strong stuff; there must be at least a grain of truth here though.
Having spent three weeks
in a hospital in Naples, Florida with my wife I couldn’t help noticing what was going on in the hospital and I had a
lot of time to talk to the doctors and nurses about what I had observed. Below is a commentary from an ER Doctor.
Do you think this might be a big reason our health care system and our social security system are so screwed up? Do
you think this might be a big reason our taxes keep going up? Who do you think these people are going to vote for? From
a Florida ER doctor: "I live and work in a state overrun with
illegals. They make more money having kids than we earn working full-time. Today I had a 25-year old with 8 kids - that’s
right 8; all illegal anchor babies and she had the nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing, etc. She makes about
$1,500 monthly for each; you do the math. I used to say, “We are the dumbest nation on earth.” Now I
must say and sadly admit: WE are the dumbest people on earth (that includes
ME) for we elected the idiot idealogues who have passed the bills that allow this. Sorry, but we need a revolution. Vote
them all out in 2010. " IN NOVEMBER 2010, WE HAVE A GOLDEN
OPPORTUNITY TO CLEAN OUT THE ENTIRE HOUSE AND ONE-THIRD OF THE SENATE! This is an insult and a kick in the butt to all of us... Get mad and pass it on - I don't know how,
but maybe some good will come of this travesty. If the immigrant
is over 65, they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get more than a woman on Social Security, who worked from 1944
until 2004. She
is only getting $791 per month because she was born in 1924 and there's a 'catch 22.' It is interesting that the federal government provides
a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890. Each can also obtain an additional $580 in social
assistance, for a total of $2,470 a month. This compares to a single pensioner, who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years, can only receive a
monthly maximum of $1,012 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement. Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees! Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be ticked off and maybe get the refugees
cut back to $1,012 and the pensioners up to $2,470. Then we can enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit
to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years. And not to receive a increase for 2010
Vote them all out of office……. Please forward this to every American to expose what our elected politicians have been doing for the past 11
AG Eric Holder wants to revise Miranda rights..
so what else is new! Does he not understand foreign citizens do not have rights they are called illegal immigrants no
rights implied without American citizenship?? Another attempt to confuse the public and sabbotage our system so they can just
arrest us all and not give anyone rights..its about rights isn't it Eric.. fire him.. please and the whole administration
of socialistacrats..
What about that fence?? the China wall on the
Mexican Border? Ever heard of rabbits?? Moles?? Like the ones we have now in Washington?? those buzzards! Why
not invisible fencing! shock em a few times.. red alert on cameras .. send a drone.. to chase em down .. like a fence
works?? Oh well, use the chain gangs to build em.. march the guard along side.. with metal detectors for mole holes or lazer
scanners.. we have so much technology this is a no brainer.. google earth can watch the borders while having coffee and breakfast
in bed.. what is goinga on. Just dig deep concrete based post holes to mark the borders.. that will catch a few soon
enough.. make em florescent colors seen from night sky.. metal for detection .. this is a fun sport to just think about it
with a working brain.. this is not Russia, China, or any other border people.. this is America.. march watch and shoot at
the dirt a few times.. that ill teach em. Even better give the Calvary the job.. ride one of Bush's a Cowboy
on the border..
Catholic doctrine on Immigration does not endorse
illegals ..