One Man/ One Vote Times 4
Have you heard about the newest sour grape on the Crazy Left Social (in)Justice Grapevine?
What about this for an idea? I could not find the original email I was sent that had this juicy grape on it, so feel free
to discount what I am about to say, as hearsay. Nevertheless, this is what I remember discovering in that lost email. Some
people in a fairly small location in New York State, like a town, hamlet, or city must have had some disgruntled Latino voters
who complained about voting due to the feeling that their vote did not count for anything. They felt outnumbered. Perhaps
only one in four of them were Spanish in origin and so election after election, the Hispanic voice was not getting the representation
they felt they deserved as Latinos. This should have died on the vine right then! Not unless the Russian element, the French,
the Irish, the Turkish, the Italian, the German, the Korean..... well, you get it... until you know the exact make up of all
the historical gene pool of the town... c'mon! Anyway,
the idea lived. It grew. This town took up the banner for the poor and repressed! Eventually, a resident genius came up with
a brilliant solution. It was so brilliant that the governing leaders and powers were dazzled, and the voters were blinded
by the light, and they passed either a law or a resolution ruling in favor of this fabulous idea: "OK,"
they decided, " Our vote ought to count for one vote as usual, but every Latino vote will equal four of our votes. That
way representation will become equal between the Latinos and the rest of us."
This is not fantasy. This actually happened in America. They call it A Weighted Vote. So If you were living there
and you were not remotely Latino, your vote would be considered1/4 of a vote. I doubt if the entire town or city would actually
sit still for this treatment for long. By now it's probably in costly litigation, another Liberal windfall for our struggling
Anyway, the idea still lives and is growing kind of wonderful in my mind. As of this writing, there are 47 days left until
the nation gets to vote in the most important election since we all went down Alice in Wonderland's Rabbit Hole and elected
Barry Soestoro as our President. Well, at least the most important election since Obama Care got rammed down our throats by
the Pelosi-Reid Alliance. As I see it divided into days, I have ten days to cast my first vote, ten days to cast my second
vote, ten days to cast my third vote and finally, ten days to get ready for the visible vote, and seven extra days to spend
on any of the other votes as needed. Vote
1: I can vote to spend ten days getting informed;
Vote 2: I can vote to spend ten days getting others informed.
Vote 3: I can turn my attention away from me and others, and spend ten days persuading God to weigh in on my vote.
Vote 4: I can use ten days to jump start the holiday celebrations and Thanksgiving and just have a great big Faith Feast/
Everyone invited! Just pumping up the vibe. Finally,
when I arrive at November 2, I will go through the ceremony. Nobody but you and me will know that I am casting a weighted
vote when I vote. I will know, oh yes, I will feel the weight of that vote when I cast it. It will be the vote of my life.
Now, you might think that all of this is just great fun. But, I am dead serious about this plan. I mean, I see the genius
in that guy's idea. It is transforming how I vote. I just may never use elections as entertainment again. One woman,
one vote? Not for me anymore. For
my first ten days, I plan to grab a legal pad and start finding out exactly what issues will be up for a vote, what they mean,
and how I feel about it. I will also go on line and get a list of who the people are who I can personally vote on. I will
find their websites, I will write down their affiliations. I will read what candidates the local tea party is supporting.
I will develop my own page of conclusions, and I will write down a rationale about each issue and person that I get a chance
to vote on in November. Then I will rewrite a nice neat list of my vote on each item. This will be the first vote I cast.
I will write it down, fold it and put it in my purse for safekeeping until Nov. 2.
For my second ten days, I will add the weight of public opinion. During that time I will talk to family about my first vote.
I will tell them why when they ask me questions about why, and I will defend my choice with those who beg to differ. I will
encourage them all to get out and vote in this important mid-term election. I will ask the question often: Are you registered?
Particularly to those who look too young to vote, but probably aren't. Given that amount of time, my vote will have gained
the weight of a minimum of one or two votes. For
my third ten days, I am going on a mental vacation. I am going to fast and pray. Every time my mind and heart turns to prayer,
I will first pray for a godly outcome for the voting in the United States of America. I will ask God to truly unite our country
again. I will ask God to move the minds and hearts of people towards what is truly right and just. I will surrender my petty
whims and my agendas to His wisdom and His Divine will. I will seek His blessing on the kind of government that we create
for our children to inherit. I believe that when I am through with that period, my vote will carry at the very least the weight
of three more votes because God is three persons in One. This makes a minimum weight of five votes, and no matter how He votes,
I trust Him.
For my fourth ten days I will begin to vibrate to the sound of joy. I will engage my Faith and I will try to find one thing
after another to celebrate and be happy at what is about to happen. Last week I saw some great footage of our service people
in celebration on V-J Day in Hawaii. Just imagine that... simple, humble but crazy-with-happiness rejoicing. My vote counts!
My freedom counts! It is great! I have a weighted vote! At last I will get the representation that my heart longs for! The
oppression is coming to an end! Go find the telephone number for that place that makes that great pizza we like!
Now, if I haven't spent my seven extra days in the other pursuits then I think I will just coast into the election the way
I used to do it. Busy, but somewhat aware that an election is coming, ready to go when the day comes; put it on my agenda
for the week, and go vote before the polls close. Only this time I won't be walking in clueless and when I cast that vote,
it will be a weighted vote. I will say
this to my family and friends. Don't expect much out of me for the few days after the election. I will be down with PTSD syndrome.
In an emergency you will find me with nibbles catching as much of the news about the election results as I can. Call me after
the Thursday Night Football game. Thanks. Freedom Counts Christian
Commentary on Current Events is written by Reverend Rachelle Hamlin, AEA Forwarding is encouraged.
To subscribe or comment contact:
posting this today September 14 2010 Primary Day in Massachusetts | | Our Sacred
One of the challenges being laid before Patriots in our day is to remember that our founders paid a price for freedom, because
after pledging their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor, many of them lost one, two or three of those. When I first
learned this truth, bit by bit, it was mostly hearsay, or reading, or conversation, or by teaching and mostly my body was
sitting comfortably somewhere in a seat or chair and my mind was free to ponder. These were third party ideals, coming from
200+ years back and it had to enter our minds and hearts through an intermediary. After the ideas were digested, they
became first hand idealism; our own. At this point, all the dynamics changed. In real life, the pledge becomes very hard to
talk about and even harder to see it at work. I am
at the point in my life where I no longer come across as the typical personality of the 21st century; I have become atypical.
I know this because I got my face rubbed in the dirt this week and had to figure out what happened. In thinking it through,
I discovered that when people act on the principles that are most dear to their heart, it is possible for friends to become
enemies. The most heartbreaking sense of this came to me one dusky evening (years back) as I drove home from work and turned
on PBS, who at that time and place programmed an hour of Celtic music. There was commentary with the music on that night.
A feminine Irish voice introduced a song her friend had written out of the cauldron of agony between two or three friends
torn apart by sectarian violence. I listened as the ballad story flowed in a clear, male Irish voice of how dear friends found
themselves on separate sides of the Catholic/Protestant divide, eventually resulting in death. I parked in front of my house,
weeping like a baby at the telling of their painful truth.
Sacred honor causes people to take sides, even to the point of war. Our Civil War is replete with similar stories of friends
who found themselves on separate sides of the conflict. There has been a conflict brewing in our nation for the last century
and it is becoming very heated and focused in these days. My hope is that it will be a Great Civil Discourse and we can keep
it at that. Even so, it necessitates that we will find ourselves opposing friends or being opposed by friends. This adds an
element of discomfort to our lives if we intend to keep our inner pledge of our life, our fortune and our sacred honor. This
event that happened to me this week is all about sacred honor... theirs against mine. And it was the picture of a stamp
that started it. Changing names to Kyle
and Ellie, who both have been my long time friends, one since the 60's and one since the 70's. Both of them blew me off their
map this week because I espoused rejecting use of a USPS 44 cent Stamp in which unintelligible foreign signage appears
and which has no shred of an intent to communicate to any but the sect it represents. In my world view, it is disgusting.
Kyle sees it as equal to any other holiday stamp. Ellie sees a bigot behind the boycott. Neither one cared for my opinion
which if they'd actually asked me to explain would unite us. They both ended their relationships with me. After thinking about,
it a few things became clear to me but the most clear, was that each of them were acting on their sacred honor and so was
I. Go figure! I had no idea it would get like this.
A good while back I was in my kitchen cooking while two little neighbor girls were playing together with toys in a large open
space. A fight broke out and I turned to see the angry older sister standing near the exit. She shouted, "I hate you!
I don't want to play with you anymore." The cause was that there was only one doll, and the younger sister didn't want
to give it up. I told the big sister to look at the little sister and then look at the doll. "Which one is more amazing,
more beautiful, more wonderful, the doll or your sister?" She was silent. Then she said, "My sister." I said,
"Well, you have your sister, and your sister has a doll. Why not go play with her?" She did. Kyle and Ellie had
me, and I had an opinion I didn't want to give up. Which one is more amazing, more beautiful, more wonderful? Me or the opinion?
They clearly don't think the opinion is worth much, so why reject me, a lifelong friend? Nevertheless, that is what happened.
It is hard to be told by a friend that you mean less to them than a worthless opinion about a tiny piece of paper with foreign
scribbling on it. But somehow their Sacred Honor demanded it of them. This has everything to do with the purpose of my weekly
Christian commentary on current events. I have
been looking at video of Sharia Justice in which a small 8 year old boy who stole a loaf of bread methodically and legally
had his right arm crushed under the wheel of a car so he would go through life maimed and aware he stole a loaf of bread once
and forfeited his right to earn a living. I have been looking at video of a "celebration" in the streets of Vienna,
Austria, where Muslim men and boys down to the age of just walking, paraded with swords and song and ritual dance to commemorate
a successful past Jihad. Only thing is I had to watch in horror as they began to give their heads to each other's real swords,
as each man sliced open the scalp of the other until the entire group of men, boys, and babes were dancing with blood
streaming down their faces and clothing, never once stopping the singing and dancing for Allah, even though the little boys
were now crying and the older boys were round eyed and stony faced and the mothers were eating ice-cream on the side lines
and looking away. I had just watched again the film of the collapse of the twin towers in New York City. Those first
two videos are more current than the one of the twin towers. They show Muslim activities 9 years after 9-11's attack on the
United States.
I had just watched news about the Imam leading the Cordoba Initiative. This current
event has everything to do with current events and Christianity. We are using American money that comes from our excessive
taxes: EXCESSIVE TAXES. You want proof its excessive? How come that after we pay for schools, police, firemen and public transportation,
we have enough to finance a worldwide fund-raising trip so one religious leader out of
our entire nation of religious leaders can find backing among his kind to complete his CORDOBA INITIATIVE? Cordoba was the site in Spain where the Islamic hordes tore down an important Christian Church in order
to set up a Mosque to Allah after they conquered Spain. Pardon me if I recoil at unknown dithering on a stamp! I have
more important things on my mind lately. These
are the sorts of things that I am pledging my sacred honor to as well as to ask the question why the killing of 14 of our
soldiers at Fort Kent has been swept under the carpet in favor of attacks on the Tea Party. Little stuff like that are on
my mind. Little stuff like the National Education Association's stranglehold on our nations' children's minds; on the refusal
of the government to issue vouchers and fund alternative schooling, even though it's our money and our kids we are paying
to educate. Stuff like finding out that the reason why they won't issue vouchers is because the United Nations doesn't want
vouchers. They want every child born in the entire world to be taught one thing and one thing only: their accepted ideology.
Pardon me if I say we must resist until there is nothing left to resist. I will stand by my own Sacred Honor and if I lose
a few friends along the way I do not care. There is an ancient Hebrew scripture that does comfort me. It goes something like
this: Though a thousand may fall by your side, do not fear, for I am with you. In the end, the only thing that is worth fighting
over is the sweetness of Jesus and His Love. His is the actual definition of Sacred Honor.
As the crisp and intoxicating days of Autumn drift in, so will the news of current events under the sun. Voices will drone
on about the elections. To those of us who love freedom and who aren't sticking our heads in the sand like the proverbial
ostrich who enjoys the coolness while her eggs are trampled and broken, we need to realize that freedom comes with a small
cost, while subjugation negates the soul itself. Freedom Counts Christian Commentary on Current Events
is written by Reverend Rachelle Hamlin, AEA Forwarding is encouraged. To subscribe or comment contact: |