JANUARY 14, 2009 A GREAT DAY FOR COMFLM REGISTRY.. 4 bills filed the process
now begins to get theee passed..let's do it.. posted by j aldrich
NUMBERS ARE UP.. http://www.mass.gov/legis/senate/2009-2010_dockets.htm SENATE http://www.mass.gov/legis/bills/house/186/docket_bill.htm HOUSE THEY ARE ONLY IN DOCKET NUMBER ORDER..
posted Feb 5, 2009 JAldrich 630AM
WEDNESDAY FEB 4, 2009 Senate
SECTION 1. Section 11A of Chapter
30A of the General Laws is hereby amended in the definition of "Governmental Body" by striking the phrase "but shall not include the general court or the committees or recess committees thereof". (which means it now shall include..)
SECTION 2. Chapter 3 of the General Laws is hereby amended
by inserting after Section 29 the following new section:-
"Section 29A. Video Recording of Hearings.
Section 29A. The General Court shall ensure that a video recording is made
of each public hearing of its committees and special commissions. Said recording shall be archived on the website
of the General Court in a form easily accessible to the general public as soon as reasonably feasible after the
recording is made, and shall remain available on the website for at least 24 months, after which it shall be preserved
in the state library."
SECTION 3. The Secretary of Labor and
Workforce Development shall designate the organization known as Commonwealth of Massachusetts Free-Lance Media with
the task of establishing an independent media registry. Said registry's functions shall include, but not be limited to, creating a statewide database of independent media and issuing identification cards to members of the independent
media. The designated organization shall, at any state agency's request, provide any or all portions of the
registry to said agency. The Secretary shall make this designation not more than three months after the passage of this
SECTION 4. Section 23B of Chapter 39 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2006 Official Edition,
is hereby amended in line 119 by adding at the end of the paragraph the following sentence:- "Members of the press and citizens recording proceeding shall be given preference in attending public meetings
and given a prepared location whenever possible."
docket book ready mon feb 2 9am. House side. On line access available Senate docket book ready tomorrow. Feb 3 2009, Feb
4 2009 Senate dockets out but not on web yet . You can call your Sen and find out..or wait a day..and
scroll all the bills..posted feb 4, 2009 JAldrich
BY OTHER REPRESENTATIVES: HD1033..public records
law, HD3928 public records law, HD1367 open meeting law, REP CABRAL..Committee on Administration and Regulatory
Oversight.. HD3097 public records law, HD3155
public record law, HD3796 public record law, HD 2997 public record law, HD 3025 Public record law, HD 3026 Public record
law, HD 3046 public record law, HD 3075 public record supervision, REP SCACCIA HD 1781 religious freedom of students REP DEMACEDO, HD 2072 Civil Rights and Public Safety, REP GEO PETERSEN.. HD 3654 restoring free speech and public access, REP HARGRAVES HD 2613 open meeting law, REP JAMES VALLEE HD 3482 blasphemy repeal, REP SMOLA HD 2389 graffiti, HD 2712, accessibility elect information technology for
disabled. HD 2713 taping committee meetings REP HILL HD
3266 information disclosure for news teams..REP PEISCH HD 3020 Broadband deployment, REP DRISCOLL HD 3258 Legislative Committee Conduct, JAMES ARCIERO, HD 3359 Referendum Petition Signatures REP FAGAN HD 1324 Open Meeting Law, REP JENNIFER CALLAHAN POSTED FEBRUARY 4, 2009 J ALDRICH
We the people do have power in court to take back democracy at the trial by jury process. Do not listen to an unjust
judge jury.. read this: "If a juror feels that the statute involved in any criminal
offence is unfair, or that it infringes upon the defendant’s natural God-given unalienable or Constitutional
rights, then it is his duty to affirm that the offending statute is really no law at all and that the violation of
it is no crime at all, for no one is bound to obey an unjust law. "That juror must
vote Not Guilty regardless of the pressures or abuses that may be heaped on him by any or all members of the jury with whom
he may in good conscience disagree. He is voting on the justice of the law according to his own conscience and convictions
and not someone else’s. The law itself is on trial quite as much as the case which is to be decided." U.S. Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone, 1941-1946. , 1941-1946. (Emphases
added.) ." U.S. Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone, 1941-1946.
1941-1946. (Emphases added.)The Pan-European
and United States Constitutional Justice System.
Comflm sm Registry News, CRNewsTeam dba Ranbo Enterprises, Hamilton, Massachusetts..
978 388 2457 Comflm Registry proudly Preserves Public
Works Documents for the past 17 years on Beacon Hill, and Documents Public Events & Press Conferences when
invited. A Pro Bono copy of footage is given to any Committee up to 2011 being covered in order to promote honest trackable
press standing for Independant Reporters who wish to join Comflm Registry and be respected for their integrity in reporting
the daily News in New Media Format. When we have the 350 reporters we will continue this practice keeping copyright
to producers and pro bono donations to Committee intact.
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