Merrimack Valley Tea Party
Post-Election Informational Meeting
Special Guest Speaker Rush Radio
Talk Show Host Jeff Katz
WHEN: Wednesday November 10th
WHERE: North Andover VFW
32 Park Street
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
The Home Stretch!
Election Day Is just 4 days from today. We are headed into the
final stretch of either turning this country around or bringing back fiscal sanity to Washington and Beacon Hill, or to continue
with the insanity. This is the week when the madness breaks out and irrelevant emotional accusations are made instead of focusing
on the Issues. Some of our local candidates have been attacked with last minute “Hit Pieces”.
As Tea partiers, we “Question Boldly” and know better than to take scurrilous attacks at face value. It is imperative
that as a Tea Party supporter you do more than just vote on November 2nd. Incumbent are outspending challengers by up to10:1.,
and you can be sure that more “Hit Pieces” will be coming fast and furiously. Consequently, all of the campaigns
need volunteers to help with literature drops and phone calling. Remember, that thousands of unpaid people making phone
calls had an enormous impact on helping to get Scott Brown elected earlier this year. If you haven't been that active up to
now, there is still time to get involved.
Please help out all you can in these last days by contacting one of the campaigns
The Following Congressional, State legislative candidates have appeared at one or more of our Tea Party
Meetings and are seeking your help.
Jon Golnik(Republican):
5th Congressional District
1-617-VOTE-JON (978-589-5166)
Jon Golnik’s call-from-home system is now up and running
at The campaign people confirm that it is ready for widespread use and it works great. They also have nice campaign
call centers in Westford and Lowell, but not everyone’s schedule and location make it easy to go there.
You need a phone and computer. Dial directly from your phone to each voter’s number provided by
the web site, read one of the provided scripts, and then enter some information onto the web page about the call results.
It’s very easy. If you experience any problems with the system, please let the campaign people know.
1. Friday
October 29th - America’s
Mayor Rudy Giuliani is coming to the Fifth District to help push Jon across the finish line against Niki Tsongas.
Rudy Giuliani was New York City’s mayor during the tragic events of September 11, 2001. He helped lead that
city and our entire nation from shock and sadness to healing and resolve. Since that fateful day, Giuliani has
rallied people to the cause of freedom.
This Friday, Mayor Giuliani is coming to the Fifth District because
he understands what is at stake next Tuesday. He knows Congress isn’t listening and the current the leadership in Washington
is out of touch with the people of the Commonwealth. That is why Mayor Giuliani has endorsed our campaign and will be
coming to speak to the people of the 5th District on Friday.
Here are the
details of Mayor Giuliani’s visit:
Leadership That’s Listening Rally
Featuring Rudy Giuliani and Jon Golnik
Friday, October 29th 7:30 p.m.
The Brewery Exchange, 201 Cabot Street, Lowell
2. Baker,
Tisei, Golnik, and Martinez to hold Halloween Rally in Chelmsford
Please join us for a Countdown
to Victory Rally with our next Governor Charlie Baker, our next Lt. Governor Richard Tisei our
next Congressman Jon Golnik, and our next State Senator Sandi Martinez!
The Rally will be held on Halloween, this Sunday, October 31st at Penham Park located at 19 N Street
in Chelmsford, MA.
With just a few days
left in this crucial election that will set the Commonwealth’s course for the next 4 years, this rally is an incredible
opportunity to show the voters of Massachusetts that we can get back on track – with more jobs, lower taxes and streamlined
state government that works for and listens to you.
are not required but an RSVP is encouraged:
The event begins at 10:30am and the program
begins at 11:00am. This event is free and open to the public. Kids are encouraged to wear their
costumes and will receive a special treat! We look forward to seeing you there!
3. Sunday October 31: Charlie
Baker and Jon Golnik will hold a Rally in Haverhill, 12:00 in
Washington Square.
Bill Hudak
6th Congressional District: Bill is also on FACEBOOK
Phone : 978-739-2300 (or contact Ted Tripp at 978-725-6509)
October 28, 2010 13:40
It's the "We're Not Gonna Take It Rally" this Saturday October 30,2010 Peabody Square
Peabody Massachusetts from 1pm-3pm just outside the district office of U.S.Rep.John Tierney (D-Salem,Ma) lets let the RINOS
and liberal socialists know that
If you believe in
Tea Party Values? If you want see change especially in the 6th Congressional District race. If you want to support your candidate
then Get out, bring your signs - join us and make a statement.
Great news not only is Jeff Katz fom Rush Radio
1200 showing up but Candidate for Treasurer/Receiver General Karyn Polito will be showing up along with Secretary of State
Candidate Bill Campbell and State Senate Candidate Richard A. Jolitz. Matt from House of Representatives Candidate Bill Hudak's
office told me that Bill Might be stopping by also.
Jamison Tomasek:
Republican Candidate for State Senator
Second Essex & Middlesex
Andover, Dracut, Lawrence and Tewksbury
Jessica Dunham
Second Essex & Middlesex District
781-290-7863 (cell)
High school Football Standouts: (Contact Jessica Dunham )
We’re continuing our standouts at high school football games inthe district this weekend. They keep getting bigger and bigger!
the Dracut Forum’s coverage of our standout at the
Dracut/Tewksbury game last Saturday:
Yes Barry caught on to our plan. That’s
why it’s even more important that we have a strong showing through November 2nd.
Friday October 29th: We have our final football standout this weekend at the Andover Vs Dracut football
game Friday night from 6-7pm
at Andover High School (80 Shawsheen Rd- off of Rt 13). This is a big one--we can get to voters from two towns in the
Rally locations This Week:
October 28th: 7-9pm, Dracut:
Dracut House of Pizza, 1067 Lakeview Ave
Saturday October 30th: We’re also doing a standout in Lawrence on Saturday
from 11:45am to 1:15pm at the intersection of Parker Street (Rt 114) and
Street. I do believe there’s a Men’s Warehouse and a parking lot right at that intersection.
Jodi Oberto
Candidate for State Senator
Second Essex & Middlesex District
Andover, Dracut, Lawrence and Tewksbury
Jodi Oberto (I-Andover)
Paul Adams:
Republican Candidate for State Representative
17th Essex
Andover, Lawrence and Tewksbury
(978) 494-3262
Saturday October 30th: We are having two standouts:
1. Elm
Square in Andover @ 10:00AM
2. The corner of Shawsheen/East Streets in Tewksbury @10;00AM
Please join us. It’s always a blast!
Jim Lyons:
Candidate for State Representative
18th Essex District
Saturday October 30th: This weekend we will be having standouts in Andover, North Andover, Bradford, Georgetown, and Methuen, at the usual
places, from 9am to 11:30am.
1. Andover, Massachusetts standout will be held in Andover Center from 9am to
11:30am! Contact me if you can come for any amount of time!
2. Methuen, Massachusetts sign standout will be held in front of Heav'nly Donuts
on 110 from 9am to 11:30am. Contact Michelle Wilder if you can come for any amount of time
3. Haverhill, Massachusetts sign standout will be held at
Bradford Common from 9am to 11:30am. Please contact Jack Roy or Mike Grammont if you'll be able to attend!
4. North Andover, MA sign standout will be held in
the Old Center Rotary from 9am to 11:30am! Please contact Paul Gangi or CJ Gangi if you will be able to come for any amount of time!
5. Georgetown, Massachusetts sign standout will be held on
the corner of Route 97 and Andover Street from 9am to 11:30am! Please contact Lonnie Brennan if you'll be able to come for any amount of time
Kevin Begley:
Cell: 978.697.5587
Kevin Begley (R-North Andover)
Republican Candidate for State Representative
14th Essex
Saturday October 30th: We are going to be in the Old
Square tomorrow(Sat) from9:30-noon.We will be
and hamburgers provided by the campaign. All
are invited, the more the merrier.
We also are trying to coordinate signholders
for election day.We
have 6am-9am covered.The rest of the day is in need of help.We sent
out a mass email looking
for 1/2 hour to 1 hour time slots but haven't
heard from anyone.I have three family members coming but they will
some relief during the day to have lunch etc.