|  | Subject:
Event has been Hello
Due to scheduling conflicts this event has been combined
withthe Gala Reception at the Concord Colonial Inn on Tuesday, 10/19 hosted by the Concord Republican Town Committee.
Special guests:
Ed King, founder of CLT and the author of Prop 2 1/2 . Bill Vernon, State Director
of NFIB/Massachusetts
Invited Guests:
Mass State Senator Bruce Tarr
We look forward to seeing
you at the Colonial Inn at 6pm on Tuesday.
Team Sandi |
CONTACT: October 17, 2010
| | Marty Lamb, Republican
candidate for Congress in Massachusetts Third District, will hold two press conferences Monday, October 18th
to discuss his upcoming media. Who:
Marty Lamb 3rd
District Republican Congressional Candidate Event:
Press Conference
When: Monday, October
Noon Where:
On the front stairs of Worcester City Hall
Worcester, MA Time:
4pm Where:
In front of Congressman McGovern's office
North Main Street
Attleboro, MA For
more information about Marty Lamb please visit his website: www.MartyforCongress.com
TREASURER CANDIDATES DEBATE: Treasurer candidates Rep. Karyn
Polito and Steven Grossman (Thursday, noon, Suffolk University Law School, Sargent Hall, 120 Tremont Street, Boston) October
7 2010
Hector Montalvo, running for Rep in Methuen, interviews Tim
Cahill on Behind the Scenes with Hector Montalvo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4XHDWxUgkI
posting September 16 2010 Jim Rizoli of Framingham
is running for Representative as an Independant on the ballot http://ccfiile.com/Politics.html Here is a statement by Jim on his website about his values.
http://www.boston.com/yourtown/news/framingham/2010/10/in_their_own_words_framinhgam.html sent by Jim Rizoli, Rep Candidate Framingham 101510
The Current of Newburyport has a great article on whose running
where.. check this out! Includes sticker candidates http://www.wickedlocal.com/newburyport/topstories/x412948723/Primary-elections-near
| Dear Friends,
With four weeks to go until Election Day, we're well on our way - but there's still a
battle to be fought in order to win this race on November 2nd! We have a lot of great events lined up this week,
in addition to being halfway to the deadline of our 10-10-10 $10k moneybomb.
Will you be able to help out my campaign by volunteering some time at one of our campaign offices,
making a contribution towards our moneybomb on or before 10-10-10, or by joining us at one of the great events we have lined
There's something for everyone taking place this week, from
standouts and rallies to debates and parades!
Wednesday, October 6th
Polito Peeps
Stand Out (5:00pm - 6:00pm) Prior to "Push to Victory Rally!"
Contact: Peter Lukes at atylukes@aol.com or 508-207-5481
| Wednesday,
October 6th
Push to Victory Rally!" (6:00pm - 8:00 pm)
FREE FOOD AND MUSIC - ITAM Club, 231 Lake Avenue, Worcester, MA
| Thursday, October 7th
Stand Out Prior to Karyn's Debate (11:00am to 11:45am)
Park St Station, Boston, MA
Contact: Amber Hillman
at amber.hillman@gmail.com
| Thursday, October 7th
State Treasurer's
Debate (12:00pm to 1:30pm) (Lunch included)
Suffolk Law School 120 Tremont St., Boston, MA.
RSVP required: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e31fnnys
| Sunday,
October 10th
Worcester Parade Marchers
Needed! (12:30pm)
Contact: Peter Lukes at atylukes@aol.com or 508-207-5481
| Sunday, October 10th
East Boston Parade Marchers Needed!
Contact: Walter DePaolo, 508-361-1249 or walter.depaolo@gmail.com
| Sunday, October 10th
and Greet BBQ with Karyn (4:00pm to 6:00pm)
Sons of Italy, 8 Revere St.,
Contact: Walter DePaolo, 508-361-1249 or walter.depaolo@gmail.com
| *Save the date* Wednesday, October 20th
Women with Polito Fundraiser (6:00-8:30pm) Tickets
are $50 per individual
Filippo Ristorante 283 Causeway St.,North End
Contact: Mindy Mckenzie-Hebert, 508-736-7723
make it to any of these events? Not a problem! We have offices open across the
state and are always in need of more volunteers. Call us at 508-845-2300 or reply to this email if you'd like to sign up for
a volunteer shift - every hour you can give helps! |
CONTACT: October 6, 2010
| | Marty Lamb, Republican candidate for Congress in Massachusetts Third District, will hold three press conferences
Thursday, October 7th. Who:
Marty Lamb 3rd District Republican Congressional Candidate Event: Press
When: Thursday, October 7th
Time: 1pm
Where: Front of Worcester
City Hall
Worcester, MA
Time: 2:30pm Where: In front of Congressman
McGovern's office
North Main Street
Attleboro, MA
Time: 3:30pm Where: In front of Fall River
City Hall
Fall River
For more information about Marty Lamb please visit his website: www.MartyforCongress.com
Tune in to Fox 25 tonight
at 10 pm for a 10 minute debate between candidates for the 6th Congressional District, Bill Hudak and John Tierney! Bill
Hudak and John Tierney candidates for the 6th Congressional District will be debating each other on Thursday evening,
October 14th, 7-9 pm, at the Memorial Building, 502 Cabot Street in Beverly. There is limited parking, so sign holders will
not be allowed in the parking lot. Nor will signs be allowed inside the building. If you want to see the debate live,
you must arrive by 7:15. Niki Tsongas & Jon Golnik candidates for the 5th Congressional District will be debating each other
on Monday evening, October 18th from 7:00 to 9:00pm, at Mann Orchards, 27 Pleasant Valley St, in Methuen. Audience members will have a chance to ask
questions during the Town Hall portion of the debate.
sent by Larry Guinta, Newburyport Thursday October
7th Newburyport
Republican Committee Meeting Stripers Grille 175 Bridge Road Salisbury 7-9pm Republican and Independents Welcome
Thursday October 7th Hudak / Tierney Debate on
Fox 25 A ten minute debate to be aired just
after 10PM.
Thursday October 14th Hudak / Tierney Debate Sponsored by the Salem
News/Jewish Journal Beverly- Memorial Building 502 Cabot St, Beverly, MA 7:30pm Join us for Hudak signing holding outside the Memorial building
before the debate.
Thursday October
14th West Newbury GOP City Committee Meeting 6:00 PM West Newbury Town Office Building
October 15th Meet and
Greet with Charlie Baker 182 High Street (The Moseley House) Newburyport 7:00pm All are Welcome Donations
are optional but gladly accepted
October 19th Meet United
States Senator Scott Brown at the Massachusetts Republican Caucus fundraiser The Stone Soup 141 High Street
Ipswich 5:00 to 6:30pm $50.00 per person Checks to be made out to: Mass House Republican PAC Mail to:
committee to elect Brad Hill, PO Box 556 Ipswich Ma. 01938 Please RSVP by Contacting committee@bradhill.org
October 19th State Representative Debate Troyli / Costello Newburyport High School Auditorium More information to follow......
Also, yards signs for
most candidates can be picked up at the Hudak Campaign Call Center at 3 Cherry Street (1st Floor) Newburyport
Newburyport Republican
Committee Chairman
/Tisei / Hudak / McKenna/ Connaughton / Polito/ Campbell /Cousins/ Tryoli/ Finneran Republican Rally When: Sat. Oct 2, 10 am- 12
noon. Exactly one month before the important Nov. 2 election! Where: Market Square in Downtown Newburyport. Why: To gather as a large, enthusiastic group to
show support for our Republican candidates and conservative ideals. What to bring: * Your family and friends!
The larger the crowd the bigger the impact. *American Flags * Political signs showing support for your favorite Republican candidates. * Political signs showing your support for Republican platforms important to you! (repeal healthcare, stop the bailouts, quit growing the government, protect our borders, stop the Obama agenda, don't
tread on me, etc.......)
/Tisei / Hudak / McKenna/ Connaughton / Polito/ Campbell /Cousins/ Tryoli/ Finneran Let's increase the momentum that has been building in MA and across the nation. We will make a
positive change to redirect our country! Baker /Tisei /Hudak / McKenna/
Connaughton /Polito/ Campbell /Cousins/ Tryoli/ Finneran
the record Karen is Pro Choice | Dear
I wanted to share with
you some good news from the just-released Suffolk University poll on Karyn Polito's race for state treasurer. Digging into the details, the most significant find is that a
third of the voters are undecided. Not surprisingly, after his half-million
dollar ad campaign, former Democratic Party chairman Steve Grossman is out to an early lead, 39-28. A closer look
at the internals reveals that Karyn is in a remarkably strong position to win in November. Not only is Karyn leading by a
wide margin among Republicans, she is winning among the all-crucial independent voters, 36-27. Among those who
believe Massachusetts is on the wrong track, Karyn cleans up 40-26. Karyn just
went on air with her own advertising campaign. We have a great new ad, which you can view at www.karynpolito.com. Please donate now to help us run this commercial so more people can hear Karyn's fiscally conservative message of lower taxes, less spending
and holding the line on excessive borrowing. If you haven't yet, sign up to volunteer and join us tomorrow night
for our post-primary organizational meeting. |
| | Victor Pap Campaign Manager |
Politics getting dirty, so what else is new?? | | Dear Friend, It took less than 48 hours for Congressman McGovern and Moveon.org to attack me! I
need your help today! That's right they have gone nuclear. Congressman McGovern knows he is in deep trouble. First,
he leaves off his incumbency status on the ballot. Second, he attacks me for an old bankruptcy. Oops I guess he
forget that we are in a recession and that many of the people in his district are now facing serious financial trouble like
I did a number of years ago. What can you expect from a guy who has NEVER HELD A PRIVATE SECTOR
JOB. He has never had to look thru the help wanted section of a newspaper. He has never had to worry about his next
paycheck because they have all been government guaranteed. Congressman McGovern needs a reality check. Third,
Moveon.org says that McGovern has pledge to cut down the influence of lobbyists and I have not signed their pledge on lobbyists.
That's right I will never be beholden to George Soros! But you have to laugh at how much they are grasping at straws to attack
me. I have never taken a donation from a lobbyist. Meanwhile McGovern is bought and paid for by lobbyist. He has taken in
over $55,000 from lobbyists. LOL! This is just the beginning of the phony attacks. Will you help me stop them
by donating today? Click here to donate. Yesterday the National Republican Congressional Committee said they are now watching this race as a possible
pick up! But first I need to raise the money. I cannot do it alone. If you want to send a message, then let's defeat
Massachusetts MOST liberal Congressman.

That's right McGovern is more liberal than Frank and Nancy Pelosi. He has gone too far for this district!
Please send your most generous donation today.
Checks can be mailed care of "Marty for Congress"
57 Wingate Rd Holliston, MA 01746
Sincerely, Marty Lamb
| |
| Greetings!
I want to take the time to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you who worked
so hard and so enthusiastically for my candidacy. It was a humbling experience for me to see your total dedication to
God, our great country, the Constitution, and the ideals and traditions that have made this great Republic. This was
truly the People's campaign because of all of you. I was merely an imperfect messenger. Our message of less government, fewer taxes, and term limits resonated with the People of the 4th District.
We outpointed the opposition in almost every aspect of the campaign - debate, our ground game, your awesome standouts, campaign
materials, signs, common sense solutions, the truth, clarity, speeches, retail politics, et al. They only beat us on
fundraising, telephone calls, and negative campaigning. A fellow Republican ran a more negative campaign against me
than Martha Coakley ran against Scott Brown. It was filled with outright lies, distortions, and unmitigated underhanded
attacks by surrogates and fellow Republicans. Unfortunately, I could not overcome it. Shame on them! I believe
in my heart that many Democrats were poised to vote for me in November. I believe that I would have beaten Barney Frank. But,
I do not want to be sour grapes over it. I live to fight another day to take back our country from the socialists and
elites who have defiled it. I have extended my congratulations to Sean Bielat, and
offered my support. I have always been a Team Player, and I will support the nominee of my party. I am asking all
of you to rally around the GOP' candidate in November. I understand that some hard feelings linger with many of my devoted
friends and volunteers. The essence of Christianity is forgiveness, first and foremost, and I will always take the High
Road. I am asking you to do the same. Please, as a favor to me, support the Republican Candidate for Congress in
the 4th District, and all our other candidates as well. God bless you all for your
hard work, devotion to our great country, your infectious spirit, your enthusiasm, and your loyalty. We may have lost
this battle, but we will win the war for Liberty and Limited Government. For the Kids'
Sake, Earl H. Sholley |
| | |
| |
| This Sunday we'll be out in force
at the Hannaford's grocery store in Marlboro from 11am-4pm.
193 Boston Post Rd W (Route20) Marlborough, MA 01752-1840
This will serve as
our base of operations for the day. Volunteers are welcome to restock their supply of signs, stickers, etc.
As always if more volunteers than are needed arrive, we will split up into smaller teams and spread out throughout
the district.
| It is time to "Lambscape" your yard with a Marty Lamb for Congress lawn
sign. Get yours now and avoid the rush! Become a community sign team leader and help us locate prime real estate in need of
We just received a large shipment of lawn signs and bumper stickers. Please ask friends, neighbors
and anyone else you know if you can Lambscape their property.
Put a bumper sticker on your car. Apply it to the back window for easy removal after the
election. (unless you choose to keep it on after the victory in November to let everyone know that you helped oust McGovern!) |
Contributions are needed now more than ever! Help us get
the message out through radio and other media. We need your help, every contribution helps us more than you realize. Please Click
here to help us bring government back to the people. Checks payable to "Marty Lamb for Congress"
can be mailed to:
57 Wingate Road
Holliston, MA
### Paid for by Marty Lamb for Congress |
| |
| |
posting September 16 2010 | | Dear Friend, Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you! I am honored to be the Republican nominee for the Massachusetts Third Congressional District! And I could not have
pulled off this upset victory without your help. Now on to the main event... Today we start the General Election campaign against Congressman Jim McGovern
who has never held a private sector job. On the other hand as a small business owner, I have created jobs. This November voters
will have a choice between a candidate who is committed to helping create jobs and an incumbent who is only committed
to saving his job. This is one of the most important elections of our generation. If you sick of Congress, then
I ask you to make a donation today to help me kick off the General Election campaign with momentum. Your
donation will help pay for more barf bags, our next tactic to bring humor to this campaign, radio ads and tv commercials.
you help me by visiting www.MartyforCongress.com today? Your strong financial support is needed more than ever!
Thank you,
Marty Lamb
Candidate for Congress
| Greetings! First, let me apologize for this unsolicited email. I don't mean to intrude,
and this will be the only message I'll be sending about the September 14th primary election in Massachusetts. Over the summer, many people who consider themselves true conservatives, meaning
conservative on the social as well as the fiscal issues, have expressed that they are deeply concerned at the lack of candidates
for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor offices who fight for the unborn, for parental and religious rights and for traditional
family and marriage values. If you support these issues, as I know many do, read on. We usually look to the Republicans and conservative Democrats to fight for these issues, but this November, there
is no one to carry the mantle. That is especially true for State Sen. Tisei, who is running on the Republican ticket for Lt.
Governor. As you might know, he is pro-choice and fought hard against the Article 48 petition initiative to get the marriage
issue to the voters. There was hope that a pro-life candidate would step forward to mount a write-in challenge in the September
14th primary for either the Governor or Lt. Governor position. Since
this did not happen, people became more distressed as to the lack of choice. Because of this, I decided to be a write-in candidate
for the Lieutenant Governor spot so conservatives across the state would have one person for whom they could cast a meaningful
vote of conscience. To find out about this, please visit
www.WriteInKeithDavis.com to see the issues addressed and the instructions on the write-in procedure. Since I am not taking any
donations for this effort, all I ask is that you either forward this message or send the website link to your conservative
friends in Massachusetts. If you know of someone who doesn't have Internet access, I would ask that you pass along the information. Thank you for your time and consideration, Blessings, Keith
Davis, Holyoke |
before the primary is tomorrow night. There will be a meet the candidate reception September 7 from 5-6:50
and then the debate starts at 7:00 at Westborough's DoubleTree Hotel. I am asking for many sign holders to show their support and hold Marty Lamb signs. For those of
you who can't make it directly at 5, please come as soon as you can. A show
of supporters makes a huge difference to citizens still trying to make up their minds. |
| Marty Lamb Marty Lamb for Congress
Labor Day, Earl Sholley Report Sholley for Congress For Immediate Release September 4, 2010 |
| |  Labor Day is September 6th. It began
as a celebration of the labor movement in America, then was voted as a National Holiday in honor of workers by Congress on
June 28, 1894. Now it's just another holiday celebrating the end of summer. In the early days, America's
labor force enabled this country's citizens to achieve the highest standards of living and to produce the greatest production
of goods and services the world has ever known. Within 200 years, America's labor force had created something here in America,
that Europeans weren't able to enjoy- the American Dream. Great American presidents knew that free markets and capitalism
worked best when government stayed out of the way. Today, thanks to Mr. Obama and members of Congress
like Barney Frank, our free market system is dying. Burdened with high taxation and suffocating regulation, our successful
capitalist model is purposely being destroyed by the Obama administration with the help of Congressmen like Barney Frank through
the systematic elimination of the traditional ideals of individualism, hard work, opportunity and success.
Today, Congressmen like Barney Frank see the laborer not as an individual with hopes and dreams for a better life for himself
and his children, but as a vote in exchange for empty promises that will keep him employed on the taxpayers' dime. Mr.
Obama and socialist cronies like Barney Frank offer collectivism in place of individualism, and socialism in place of capitalism. The
American worker deserves better than this, and if you send me to Congress, I pledge that I will fight for smaller government
by putting forth initiatives to cut the chains that shackle the backbone of our American economy- small businesses. I
will work for smaller, more efficient government by offering legislation to cut, not trim, useless and redundant departments
and programs, and I won't give in to the go-along-to-get-along mentality we've seen so much of from progressive Republicans
in Congress. Go to my website at www.sholleyforcongress.us and read my Pledge to the People. Those who know me, know my word
is my bond. The party's over for career politicians, and it's time to put our financial house in order
so that the American people can be proud once again to lead the world in standards of living and production of goods and services. The
American work ethic is not dead; it's just been beaten up by bureaucrats like Barney Frank. It is
appropriate, therefore, that we pay tribute on Labor Day, not to the labor unions or to the labor bosses, but to the people
who have made this nation great- the American worker. Earl Sholley Republican Candidate, MA 4th Congressional
District www.sholleyforcongress.us |
| _______________________________________________________________________________ The
podcast came out early for the Face the Truth, Coast to Coast. _______________________________________________________________________________ A
big thank you to those of you making calls from home(in and out of state) and from our offices
in Raynham and Westport. We still have lists available. If you are interested in making calls, please contact
me at jizzo@sholleyforcongress.us . Also, if you can hold signs at your local polling place, please let us know. We're getting down to
the wire! Please continue to encourage other conservative voters to get out and vote in the Primary on Sept. 14th
for Republican Earl Sholley. Independents can request a Republican ballot and will remain registered as Independent
after voting. Sincerely, Janine Izzo |
Saturday September 4 2010 Senator Cynthia Creem is under seige in Brookline.. here are some photos sent to me today of the Standout.
WILL YA! http://www.governing.com/blogs/politics/Attorneys-General-Race.html#massachusetts, MASSACHUSETTS- Safe D
- Current AG:
Martha Coakley (D) - Opponent(s):
James McKenna (R) - Primary:
14, 2010
What a couple of months for Martha Coakley. In January, the Massachusetts attorney general lost
Ted Kennedy's Senate seat for the Democrats, with most observers concluding that she had run an inept campaign. Now she starts
as the strong favorite to win a second term as attorney general. At first it looked like she would have no Republican opposition,
but then James McKenna, a prosecutor for 10 years, decided to run as a write-in candidate. Still, unless the little-known
McKenna catches on, this is a Safe Democratic seat.
YOU VOTE? Carbone for Attorney General.. write in write in write in write in write in write in.... "AND IF I WERE ATTORNEY
GENERAL".... LISTEN TO A CARBONE AND SEE IF YOU CAN VOTE AGAIN FOR MARTHA..COAKLEY check mate.. http://www.blip.tv/file/4066376
CONTACT: September 1, 2010
info@martyforcongress.com MEDIA ADVISORY Today Marty Lamb, Republican candidate for Congress
in Massachusetts Third District, will hold a press conferences in Attleboro and fall River to discuss how the federal
government can do more with less. Who:
Marty Lamb 3rd District Republican Congressional Candidate Event:
Press Conference
When: Thursday, September 2, 2010
Time: 3 PM
Where: In front of 8 North Main Street,
Time: 4:00 PM
Where: In front of Fall River City Hall For more information call 617-513-4368 |
CONTACT: August 24, 2010
617-513-4368 MEDIA ADVISORY Marty Lamb, Republican candidate for Congress in Massachusetts Third
District, will hold a press conferences Today to announce his ideas for Obamacare repeal and
relief. Who:
Marty Lamb 3rd District Republican Congressional Candidate Event:
Press Conference
Obamacare Repeal and Relief Ideas
Get your Congressional Barf Bag
When: Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Time: 4pm
Where: In front of Congressman McGovern's
8 North Main Street Attleboro,
MA For more information call 617-513-4368 Paid for by Marty Lamb for Congress |
June 28, 20106:00 - 8:00 p.m. Briggs Corner Pizzeria1123 Oak Hill Avenue, Attleboro,
MA Refreshments served, cash barSuggested Contribution: $25This is only a suggestion
you are more than welcome to just come by to meet and greet Marty.
| Advance contributions are always needed
and welcome, please Click Here to make a contribution, We are up against a hard deadline for filing with the FEC so your most generous contribution
is crucial at this time. ### Paid for by Marty Lamb for Congress |