Not even King George
III was allowed such secrecy....................
If you make a complaint against an attorney, it is
If you make a complaint against an judge, it is SECRET.
If you make a complaint
against an clerk of court, it is SECRET.
The perfect TRI-FECTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No "sunlight"
for you Massachusetts citizens..................
If no FORMAL complaint is made, then ALL RECORDS are kept SECRET.
This is "Equal Justice" under law.............
When cops arrest you or there is an RO, is the
record kept secret?
Committee on Professional
Responsibility for Clerks Rule 5: Confidentiality- Massachusetts
A. Except as provided in Rules 6(E), 6(F) and 6(H), all proceedings prior to the filing of formal charges shall be confidential.
B. Records, files, and reports of the Committee shall be confidential, and no disclosure shall be made, except as follows:
1. Upon waiver in writing by the clerk at any stage of the proceedings;
2. Upon inquiry by an appointing
authority or by a state or federal agency conducting an investigation on behalf of such authority, in which case the Committee
(a) divulge whatever information is a matter of public record;
(b) after obtaining the clerk's
signed waiver, divulge other relevant information; and
(c) divulge other relevant information after giving written
notice to the clerk affected of its intention to do so and allowing the clerk seven days to respond.
3. In cases
in which the subject matter has become public, the Committee may issue such statements as it deems appropriate in order to
confirm the pendency of the investigation, to clarify the procedural aspects of the proceedings, to explain the right of the
clerk to a fair hearing, or to state that the clerk denies the allegations.
4. Formal charges become public ten
days after the date of issuance or upon the filing of the clerk's response, whichever first occurs. In the case of formal
proceedings, only the formal charges, the answer thereto, the evidentiary hearings thereon, and the final recommendation by
the Committee as to disposition shall become public, except as provided in paragraph D below.