This is common Military Crap Leadership! Hospital Leadership! Education Leadership! connect the
dots to dadt
We have said since the beginning of the debate
that one huge problem with normalizing homosexuality in the American military will be the impact on the careers of officers
who continue to think homosexuality and military service is a bad mix. We suggested that the military will be creating a massive
readiness problem for itself by essentially forcing any officer to publicly endorse homosexual behavior or find his career
possibilities terminated.
This will lead to an exodus of many, if not most, of our finest military officers,
the very men of principle, values and courage we need to lead our troops.
And for what? So roughly two percent of
the population can get the chance to lower military morale, readiness and recruitment? That's a devil's bargain if I ever
heard one.
If Congress repeals the ban on homosexual military service, our finest, most experienced
and most capable officers will be forced to choose between conscience and career. The officers who won't embrace and endorse
homosexual behavior will find the door to promotion and advancement slammed shut in their faces. They can forget about their
future in the military.
Well, it's no longer just a hypothetical possibility. A three-star general, Lt.
Gen. Benjamin Mixon, has been urged to resign from the military by no less a personage than the chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff (JCOS), for doing nothing more than publicly expressing his opposition to any change in policy.
Mixon is a decorated officer, who served both in Desert Storm and in Afghanistan.
Now the commander of U.S. Army Pacific,
Mixon said, in a letter published in Stars and Stripes, that he does not think most service members are in favor of repealing
the policy.
Wrote Mixion, "I suspect many servicemembers, their families, veterans and citizens
are wondering what to do to stop this ill-advised repeal of a policy that has achieved a balance between a citizen's desire
to serve and acceptable conduct."
Mixon went on to urge his fellow servicemembers to "express your
views" to military brass and elected officials. "If those of us who are in favor of retaining current policy do
not speak up, there is no chance to retain the current policy."
For the temerity of supporting the law
his bosses have a sworn and sacred duty to uphold, Mixon was told by the chairman of the JCOS, Admiral Michael Mullen, that
he should have kept his opinion to himself, and even worse, that if he has a problem with the law, the answer is "to
vote with your feet."
In other words, your career here is finished. Get the heck out of our military,
and don't let the gate to the fort hit you on the way out.
Well, Adm. Mullen just told anyone who
believes in normative sexuality that he is not welcome in the military. If you're not willing to enthusiastically support
sodomy in military barracks and military showers, as well as submarines and ships, don't even bother to enlist. Don't bother
applying to West Point or the Naval Academy. We have no place for you here. We have no place for you anywhere.
military will be weakened beyond repair, which may suit our current Commander in Chief just fine, a man who seems to have
a terminal distaste for the military and a reluctance to project American military power. If this keeps up, there will be
no American military power to project.
By the way, here is a list of Mixon's awards
and decorations, from his official military bio. Admiral Mullen wants to trade this guy in for soldiers who want to wear pink
petticoats and dresses on military bases. How does that swap sound to you?
"His awards and decorations
include the Army Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, Legion of
Merit with two Oak Leaf Clusters, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, Joint Service
Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Achievement Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, National
Defense Service Medal with Star, Southwest Asia Service Medal with two Bronze Stars, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign
Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Saudi Arabia-Kuwait Liberation
Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, Ranger Tab, Master Parachutist Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge, Pathfinder Badge, Air Assault
Badge and Combat Action