Around The World»
Barack Obama: Enemy within (0)

Although he may not seek to destroy America outright, we can only conclude – based upon his grossly irrational and irresponsible governance – that Obama remains determined to destroy America both as we know her and as our Founding Fathers intended her.
Republican Assembly News»
History of the California Republican Assembly: 75 Years of the Republican Assembly Movement (0)
History of the California Republican Assembly: 75 Years of the Republican Assembly Movement
Technorati Tags: California Republican Assembly
State of the Movement»
Memo to Steele: GOP Will Win (1)

2010 will be a unique year because voters have seen the myth of the moderate Democrat exposed. There is no longer any such animal. No moderate or conservative voter can rest on the assumption that his congressman or senator will stand firm for his values in the face of party pressure. The sweep of 2010 will be due as much to this intellectual insight as to any other cause, and this will make it even more powerful.
The Other Side»
Unions Make Obama An Offer He Can’t Refuse (0)

It’s amusing to watch President Obama try to stick it to his friends in organized labor by proposing a tax on union-negotiated health care benefits. If it weren’t for the fact that the tax proposal would have a devastating effect on the American economy, the situation would be downright hilarious.