science education and politics as usual. When does the Almighty get to enter?
It seems
the curse of ignorance, global freezing, { as I remember the story Ashem made them fur coats} and stubborn resistance
started in Eden didn't it? Go and fill up the earth and be stewards of all creation. Yikes do we have to repent..oh
that ugly word. What have we done wrong? We don't hurt anyone. We mind our own business, ya right!
Let's get out the 10 Commandments we just hurled off the SJC Steps in Where did you say?
So we will keep our
biblical mouths shut and never you the State doesn't show any wrinkles..
Well, thank Heaven we have
left significance in so we can make room for least this year we have..and maybe we should just be thankful
for the Mercy we have been shown as a Nation on the planet. Mercy is underserved favor in case anyone forgot.
It is not arguable in court. It represents forgiveness and something unwarranted on any level. So this week and next
during some pretty High Holidays maybe we could rethink some of our stubborn preponderances and wake up before we are waked
up on the far side. God Save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Rosh Hashana Greeting 2009
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