Bathroom Bill Deadline: Friday May 7th
Take Action TODAY to STOP IT
Thank you for your wonderful efforts these last 10 days after we discovered
our opponents’ plans to sneak the “Bathroom Bill” into law as a budget amendment. It was your emails and
your calls that encouraged Speaker DeLeo to come out against the Bathroom Bill budget amendment and call for the bill to go
through the proper legislative process.
But we are not out of the
woods yet. This Friday, May 7, is the deadline for the Judiciary Committee to report bills out to the full House and Senate.
The Bathroom Bill is one of the bills they’ll be deciding, and we must do everything we can do for the Committee to
send this radical bill “back for further study.”
the State House News Service:
DeLeo said he was taking
members’ temperature regarding legislation aimed at extending transgender rights.
Derided as “the bathroom bill”
because it would loosen access rules on public bathrooms, the measure has become an issue in the governor’s race, with
both Republican Charles Baker and Independent Treasurer Timothy Cahill criticizing it, and Patrick supportive.
going to be talking to get a feel from the members on that, in terms of where we stand with it – do we want to bring
it up, support, lack of support,” DeLeo said.
“It has such a large amount of co-sponsors. On the other hand, I
think that the members right now are so focused on the economy, that I’m not sure how much deviation from that they
want to see for the remainder of this budget cycle.”
Let’s make this the last time we need to take action on the “Bathroom
Bill” this year!
Use the link below
to send emails to the Judiciary Committee and your elected officials, imploring them to put the flawed “Bathroom Bill”
where it belongs by sending it “back for further study.” Remind them of the consequences in the public schools
of Maine and Vermont when those states passed similar bills without studying their impact. Thank you.
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