| | | In an unprecedented request, His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, has asked bishops
and their dioceses throughout the world to join him on the First Sunday of Advent to invoke the Lord's protection over every
human being, especially those whose lives are most vulnerable and under attack in our world today. Even
though Massachusetts Citizens for Life is non-sectarian, I think you will join me in welcoming this prayer initiative.
Bless you all, Anne Boston Archdiocese: Saturday, Nov. 27 at 4:00 pm, Cathedral
of the Holy Cross (lower church), Vespers, Rosary, and Benediction, Sean Cardinal O'Malley Springfield Diocese: Saturday, Nov 27, at 5:00 pm, St Michael's Cathedral, Vigil Mass, Bishop Timothy McDonnell Fall River Diocese: Saturday, Nov 27 at 7:00 pm, St Juliet Billiart Church, South Dartmouth,
a vigil and holy hour, Bishop George Coleman Worcester Diocese: Sunday,
Nov. 28 at 7:00 pm, Cathedral of St Paul, Vigil for All Unborn Human Life, Bishop Robert McManus "The human being is not a disposable object, but every single individual
represents God's presence in the world." ~
Pope Benedict XVI |
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Massachusetts Citizens for Life Federal Political Action Committee
For immediate release
contact John Rowe, 978-531-8565
Boston-- Today, the political arm of the Massachusetts
Citizens for Life, the oldest and largest right to life organization in the state, has endorsed five candidates to replace
Congressman Richard Neal (2nd CD), Congressman James McGovern (3rd CD), Congressman Barney Frank (4th
CD), Congreeman John Tierney (6thCD), and Congressman Edward Markey (7th CD)
The MCFL Federal
PAC has endorsed: Thomas Wesley (2nd CD), Martin Lamb (3rd CD), Sean Bielat (4th CD), Bill
Hudak (6th CD) and Dr. Gerry Dembrowski (7th CD).
Reps. Neal, McGovern, Frank, Tierney, and Markey
voted to enact President Obama's massive health care legislation although it lacked the pro-life protections that were necessary
to prevent future federal funding of elective abortion and federal subsidies for private insurance plans that cover elective
abortion (some of which will be administered directly by the federal government).
"These Congressmen voted
for the most abortion-expansive single piece of legislation ever to reach the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives,"
said MCFL Fed PAC Chairman, John Rowe. Rowe continued, "We are proud to endorse Thomas Wesley, Martin Lamb, Sean
Bielat, Bill Hudak and Dr Gerry Dembrowski. Each of these candidates has answered the MCFL Questionnaire 100% pro-life.
We look forward to having Congressmen who will vote against abortion funding and for protection of all innocent life.
We are contacting right to life people in each of these districts so they can vote for the right to life candidates."
MCFL Fed PAC has already endorsed State Senator Jeff Perry for Congress in the 10th CD.
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Catch of the Day, covered Romney endorsing Perry
last night in Quincy at the Elks Lodge 11 01 10
| | | We looked for candidates who are "Strict Constructionist", that is they do not approve of judges making law.
We found: First District: Oliver Cipollini,
Jr. (D), Charles Oliver Cipollini (R) (no misprint here) Second District: Richard Mitchell (U) Third
District: Marilyn Devaney (D) Fifth District: Mary-Ellen
Manning (D) Sixth District: Paul Caruccio ( R ) Eighth District: Michael Franco ( R ) These districts are huge, as are the
implications of the election. We need these people to appoint judges who will follow the Massachusetts Constitution.
If you are not sure of the number of your district, why not print out this email and take it with you. Anne |