1. Fate of Barack Obama's agenda in America rests on Jan. 19 Massachusetts
U.S. Senate election. But National Republican Party not interested.
In the election to fill
Ted Kennedy's empty US Senate seat, the fate of Barack Obama's agenda in Congress will be decided in Massachusetts on January
19, as the possible 41st Republican could be elected to the US Senate, which would allow Democratic legislation
to be blocked via filibuster.
This is essentially the difference between America taking one road or the
other -- between a further government takeover of society and the economy, or restraint from that. It's that important.
And that message is starting to resonate even in Massachusetts.
And polls show that Republican Scott Brown
is closing in on Democrat Martha Coakley. The latest polls show that Brown is within 9 points overall, and is leading
by an astonishing 65-21 among Independent voters.
But it's been painful to watch. Brown is picking up steam despite
the indolence of the Republican Party. In a bizarre move, the national Republican Party has basically conceded the
race (something the Democrats would NEVER do in a similar situation) and the national party is not aggressively helping
Brown with funding or organization. He's virtually being left on his own.
As a result, Brown's
campaign staff is basically Romney's second tier, his ads are relatively boring and unimaginative, and it clearly lacks the
feel of big-time US Senate machine.
The campaign is mostly being run on sheer energy and grassroots activism.
(And there's a LOT of that!) Brown's not exactly Winston Churchill on the stump, but he's managing to communicate, and he's
pulling in a fair amount of money off the Internet and from lots of individual donors (though nowhere near what Coakley has).
But nevertheless, he's still closing in.
The national Republicans are making a stupid
mistake by sitting this out. Up until 2006 the Republicans have won every Governor's race in Massachusetts since
1990. Brown won his state senate seat in a district that had been electing a far-left liberal Democrat for years.
Want to sound off to the national Republican Committee? (And all the money they're sitting on . . .) Here's their contact info. http://www.gop.com/index.php/housekeeping/contact_us/
NOTE: As we go to press, Fox News just announced that Scott Brown will be on the Hannity
Show tonight (9 pm EST, Friday) to discuss his strategy to win.
2. Democrat Martha Coakley, if elected to US Senate, would be most radical ever from
Massachusetts. Martha Coakley, if elected, would probably be the most left-wing, anti-family
member of Congress in Massachusetts history. She's more extreme than Ted Kennedy or current US Reps Michael Capuono,
Nikki Tsongas, and even Barney Frank.
Besides her public statements, Coakley certainly has a record to go on.
She is currently the Massachusetts Attorney General, and before that was Middlesex County District Attorney. How bad
is she? Here are a few examples:
General left-wing anti-family positions - Coakley
wholeheartedly supports the whole range of trendy far-left positions: ObamaHealthCare; "Cap and Trade"
and global warming legislation; federal hate crimes legislation, full repeal of "don't ask don't tell" regarding
homosexuals serving openly in the military; giving illegal immigrants a "path to citizenship." Also is 100%
anti-death penalty -- she originally supported the death penalty for cop killers but now opposes it.
- Militantly
pro-abortion. For a while she refused to support ObamaCare unless it included taxpayer-funded abortion. Supports
the "buffer zone" around abortion clinics.
Honoring "gay marriage".
Martha Coakley congratulates the homosexual community on 5 years of "gay marriage" in Massachusetts at public event
last May, as MassEquality president Scott Gortikov (right) and Rep. Carl Sciortino (D-Sodom and Gomorrah) look on. [MassResistance
photo] | 
Enthusiastic support of radical homosexual / transgender
agenda - Militantly pro-homosexual "marriage". Last year, as Mass. Attorney
General, she filed a lawsuit against the federal government to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)!
- Raises
money for the homosexual lobby. For example, in May, 2007 Coakley was the keynote speaker at the Massachusetts Lesbian and Gay Bar Association annual fundraising dinner. In August, 2007 she was the "marquee special guest" at the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus (lobbyists) annual fundraiser.
- Endorsed
by radical homosexual organizations MassEquality and the Mass. Transgender Political Coalition, which cites Coakley's "strong commitment to the LGBT community." Coakley has promised to push the homosexual and
transgender agenda as a US Senator.
- Gave a public congratulatory speech at MassEquality event to celebrate five years of same-sex "marriage" in Massachusetts (see photo
- Personally went to the State House to testify in favor of passing the radical Transgender
Rights and Hate Crimes Bill (H1728) at public hearing in July. Coakley is a huge supporter of so-called "transgender rights" - probably more so than Barney Frank! (photo below)
Martha Coakley testifies at State House public hearing last July in favor of radical Transgender Rights and Hate
Crimes Bill. [MassResistance photo] | 
Putting radical politics before safety of your children - Refused
to investigate horrendous Fistgate incident where gay activists were teaching children how to engage in homosexual
sex. Immediately after the "Fistgate" conference, Scott Whiteman hand-delivered an affidavit of the incident to Coakley, then Middlesex County District Attorney. Her office refused to respond in any way despite repeated requests.
- Refused to investigate the lack of CORI (criminal record) checks on homosexual activists
working with public schoolchildren, which is required with anyone working with children in Massachusetts - but homosexual
activists ignore that. "I think I know your agenda," Coakley's spokesman told us. "You seem to have a problem
with gay people. The state's Attorney General is not going to investigate this." (See our report)
Other issues - In the infamous Amirault "Fells Acres Day Care"
case, Coakley did her best to keep a clearly innocent man in prison to advance her political career as a "hard-nosed
prosecutor." It is known nationally as a horrible miscarriage of justice. See Ann Coulter's column on this.
- Coakley is completely in bed (metaphorically speaking) with the despised anti-family public
sector unions, including the teachers union and most notably the SIEU, which carries water for her and vise versa.
- And we haven't even touched issues such as Coakley's caving in to the corrupt Big Dig contractors
and settling with them rather than go to trial, a decision that has been widely criticized by liberals and conservatives alike.
- She refuses to debate her Republican opponent, Scott Brown, one-on-one. She requires
that the minor third-party Libertarian candidate for Senate ialso be part of the debate. Interestingly, in 2006 when she ran
for Attorney General, Coakley refused to debate at all.
But suffice it to say that Martha Coakley in
the US Senate would be a nightmare not only for Massachusetts but for all of America. Martha Coakley (center)
with her SIEU thug buddies. (She seems to like that orange jacket.) | 
3. Say
it ain't so! As race gets tighter Republican Scott Brown's veering to the left. We
really want to like Scott Brown. But he's making it difficult. Like John McCain, Brown's best asset is the fact that
he's running against the worst Democrat ever.
As this race gets tighter Brown seems to be succumbing
to the idea that you'll pick up even more votes if you just move more to the left. Become a moderate and more people will
like you!
Of course, it helps that most Massachusetts conservatives -- unlike the Left -- are not very principled
and will easily support "the lesser of two evils" rather than demand any kind of ideological fortitude. (Too many
of us haven't learned that you generally get what you deserve.)
Grilling at the Boston
Herald editorial office
On Tuesday, Scott Brown met with the Boston Herald editorial staff (see
below). And the results weren't particularly pretty. (Note: The Herald masquerades as a "conservative" paper, but
in fact most of their staff could be easily intermixed with the Boston Globe. Maybe he was trying to impress them.) Just the kind of headline we're not thrilled to see. (Boston Herald, Wednesday, 1/6/10, p.6) | 
First of all, Brown tried to make it clear that he WOULDN'T be an automatic Republican
vote in the US Senate, even on contentious issue.
Here's what the Herald reporter wrote
about what Brown sees as his role in the US Senate: Brown . . . said he wants to play
the part of a swing vote, sought after by both sides of the aisle.
"I give you my word. What's the Republican
Party gonna do to me? They haven't really done much for me now," he said. "So all of a sudden I'm obligated to them?
I don't owe them anything. " . . .
"If I go down there, I'll be the 41st (Republican) senator,"
he said. "The Democrats have to come to me and say, 'Scott, we know you're an independent guy, can we have you on this
"That's a great position to be in, he added.
Read entire article HERE.
[NOTE: Actually, the Republican party gave Brown a HUGE amount of help in the election to win his current
state Senate seat. It was a special election and he was up against a well-supported Democrat in a Democrat district.]
And what about Brown and the "social issues"? As their left-wing columnist Margery Eagan wrote
in her Wednesday column: Yesterday morning I would have called Scott Brown a social
By the time he finished an hour with the Herald editors yesterday afternoon, he was calling himself
a "social moderate." Yet he sounded like a social liberal.
Gay marriage, which he once wanted to put
up for a referendum? "This is settled law" in Massachusetts, he said. "People have moved on." . . .
Pro-choice or pro-life? Brown, who's repeatedly pushed for abortion
Pro-choice or pro-life? Brown, who's
repeatedly pushed for abortion restrictions and has the support of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, said he doesn't like those
"labels." Pressed, he agreed the "choice" should be between a woman and her doctor - the very definition
of pro-choice. . .
Scott Brown even said he'd have voted for Sonia Sotomayor, the U.S. Supreme Court Justice ridiculed
by the right as the ultimate angry, affirmation-action hire with the far-left agenda and the mediocre SATS.
Read entire column HERE.
Eagan opined that Brown has become Bill Weld (former Republican governor and noted
RINO). Let's hope the election comes quickly, before Brown morphs into a Republican Barney Frank.
Right. Just what
we need.
That having been said, here's why Brown is picking up steam: Read Howie Carr's column in today's
Herald, "Feeling blue? Take a second look at Scott Brown"
4. MassResistance reveals additional radical
exploits of "safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings! The horrible trail of radical homosexual activism
involving schoolchildren of Obama's "safe schools" czar Kevin Jennings appears to be almost endless.
has revealed two more examples (and there are more to come).
1. Kevin Jennings is
the Board President of the “Tectonic Theater Project”
This is the production company
behind the insidious GLBT propaganda play, “The Laramie Project,” which exploits the brutal murder of Matthew
Shepard as a “hate crime” and leads kids directly to groups promoting GLBT causes. It is the second most performed
play in high schools and colleges across the country. Tectonic also produces other plays focusing on homosexuality and transgenderism.
See our full MassResistance report.
Also see TODAY’s WorldNetDaily article based on our research: Obama's 'safe schools' chief behind 'gay' propaganda play – uses violent death to of college
student to condemn biblical view as hateful
2. Jennings says he was radicalized at the 1987 “Gay March on Washington”
and inspired to push homosexuality in schools
The event – which presented a list of demands by
the homosexual movement and was the beginning of “National Coming Out Day” -- inspired him to push homosexuality
at the private school where he was a teacher, he wrote in his memoir. See our full MassResistance report.
See our longer reports on Jennings HERE and HERE. And as we said, there’s more to come!