250 Our President - Lech Kaczynski - wasn't
the prettiest man on Earth but he had the prettiest spirit on Earth: great wisdom, honest soul, strong vision of unity and
solidarity. In the times when everything is fake - He wasn't faking anything: He had a vision and He strongly followed it.
Postcommunist's media in Poland hate him. Why? Because He was the true Polish Patriot. He knew that evil from the east still
exist and had courage to fight it. He knew that postcommunists on Kreml still dream 'bout great empire. It was His idea to
bring hope to Georgia during Russian agression and perhaps He even saved Tblilisi from those KGB agents rulling now in Russia!
He then acted like a true Hero when European Union and US did almost nothing... How sad. The true Patriot died when
he flew to commemorate the other greatest 22000 patriots murdered in Katyn in 1940 by NKWD (the former KGB). He died so You
could learn about it I guess... I will miss You Little Big Man.. like the others from this plane, the Elite of My Nation!
BREAKING NEWS SEPTEMBER 25 2008 Posted by JAldrich,
Catch of the Day, Video News freelance reporting this email came
this morning..please shoot this around the world.. |
(Please forward widely)
Five Chaplains Lose Jobs For Praying “In Jesus’ Name”
Governor Tim Kaine Urged to Stop PersecutionContact: Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, 719-360-5132
cell, chaplaingate@yahoo.com or Virginia Governor Timothy M. Kaine (D-VA), 804-786-2211 (press secretary Gordon Hickey).
RICHMOND, Virginia, Sept. 25 / Christian Newswire / -- Virginia Governor Tim Kaine is defending why his administration
forced the sudden resignation of five Virginia State Police Chaplains because they prayed publicly “in Jesus’
name.” Police Superintendent Col. W. Steven Flaherty single-handedly created then enforced a strict “non-sectarian”
prayer policy at all public gatherings, censoring and excluding Christian prayers, then accepted the resignation of five chaplains
who refused to deny Jesus or violate their conscience by watering down their prayers. House Republican Leader
Morgan Griffith and Delegate Charles W. Carrico, (R-Grayson) both issued public statements defending the chaplains, questioning
Governor Kaine’s role in terminating the chaplains, and vowing to introduce legislation protecting police chaplains’
right to pray according to their own conscience. Defending Flaherty’s persecution of Christian Chaplains,
Governor Kaine pretended he himself was being persecuted, saying through his spokesman: “It is disappointing that
Del. Griffith would make such a political attack on Gov. Kaine about his faith.” Former Navy Chaplain Gordon
James Klingenschmitt, who was also fired in 2007 for praying “in Jesus name” in uniform (but won the victory in
the U.S. Congress for other military chaplains), weighed in: “Governor Kaine campaigned like a Christian
to get our votes. But now, instead of governing like a Christian, or respecting his own chaplains’ First Amendment
rights, his administration forced the resignation of five police chaplains, simply because they prayed publicly ‘in
Jesus’ name.’ These five chaplains lost their jobs for honoring Christ. They’re heroes of the
faith, because they refused to deny Jesus when ordered to by the Kaine administration. If they contact me, they will
be honored through my web-site: www.PrayInJesusName.org . And now Governor Kaine pretends he’s the martyr,
because we question why his administration forced them to resign for praying to Jesus? He’s still got a job, they
don’t. Governor Kaine isn’t the martyr, he’s the persecutor.” Citizens are
urged to call Governor Kaine’s office at 804-786-2211, to insist the chaplains be reinstated and the policy reversed,
and also email him through his web-site: http://www.governor.virginia.gov/AboutTheGovernor/contactGovernor.cfm
Chaplain Klingenschmitt is available for interviews at 719-360-5132 cell or chaplaingate@yahoo.com |
Breaking News: a Lawsuit filed again
in Washington DC by Phillip Berg, here is the one filed in Pennsylvania, http://www.americasright.com/2008/08/obama-sued-in-philadelphia-federal.html Obama is due for a hearing on September 22, 2008 this story posted by J Aldrich, submitted by Shelli Baker Jones, Comflm, Registry member..September
15, 2008
News..september 1 2008 RNC protesters and Media are taken to Jail.. free speech on the chopping block.. visit www.freepress.net , for full story and sign the petition.. posted by J Aldrich
THE PRESS TOGETHER..posted May 14, 2008
On Saturday, May 10, 2008 on the Boston
Common Comflm Registry, with a crew of three people, including herself, were assaulted trying to cover the Youth Pride
event. As cameras were set up in front of the podium and on the fringe, youth attempted to block the cameras from taping
the event.
Comflm, Registry President, J Aldrich, Also known as Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance
Reporting, covers stories that are statewide in nature and that particularly impact statewide issues. Catch of the Day, is
a documentary videography project actually, studying the open meeting law and the access for Press at public meetings. This
public event was actually, violating the First Amendment. That amendment, covers both Free Speech which the group
was exercising and Freedom of the Press, which Comflm, was exercising taping the event. Catch of the Day, noted many other
camera's at the event. Comflm, Registry was harrassed and obstructed from exercising it's Constitutional Right
to tape a public meeting or event. Standing on public sidewalks, trying to capture the event for documentary purposes was
impeded. But the documentation of the violation of the First Amendment that was recorded.
At one point, Comflm,
President surrounded by aggitated youth mounted on top of each other to obstruct the camera with rainbow flags had to call
the police. After trying to reach the backup Crew for assistance to no avail, decided to call 911. An officer
was having trouble hearing and the call was really impossible but J Aldrich, asked the Police to phone over and check this
out. Within 15 minutes the Police came and instructed the obstuctors to let me tape. At one point the Police actually
stoped a girl who had touched my arm getting off another person and insisted they refrain from bothering me. Another
Policeman told me I was free to move about as I wished, but I told him that I could not..as I had a bag and my cane and it
would not be safe. The group would just keep baggering me anyway so I kept the post until the speakers indicated the
Parade was going to take place. incident #1
Later I found out the crew was also harrassed and a person is seen
here with her hand actually on the camera..incident #2 http://www.edgeboston.com/index.php?ch=pride&sc=&sc2=photoalbum&id=74299&photo=107 photo actually is 108 and 108, and 109 are exclusively excellent to identify the two incidents, also have a the
whole video shot of the incident #1. This constitutes Battery.
The year before the same event was taped
by Comfm, and another group and was approaced with the concern for pedifiles...but this year no cori has been allowed for
volunteers who assisted at the event...so what is the concern with cori when one of the Comflm, Crew was actually told
the same thing this year ..
Comflm, Registry is organizing free press Independant Media to get in the registry
and be Cori'd and credentialed for the proper identification to Police .. The Public has a right to tape a public event.
This was open disregard and disrespect for Constitutional Rights in a Democracy.
Comflm, Registry, J Aldrich, filed
a Police Report after the event. posted Sunday, May 11, 2008 Mothers Day..by J Aldrich
posting March 20, 2008 Holy Thursday
Well, if you look back to November I stated hearings are about over..well look again at the calendar for Jan Feb March and
you will see the hearings were never over..and even are still going on.
I am amazed at the discrepencies
on State level in reality. I know there are bills that are sort of done but then this amazing list of thousands of bills
show up not done and what do you think???
So Judiciary is about to release the report on H1722, casino's are
going to be addressed tomorrow with full Senate who is for the Casino bill and a tug of war will ensue that will deja vu the
con con a year ago. I say they will opt to extend ..and slip out of the nuise.. past the Consience Holydays and excuse
themselves from the battlefront again. Let's see, I hope I am wrong..
In the back drop of the H1722 on
Beacon Hill, the federal level was stonewalling the people with the H1424 bill to suppress dna evidence for T persons
who opt to change their sex..with Senator Kennedy and Lahey approving at the Senate level. So we have a few fire storms
in the making on every level it seems.
I say when authority is wrong the proverb continues..when the wicked rule
the land mourns..
So have a good Easter..and keep watch with the Sunday Views.. and watch the schedule which is
popping with events and hearings at our Statehouse.. J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, video news, freelance reporting..
Some new video's need media 7 here
is the link:
Keep watching! We are about
to have audio on some meetings..with no copyrights..how about that..! Already taped 7 hearings in audio MP3 ..any techies
want to help..I am only one person..need help with this..want it to archive..on this site..have 10 audio audio hearings still
working on this..
news bulletin: Flag folding ceremony stopped at all National
Cemetaries across the nation..listen to the report on this internet radio station: http://www.afr.net/ keep up the heat..this is working..the flag ceremony is now back..etc. etc. make calls on ENDA now.. 5-1 will reverse
the curse..
Freedom from God . org, www.freedomfromgod.org are now in New Hampshire trying to get God out of the flag there..they never sleep..
best military online
resource link: http://ztfse.net/dt40/c5.php?DMED/1136300455/345888537/H/N/D/http://z.cash-locator-team.com/dml.aspx?c=248377427&k=VkugrD.8qqLBfYLEvVBO4I2THOtM.QW6&l=1696&p=_pCqgDgjHFs9cI_sSFAN5vJZzGOcWMnNWYLMGsvqEowMR95tq4nw9U4A
posting December 3, 2007
Thought you might
like to follow this scenario..seems the Senate ruling on obsenities is being blocked story released by Donald Wildemon below:
Bill To Protect Children from Broadcast Indecency Held Up in Senate Urgent: Call Senators Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye Today! Dear Janet, The Protecting Children from Indecent Programming Act (S.1780) was passed unanimously by the Senate Commerce
Committee earlier this year and was intended to affirm the Federal Communications Commission's authority to fine television
and radio stations for airing a single word or image that might be considered indecent. This authority was recently challenged
by two judges in New York City and without S.1780 the fines-increase bill Congress passed will likely be nullified. Not only have networks steadfastly refused to abide by federal laws prohibiting
the broadcast of indecent material during times of day when children are likely to be watching television, they are actively
working to overturn those laws even now in federal court on the absurd grounds that it should have the "right" to
air the "F-word" and "S-word" during prime time. Without S.1780, television programming will become an
open sewer for virtually all hours of the day. The consensus is that S.1780 will pass if we can get it to the full Senate for a vote but is currently stalled
in committee and will die unless you act today. Strangely enough, Senators Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, and Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii,
co-sponsored this good legislation to restore regulation of sex, profanity and violence on broadcast TV but now they are dragging
their feet. It couldn't
be clearer that the broadcast networks are irresponsible stewards of the public airwaves and the FCC needs passage of S.1780
to have the authority to reel them in. Senators Stevens and Inouye must be held accountable and bring the Broadcast Indecency
issue to the Senate floor for a full vote.
Take Action! We urgently need your help today to get this bill moving. Please call Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye
(D-Hawaii) at 202-224-3934 and Ranking Member Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) at 202-224-3004 and politely but firmly tell them you
are holding them responsible to protect children from indecent programming by allowing a full Senate vote on S.1780 before
they adjourn for Christmas in a couple of weeks. Remember, Senators Inouye and Stevens have the ability to let this
bill be voted on or to kill it by inaction. They need to uphold their responsibility to protect children and stand up for
the appropriate use of the public airwaves. Take Action! Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you
consider making a small tax-deductible contribution? Click here to make a donation.
Donald E.
Wildmon, Founder and Chairman American Family Association
week ending November 30, 2007 posted by J Aldrich,
Catch of the Day..posted on November 28, 2007.
I will not be going back in this week. The hearings are pretty
much over but next week there will be a hearing on the Committee on Judiciary on the 4th of December. This will deal
with eminent domain and property. Should be a big turnout if you ask me.
The reason for the post however, is the
two hearings that occured today. One is Committee on Public Health, and the other Committee on Children and Family.
Both had very important ingredients. I taped Health and House Broadcast taped Children and Family. When they tape
the hearing will be up on the Gov Website. So be watching and please call committee and have them push it to be posted.
Things take time but the urgency is to see the hearing again or first time and to give your timely response to Committee on
what occured.
I was surprised that there were not more in Health, but the ones that came were right on the mark.
EMT's you need to see this hearing. You can obtain a copy from me for cheap money and use it when you are hanging
out waiting on a call. Better still have your cable access put it up in your town. Oh and the new defib is so
awesome. To me if they work as well as they appear they beat getting your ribs crushed I would say and compromising
your breathing even more. I support getting them in lots of places. They are being sold like hot cakes and I say
there day has come. Of course like everything there will be those situations when that device will screw up or whatever
but they will help and testimony proved it.
Also, there seems to be a burning issue on medical records that
needs the public imput. The hospitals want to trash records after 10 years. So what wil attorneys do when a Doctor
has been guilty of medical malpractice and there is no records to prove them. Or what about a birth certificate getting
accidentally trashed..The hospitals are paying tons to store and keep the records. Well what about the money they
get to care for people. I say they are public records and they need to be preserved. What about law enforcement
they need medical histories also. So lets cool your jets I say and think about this. A woman from the homeless
advocacy showed up but they could care less about the poor souls they run into and want to trash the records they have on
the homeless. Please take a second look. The family might be able to find these people maybe if the medical records
are intact. So many variables to consider I say no no no to trashing hard copy medical records we are not there yet..not
yet..let a whole generation keep files on line and see what happens ..they stated a 7 year watch has to be in place to replace
these online copies as they disappear..so what do we do..keep written copies that is what..if it is not in writing it does
not exist..do you exist or what???
Week ending 10 20 07 much going on Worcester
District Court house, Cirignano case covered two days..jury is to reconvene next monday..Judge Despotopoulos expects
the decision to take a week. He instructed them to mind his words..but what about Jury Nullification..was he intimidating
the Jury..keep watching..If you think the case is being won on an independant media video you can understand my threat to
tape was equally intimidating to the District Court on Thursday and Friday this past week. So if your out there and
you do not think the independant media is a force to reckon with think again. We are a big threat and I know.personally
....J Aldrich
Week ending 10 27 07 much happening at the Statehouse.. every day there are bills to watch..please
do not fall asleep this week. Get your walking cane and go to the statehouse..call your reps and senators there is something
for all to fight about..submitted by J Aldrich, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting 10 20 07
link to who voted what today on the Hate Crimes Legislation:
posted by JAldrich, Catch of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, 11:30pm 092707
Our President - Lech Kaczynski - wasn't the prettiest man on Earth but he had the prettiest spirit on Earth: great wisdom, honest soul, strong vision of unity and solidarity. In the times when everything is fake - He wasn't faking anything: He had a vision and He strongly followed it. Postcommunist's media in Poland hate him. Why? Because He was the true Polish Patriot. He knew that evil from the east still exist and had courage to fight it. He knew that postcommunists on Kreml still dream 'bout great empire. It was His idea to bring hope to Georgia during Russian agression and perhaps He even saved Tblilisi from those KGB agents rulling now in Russia! He then acted like a true Hero when European Union and US did almost nothing... How sad.
The true Patriot died when he flew to commemorate the other greatest 22000 patriots murdered in Katyn in 1940 by NKWD (the former KGB). He died so You could learn about it I guess...
I will miss You Little Big Man.. like the others from this plane, the Elite of My Nation!