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Home THE VOTER GUIDES Voter Registration The Guides
Massachusetts Family Institute is dedicated to making sure Values Voters
-- registered voters who cast their ballots according to a candidate's stand on social issues -- are fully informed when they
walk into the voting booth on Election Day. To this end, MFI is publishing non-partisan voters guides for contested legislative
races across the state. These guides will show the positions of the incumbents on a broad range of issues. Some voter guides
may be updated from time to time as new information becomes available. If a voter guide is updated, the date of the update
will be listed. All candidates were sent questionnaires but not all returned them. If there are gaps in a candidate's responses,
do not hesitate to call them as a voter and ask them for their position on an issue.
Voter Guides are only available for the PRIMARY elections. Look for General Election Voter Guides to be available mid-September.
We have endeavored to make guides available for all contested legislative districts at the
same time, but some may not have been completed. If this is the case, any missing guides should be available soon. Governor
of Massachusetts
Charles D. Baker (Republican)
Timothy Cahill (Independent)
Deval Patrick (Democrat)
Jill Stein (Green-Rainbow)
Scott Lively (Write-In)
There is no primary election for the gubernatorial race.
A General Election
Voter Guide will be available soon.
Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts
Richard Tisei (Republican)
Paul Loscocco (Independent)
Tim Murray (Democrat)
Rick Purcell (Green-Rainbow)
Keith Davis (Write-In)
Democratic Primary
Martha Coakley (Democrat) - Unopposed
Guy Carbone (Write-In)
James McKenna (Write-In)
No voter guide
State Treasurer
Democratic Primary
Steve Grossman
vs. Steve Murphy
Republican Primary
Karyn Polito
No voter guide available.
State Auditor
Democratic Primary
Suzanne Bump vs. Guy Glodis
vs. Mike Lake
Republican Primary
Mary Z. Connaughton vs. Kamal Jain
Party - Nat Fortune
No voter guide available.
Secretary of Massachusetts:
Bill Galvin (Democrat)
Bill Campbell (Republican)
Jim Henderson
U.S. Congress
1st Congressional District
Michael Engel (Independent) vs. Bill Gunn (Republican) vs. Rep. John Olver (Democrat)
No Primary. General Election voter guide will be available late September.
2nd Congressional District
Rep. Richard Neal (Democrat)
Republican Primary
Jay Fleitman vs. Tom Wesley
2010 PR Congress2 R Fleitman-Wesley REV A.pdf
3rd Congressional District
Rep. James McGovern (Democrat)
Republican Primary
Robert Chipman vs. Robert Delle vs. Brian Herr vs. Marty Lamb vs. Michael Stopa
MA-3 voter guide
4th Congressional District
Democratic Primary
Rachel Brown vs. Rep. Barney Frank
Republican Primary
Sean Bielat vs. Earl Henry Sholley
2010 PR Congress 4 R Bielat-Sholley REV A.pdf
5th Congressional
Rep. Niki Tsongas (Democrat)
Republican Primary
Jon Golnik vs.
Sam Meas vs. Robert Shapiro vs. Tom Weaver (UPDATED 9.10.10)
2010 PR Congress 5 R Golnik-Meas-Shapiro-Weaver
REV A.pdf
Dale Brown (Independent)
Bob Clark (Independent)
6th Congressional District
Rep. John F. Tierney (Democrat)
Republican Primary
Bill Hudak vs. Rob McCarthy
2010 PR Congress 6 R Hudak-McCarthy REV A.pdf
7th Congressional District
Rep. Edward J. Markey (Democrat)
Republican Primary
Gerry Dembrowski vs. Tom Tierney
8th Congressional District
Rep. Michael Capuano (Democrat)
Running unopposed in 2010.
9th Congressional
Democratic Primary
Mac D’Alessandro vs. Rep. Stephen Lynch
Republican Primary
Vernon Harrison vs. Keith Lepor
Phil Dunkelbarger (Independent)
10th Congressional District
Democratic Primary
Bill Keating
vs. Robert O’Leary
2010 PR Congress 10 D Keating-O'Leary REV A.pdf
Republican Primary
Robert Hayden vs. Ray Kasperowicz vs. Joe Malone vs. Jeff Perry
2010 PR Congress 10 Hayden-Kasperowicz-Malone-Perry.pdf
Independent Candidates: Tom Lawler, Maryanne Lewis, Jim Sheets, Peter White
State House of Representatives
1st Berkshire (Adams, Charlemont,
Clarksburg, Florida, Hawley, Heath, Monroe, North Adams, Rowe, Savoy and Williamstown)
Democrat Primary
David R. Bissaillon vs. Gailanne Cariddi vs. Edward MacDonald
2010 PR Rep Berkshire 1 D Bissaillon-Cariddi-MacDonald.pdf
2nd Berkshire (Includes Ashfield, Becket, Bernardston, Buckland, Cheshire, Colrain, Cummington,
Dalton, Hancock, Hinsdale, Lanesborough, Leyden, Middlefield, New Ashford, Northfield, Peru, Plainfield, Pittsfield (Ward
1, precinct B), Richmond, Shelburne, Washington, Windsor
Democrat Primary
Park Mark vs.
Noreen Suriner vs. Thomas Szczepaniak
2010 PR Rep Berkshire 2 D Mark-Suriner-Szczepaniak.pdf
Republican Primary
Michael Case vs. Rosanne Frieri
2010 PR Rep Berkshire 2 R Case-Frieri.pdf
4th Bristol [Includes Norton (Precinct 1), Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Swansea (Precincts 1, 3,
4, 5)]
Republican Primary
Steven Howitt vs. David Saad
2010 PR Rep Bristol
4 R Howitt-Saad REV A.pdf
8th Bristol (Includes all of Westport, and Fall River (Ward 1,
precinct A; Ward 5, precincts B, C; Ward 6, precincts A, B, C; Ward 7, precinct B; Ward 8, precinct A)
Democrat Primary
David J. Dennis vs. John J. Rodrigues vs. Paul A. Schmid, III
2010 PR
Rep Bristol 8 D Dennis-Rodrigues-Shmid.pdf
9th Bristol (Includes all of Dartmouth, and
Freetown (Precinct 2); Lakeville (Precinct 1); and New Bedford (Ward 3, Precincts F, G)
Democrat Primary
Christopher M. Markey vs. Raymond M. Medeiros vs. Robert Tavares, Jr.
2010 PR Rep Bristol 9
D Markey-Medeiros-Tavares.pdf
11th Bristol (Includes all of Acushnet, and New Bedford,
Ward 1, precincts A, B, C, D, E; and all of Ward 2)
Democratic Primary
Sean Burke vs. Rep.
Robert Koczera
2010 PR Rep Bristol 11D Burke-Koczera.pdf
6th Essex (Includes
all of Beverly)
Democratic Primary
Scott D. Houseman vs. Jerald A. Parisella
2010 PR Rep Essex 6 D Houseman-Parisella.pdf
9th Essex (Includes parts of: Lynn (Ward
1, Precincts 1,2); Lynnfield (Precinct 2); Saugus (Precincts 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9); Wakefield (Precincts 1, 2, 7)
Democratic Primary
Rep. Mark V. Falzone vs. Anthony V. Guardia
2010 PR Rep Essex
9 D Falzone-Guardia.pdf
Republican Primary
Raymond A. Igou vs. David H. Wong
2010 PR Rep Essex 9 R Igou-Wong.pdf
14th Essex (Includes parts of Lawrence and North
Republican Primary
Kevin Begley vs. Stanley Novak
2010 PR Rep
Essex 14 R Begley-Novak.pdf
17th Essex (Includes parts of Andover, Lawrence and Tewksbury)
Democratic Primary
Frank Bonet and Patricia Commane
2010 PR Rep Essex 17 D
Republican Primary
Paul Adams vs. Sal Tabit
2010 PR Rep
Essex 17 R Adams-Tabit.pdf
18th Essex (Includes parts of Andover, Boxford, Georgetown,
Haverhill, Methuen, North Andover)
Republican Primary
James J. Lyons vs. John O. Thorlin
2010 PR Rep Essex 18 R Lyons-Thorlin.pdf
2nd Franklin (Includes all of Athol,
Erving, Gill, Greenfield, Orange and Warwick)
Democrat Primary
Denise Andrews vs. Lee Chauvette
vs. Martin McGuane vs. Dvaid Roulston vs. Roxann Wedegartner
2010 PR Rep Franklin 2 D Andrews-Chauvette-McGuane-Roulston-Wedegartner.pdf
2nd Hampden [Includes all of Hampden, Longmeadow and Monson, and parts of East Longmeadow
(Precincts 3, 4) and Springfield (Ward 6, precincts B, C)]
Republican Primary
Marie Angelides
vs. Enrico Villamaino
2010 PR Rep Hampden 2 Angelides-Villamaino.pdf
Hampden (Includes Agawam, Granville, Russell, Southwick)
Democratic Primary
Mark Del Negro
vs. Rep. Rosemary Sandlin
2010 PR Rep Hampden 3 D DelNegro-Sandlin.pdf
Hampden [Includes: All of West Springfield; Springfield (Ward 2, precinct E); and Chicopee (Ward 2, precinct B; Ward 4, (R)
precincts A, B, C; Ward 5, precinct B)]
Republican Primary
Gregory Neffinger vs. Dean Vogel,
2010 PR Rep Hampden 6 R Neffinger-Vogel.pdf
9th Hampden [Includes:
Chicopee (Ward 5, precinct A), and Springfield (Ward 2, precincts A, B, C, D, F, G, H; Ward 5, precincts C, D, G, H; Ward
7, precinct H; and Ward 8, precincts A, B, D, H)]
Democratic Primary
Christopher Asselin
vs. Rep. Sean Curran
2010 PR Rep Hampden 9 D Asselin-Curran.pdf
1st Middlesex
(Includes Ayer, Dunstable, Groton, Pepperell, Townsend)
Democratic Primary
Jane Morriss
vs. Jesse Reich vs. Anthony Saboliauskas)
2010 PR Rep Middlesex 1 D Morriss-Reich-Saboliauskas.pdf
Republican Primary
Sheila C. Harrington vs. Cornelius F. Sullivan
2010 PR Rep Middlesex
1 R Harrington-Sullivan.pdf
6th Middlesex (Includes parts of Framingham, Precincts 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14 and 17)
Democratic Primary
Rep. Pam Richardson vs. Chris Walsh
2010 PR Rep Middlesex 6 D Richardson-Walsh.pdf
12th Middlesex (Includes all
of Wards 6, 8 and parts of Wards 5, 7 of Newton)
Democratic Primary
Rep. Rush Balser vs.
John Bortone
2010 PR Rep Middlesex 12 D Balser-Bortone.pdf
22nd Middlesex
(Includes all of Billerica)
Democratic Primary
Kevin Conway vs. Jarrett Scarpaci
2010 PR Rep Middlesex 22 D Conway-Scarpaci.pdf
Republican Primary
Brion Cangiamila
vs. Marc Lombardo
2010 PR Rep Middlesex 22 R Cangiamila-Lombardo.pdf
Middlesex (Includes all of Everett; Ward 7, Precinct 2 of Malden)
Democratic Primary
Hanlon vs. Stephen Smith
2010 PR Rep Middlesex 28 D Hanlon-Smith.pdf
Middlesex (Melrose and Precincts 3, 4, 5, 6 of Wakefield)
Republican Primary
Eric P. Estevez
vs. David R. Lucas vs. Monica C. Medeiros
2010 PR Rep Middlesex 32 R Estevez-Lucas-Medeiros RevA.pdf
2nd Norfolk (Includes all or part of Quincy)
Democratic Primary
Tackey Chan vs. Joseph Keegan
2ndNorfolkDem - 2010 PR Rep Norfolk 2 D Chan-Keegan.pdf
5th Norfolk [All of Braintree, part of Holbrook (Precinct 1) and part of Randolph (Precinct 3)]
Democratic Primary
Mark James Cusack vs. James Michael Daiute vs. James P. Regan
PR Rep Norfolk 5 D Cusack-Daiute-Regan.pdf
13th Norfolk (Includes all or part of Dover,
Medfield and Needham)
Democratic Primary
Denis Garlick vs. Gary McNeill vs. Gerald Wasserman
2010 PR Rep Norfolk 13 D Garlick-McNeill-Wasserman.pdf
Republican Primary
Levy vs. John O’Leary
2010 PR Rep Norfolk 13 R Levy-O Leary.pdf
Plymouth (Includes all of Hanover, Norwell and Rockland)
Republican Primary
Jared Valanzola
vs. Korey Welch
2010 PR Rep Plymouth 5 R Valanzola-Welch.pdf
10th Plymouth
(Includes part of Easton, Brockton and West Bridgewater)
Democratic Primary
Matthew P. Albanese
vs. Rep. Christine Canavan
2010 PR Rep Plymouth 10 D Albanese-Canavan.pdf
12th Plymouth [Includes all of Kingston and Plympton; Duxbury (Precincts 1, 6); Halifax (Precinct 1);
Middleborough (Precincts 1, 5); and Plymouth (Precincts 1, 11, 13)]
Republican Primary
Quelle vs. Joe Truschelli
2010 PR Rep Plymouth 12 R Quelle-Truschelli.pdf
4th Suffolk (All of Ward 6, and parts of Wards 1, 7, 8 and 13)
Democratic Primary
Bombard vs. Nicholas Collins vs. Michael McGree vs. Mark McGonagle
2010 PR Rep Suffolk 4 D Bombard-Collins-McGee-McGonagle.pdf
5th Suffolk (parts of Wards 7, 8 , 12, 13, 15, 16, and 17)
Althea Garrison vs. Carlos Henriquez vs. Barry Lawton vs. Roy Owens
2010 PR Rep
Suffolk 5 D Garrison-Henriquez-Lawton-Owens v2.pdf
6th Suffolk (parts of Wards 14, 17,
18, and 19)
Democratic Primary
Kathy Gabriel vs. Russell Holmes vs. Darrin Howell vs. Divo
Monteiro vs. Karen Payne
2010 PR Rep Suffolk 6 D Gabriel-Holmes-Howell-Monteiro-Payne.pdf
10th Suffolk [Includes Brookline (Precincts 14, 15, 16;) and Boston (Ward 20, Precincts 3, 5, 6, 7, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)]
Democratic Primary
Matthew Benedetti vs. Edward
Coppinger vs. Robert Joyce vs. Pamela Julian vs. Paul Sullivan vs. Kelly Ann Tynan
2010 PR Rep Suffolk 10
D Benedetti-Coppinger-Joyce-Julian-Sullivan-Tynan.pdf
15th Suffolk (Includes precinct 5
of Brookline, and parts of Wards 10, 11, 19, 20 of Boston)
Democratic Primary
Jeffrey Herman
vs. Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez
2010 PR Rep Suffolk 15 D Herman-Sanchez.pdf
Worcester [(Includes of: Charlton, East Brookfield, Southbridge; and part of Oxford (Precinct 2) and Spencer (Precincts 1,
Republican Primary
Peter Durant vs. Michael Jaynes
2010 PR Rep Worcester
6 R Durant-Jaynes.pdf
13th Worcester [Includes : All of Paxton; and parts of Worcester
(Ward 1, precincts 1,2, 3, 4; all of Ward 9; and Ward 10, precinct 3)]
Democratic Primary
Margot Barnet vs. Gina M. DiBaro vs. John J. Mahoney vs. Mike C. Perotto vs. Donald P. Sharry vs. Joffrey A. Smith
2010 PR Rep Worcester 13 D Barnet-DiBaro-Mahoney-Perotto-Sharry-Smith.pdf
State Senate
Cape & Islands (Includes all or part of: Barnstable County, Dukes County,
and Nantucket)
Democratic Primary
Sheila Lyons vs. Daniel Wolf
2010 PR
Sen CapeandIslands D Lyons-Wolf.pdf
Republican Primary
James Crocker, Jr. vs. Eric Steinhilber
2010 PR Sen CapeandIslands R Crocker-Steinhilber.pdf
First Bristol and Plymouth
(Includes Fall River, Freetown, Lakeville, Rochester, Somerset, Swansea and Westport)
Democratic Primary
Michael Coogan vs. Lorne Lawless vs. John Mitchell vs. Michael Rodrigues
2010 PR Sen First
Bristol & Plymouth D Coogan-Lawless-Mitchell-Rodrigues REV A.pdf
First Essex [Amesbury,
Haverhill, Merrimac, Methuen, Newburyport, North Andover (Precincts 1, 4, 6, 8), and Salisbury.]
Stephen Cole vs. Sean Downing
2010 PR Sen First Essex R Cole-Downing-1.pdf
Second Essex & Middlesex (Includes all or part of Andover, Lawrence, Dracut and Tewksbury)
Democratic Primary
Barry R. Finegold vs. John A. Kelly vs. Debbie Silberstein vs. John J. Wilson,
2010 PR Sen Second Essex and Middlesex D Finegold-Kelly-Silberstein-Wilson.pdf
First Middlesex (Includes Lowell, Dunstable, Groton, Pepperell, Tyngsborough and Westford)
Christian Doherty vs. Eileen Donoghue
2010 PR Sen First Middlesex D Doherty-Donoghue.pdf
Third Middelsex [Includes: Waltham, Bedford, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Concord, Lexington (Precincts
3,8,9), Lincoln, Sudbury (Precincts 1,4), and Weston.]
Republican Primary
Eric Dahlberg
vs. Sandi Martinez
2010 PR Sen Third Middlesex R Dahlberg-Martinez.pdf
and Essex [Includes Lynnfield, Malden, Melrose (Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield]
Katherine Clark vs. Michael Day
2010 PR Sen Middlesex and Essex D Clark-Day.pdf
First Middlesex and Norfolk (Includes Brookline, precincts A, C, D, E, Newton and Wellesley)
Democratic Primary
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem vs. Charles S. Rudnick
2010 PR
Sen First Middlesex D Creem-Rudnick.pdf
Hampden [Includes all of Agawam and West Springfield.
Includes Chicopee (Ward 2, precincts A, B, C, D; Ward 4, precincts A, B, C; Ward 5, precincts A, B) and Springfield (all of
Wards 1, 3, 4, 6, and Ward 5, precincts A, B)]
Democratic Primary
Susan Dawson vs. Ronald
Patenaude vs. James Welch
2010 PR Sen Hampden D Dawson-Patenaude-Welch REV A.pdf
Kenneth Condon vs. Robert Magovern
2010 PR Sen Hampden R Condon-Magovern.pdf
Norfolk and Plymouth (Includes all of: Abingdon, Holbrook, Quincy, Rockland, and parts of
Braintree (Precincts 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Democratic Primary
John F. Keenan
vs. Arthur Stephen Tobin
2010 PR Sen NorfolkandPlymouth D Keenan-Tobin.pdf
Second Essex and Middlesex (Includes Andover, Dracut, Lawrence and Tewksbury)
Republican Primary
Patrick J. Rahilly vs. Jamison Tomasek
2010 PR Sen Second Essex-Middlesex R Rahilly-Tomaskek.pdf
Second Suffolk [Includes parts of Boston (Ward 3, prec. 7,8; Ward 4, prec. 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9;
Ward 5, prec. 1,4,5,6,7,8,11; Wards 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Ward 14, prec. 3,6,7,8,9,10,11; and Ward 19, prec. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)]
Democratic Primary
Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz vs. Hassan Williams
2010 PR Sen Second
Suffolk D Chang-Diaz and Williams.pdf
Second Suffolk and Middlesex (Includes: Boston Ward
4, Precinct 7, 10; Ward 5, Precinct 2, 9 - 10; Ward 21, Precinct 1 - 3, 5, 8 - 16; Ward 22, Precinct 3, 4, 6 – 13; Cambridge
Ward 9, Precinct 2, 3; Ward 10, Precinct 1, 3; Ward 11; Belmont and Watertown.)
Democratic Primary
William Feegbeh vs. Steven Tolman
2010 PR Sen Second Suffolk and Middlesex D Feegbeh-Tolman REV A.pdf
Suffolk and Norfolk [Includes: All of Dedham, Norwood and Westwood; and part of Boston (Ward
18, Precinct 7 – 20, 22, 23; Ward 19,
Precincts 10-13; all of Ward 20).]
Michael Rush vs. Michael Walsh
2010 PR Sen Suffolk and Norfolk D Rush-Walsh.pdf
(C)2010 Massachusetts Family Institute
100 TradeCenter, Woburn, MA 01801