The Fatherhood Coalition PAC
PO Box 310
Turner Falls, MA 01376
For Immediate Press Release, January 4, 2010
Media Contact: Dwight Doane, cpf-pac@fatherhoodcoalition.org, Tel: 617 sad-dads
Fatherhood Coalition Political Action Committee Endorses Joe Kennedy for Senate
The Coalition's PAC anounced today the
endorsement of independent candidate Joe Kennedy for US Senate.
"The January 19 election for US Senator from Massachusetts is very
important for those who support the rights of men and fathers. The key question for all voters is how the candidates are likely
to vote on the reauthorization of Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA). Based on the candidates' issue statements and legislative activity
The Fatherhood Coalition PAC believes Joseph Kennedy's position on VAWA and domestic violence laws will be the most beneficial
for men and fathers. For this important issue Joe Kennedy deserves your vote. "
For his strong statement on behalf of men and fathers The Fatherhood Coalition
PAC is pleased to endorse Joe Kennedy for US Senator from Massachusetts in the January 19, 2009 election.
Statement by Joe Kennedy on VAWA:
"While significant
domestic violence issues exist and must be dealt with, the Violence Against Women Act [VAWA] is not the solution. First off,
no bill should be gender biased. If we were to have any bill addressing violence it must be gender neutral. Secondly, the
issue of domestic violence needs to be addressed by individual states as does funding. Any issue which funnels money through
federal bureaucracies only dilutes actual dollars that go to the cause. In addition to these two issues which would already
lead to my not supporting a bill of this nature is the potential abuse of the bill. Today the concept that any parent (man
or woman) could be denied their parental rights based on the mere allegation of abuse begs for corruption. We have a domestic
abuse problem in this country and both men and women are victims. Domestic violence issues are serious and must be addressed
without bias by legislature on the state level and in a manner that directly deals with the issue of abuse."