Please remember bill closing date it January
20 or will be a late file., Egypt story background
Sunday January 9 2011. We have
seen a sorry terrible incident in Arizona, the hotbed of the angst of the American Public. I see this as a pivotal point
in our history. The lines drawn and the truth being displayed on all forms of media will forever change the playing
field for the powers that be. We will all need to be involved in the discourse. If you are afraid to speak out
now you are already gone. Media is in it's new day. Cut loose from the general strata the TV no longer has control.
Internet is the forefront of the conversation. Check your sources. Take it away TMZ, Slate, Drudge, Politico,
you have the ball. Your on go internet get the facts just the facts and make history. JAldrich
Michelle Mawlkin posted a live link for the event
on Twitter. shooters my space photo page
Cong Rep was not fatally shot, she is in
critical condition.. updated 252pm,
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords/Arizona
shot In Tuscon Arizona breaking news 5 minutes ago 156pm. She was holding an event. Others shot
also. Police have shooter in custody. Sat Jan 7 2011 Representative Giffords was shot in the head.
URGENT PETITION TO SUPPORT THE EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANS 011410 PLEASE COPY AND PASTE TO YOUR EMAIL AND SEND YOUR NAMES From: 'joe citizen' <> Subject: RE: petition We urge for your immedat support ASAP. To: Date: Monday, January 3, 2011, 11:02 AM
Joseph Hakim
IS MY FRIEND. He is doing his best to protect Christians (and Jews)
being persecuted throughout the World by Islamists. JOE CITIZEN
From: Joseph Hakim [] Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 10:35 PM Subject: FW: petition We urge for
your immedat support ASAP.
a Congressional Hearing On the Pattern of Escalating Bloody
Attacks on the Christian Minority in Egypt Immediately following midnight
mass on New Year’s Eve, on January 1, 2011 a suicide bomber blew through the Christian congregation exiting services
at Al Qidiseen (The Saints) Church in the port city of Alexandria, Egypt. The innocent congregants were gathered to celebrate
and ring in the New Year. At least 21 were killed and over 90 others were injured. One of the most heinous terroristic attacks
on a Coptic Christian Church in over a decade ushered in 2011, marking the complacency of the Egyptian government in the face
of a series of organized attacks and threats on Copts that culminated in this bloody attack. The Egyptian government has stood by and watched the pattern of violence as it continues to increase in intensity and
frequency. According to the most recent state department report issued on Egypt, the Egyptian government has in
effect taken an active role in the persecution of Coptic Christians, in the form of illegal detentions, rape, tortures, lack
of prosecution of perpetrators of crimes against Coptic Christians and forced reconciliation sessions that divert Christians’
right to the judicial system. We, the people of the United States of America, condemn these
acts of barbaric hatred and targeted persecution against our fellow brethren in Egypt. The threats are imminent and the attacks
will continue. We demand Congressional response and action to this and other heinous attacks
on the Christian population of Egypt in the form of a Congressional hearing to address the painful absence of basic, fundamental
human rights in Egypt. Name
Email 1. Roger Homefield 14980 SW 31st Court, Davie, FL 33331 – 954-483-8870 | 2.
Sondra Evans 611 NE 29th Dr, #5, Wilton Manors,
FL 33334 – 954-559-6466 3. Brenda Homefield-Rosenzweig 75 Flanagan Dr.
Framingham, MA 01701
| 4. Ray Hanna 123 Radcliffe Rd Belmont, MA 02478 | 5. Janet Aldrich 34B Rust St Hamilton Ma 01982 | 6. | 7.
| 8.
| 9.
| 10.
| 11.
| 12.
| 13.
| 14.
| 15.
We urge for your immedat support ASAP. Thank you God Bless
Joseph Hakim International Christian Union ICU Exeutive Christian Union 31 Portland Avenue Bergenfield,
NJ 07621 201-387-1867 phone 201-387-0782 fax 201-832-8058 cell personal email: business email: International Christian Union ICU:, new documentary film site where you can find lots of interesting free videos. sent by jrizoli 10410
Isn't it queer we have to have pat downs??
I said I would neva fly afta the summer scan job confusion at Logan as they wanted to steal my pepsi's.. dump my stuff helta
skelta and whateva.. good job for poivs.. which anyone could become doin that stuff all day.. yucha JAldrich Another Reporter gunned down in Iraq. 11 21 10
What do you think? Boeing, wants the Contract
to build airplanes for USAirforce. Their data is mistakenly given to the opposing Bidders? In Europe? I call that sabbotage. Let's see what our new band of leaders can do with this one!
Or are we still limping lame duckies?
December 16
2010 may be the most dangerous day of our generation! Reid is banging Republicans for wanting to celebrate Christmas
with their families and not work through the New Year.. Now isn't that special Harry! Reid is taking us all into the
bogs and reeds of his passe adgenda! Will the Republicans cave in or dig in their heels and stand up for the people
that elected them?
Who will stand up
and call Washington? Who will be counted fighting when it's all said and done? This is a war zone that is not
over til it's over.
Power Grabs, for more information on the FCC battle with Comcast and Verizon internet hog- tycoons want all the pork for themselves
and we the people will be lucky if we get dial up speed and no free speech zone to cyber scream our concerns. Do you
see now why we need net neutrality? We need to have communication access in these times as a priority to our civilized lifestyle.
We will be back in the 50's soon if we do not wake up. All this technology will be worthless if we pay as much as rent
to access it. Do you get it yet? Can you live without communication technology? I don't think so!
That will save tons of trees you greenheads! Demand vs fuel to drive places to pick up a form? Knocks out mail!
We need cyber communication and we need it to be cheap and affordable!
Act passes house by 8 votes, Westboro Baptist Church comes to Framingham! CRNewsTeam
Covers the story, this is a little long, but the final bullet statement that sums this up? Do you think you are a little extreme? answer " Is Hell extreme? Then obey your G-d!
100410, Cyber attack hits India FBI
CRNews Team sends our Respects to the Family
of Kevin Mc Nicholas Wakefield, who died suddenly on Thanksgiving. I will miss his presence in every Committee
Hearing at the Statehouse. It is always a shock
to loose someone you see every time your at the Statehouse. JAldrich, CatchoftheDay,VideoNews,FreelanceReporting.
Stories report back that those scanners were
roped off and pat downs were done with old metal detectors no personal areas. Of course you didn't hear of that now did you?
Just that people could care less. Wrong. The public reaction did make a difference they stopped the perv frisks
of frisky people. Tada. rruff spy satellite launched from Florida. Guess they
decided to just tell us rather than have a red streak in
the sky called fuel emisions. Seems the spy thing should have been kept secret, and the rocket off California should have been disclosed? Am I reading this right?
What are you doing for Christmas? Thanksgiving?
Do you know Fr. Tom DiLorenzo? He is a true Christian.
His works shall follow him. Every year he has a dinner for those who have no place to go. Everyone pitches in. His Church is in Winthrop. Fr Tom is devoted to
prayer and works. He feeds the homeless every Saturday
morning in Downtown Boston. His ministry is notorious across the United States. He is known in all denominations.
He will keep you for hours while he preaches the Word. He does not mince words. He is pro life all the way.
He will run Adoration for weeks at a time at his Church. His heart is for all who are honest and want help. His heart is for winning souls to the Priesthood. He believes in healing prayer. Life is
a journey and if you are looking for a Church this Holiday please consider Holy Rosary in Winthrop. Bring the kids,
plan to stay a long time. Plan to let the kids act up. He does not care. This is not show this is real. If you can, take the bus, or leave the car far away, as the parking is terrible. Save the ticket
money for your donation to his work. Don't say I didn't warn you. The Queen of Sheba crossed the desert for the
wisdom on Solomon. How far are you willing to go to hear the Truth Preached in this generation.
California appoints it's first Transvestite Judge
now hows that for Juris Prudence!
I left the CBN News on and recommend listening.
It was refreshing to hear some openly right wing news even though I did not agree with everything, they cover stories basic
news ignores.
CBN Footage on Ft Hood. Let's see how
long it takes to take this down! posted 11 16 10
Q&A with Author
Bethany Mc Lean, very great interview, will be on again tonight please listen! 111410 talks about Enron and the Financial
Mark your Calendar, this thursday in Cambridge.. Public Communications in Slow-Moving CrisesNov 18: Cambridge, MA for details of meeting. Media please come!
VP Dick Cheney gets Bribery Lawsuit from Nigeria!
12 08 10 will post story links soon.
Watertown Republicans Give Jennifer Nassaur Thumbs Down!
Great Story on Yahoo : Cameras vs phone cameras
Investigative Reporter AMann, sends this invigorating email
on the storm over Montana in July report 120310 Westboro Baptist Church 120310 protests HS Laramie Play, Framingham, Massachusetts CCFILE, CRNewsTeam
Request for Comment Proposed Amendment to SJC Rule 1:19
Media Cameras in Courts SJC please take note on time
for comments Cyber attack hits India FBI Blackberry Rim story, TOP GENERALS BUCK OBAMA ON DADT 120410 930PM FRIDAY NIGHT 120310 Will kids now be suscepted to a movie of UGLY BETTY character killing Mothers?
People who state homosexuality is a mental illness will now have a few tidbits of evidence.. This character is an example
if you ask me of the homosexual flirtations with black magic Goth dress everywhere you see the normative people (stating ab
normative people is that hate speech or just less free speech?) and the consequential abnormalities associated with bizarre
behaviors or Normative Sexualities described by Military Codes now. The Laramie Project double clouds the drug
problems of it's character and denies it's effect on the homosexually compromised soul with a fire in their bellies, or
normative sexualite to be scammed by a drug deal gone bad. So what will film busters do with this story? Buzz
Buzz Buzz Forgive me if I am sounding too normal?? CRNewsTeam1 loves Newsmeat!
Smuggling Children to Bribe Parents to pay more to illegally
enter country more of the same old tricks.. but one mother got smart and called the FBI to help, and guess what ??? they did!
CRNewsTeam1 loves Newsmeat! Dec42010 Now that Mom deserves my courage hat!, Kitchen food bill passed while you were sleeping, and now the brownie fest is off! Check out this story stupids.., This is the investigative story for dummies that takes the cake.. Who does Reid answer to?? clue: What State
is known for gambling?? You are on page 1 of becomming an Investigative Journalist!
JAldrich,CRNewsTeam1 The story that shows how Bribery is used to blackmail people to follow commands of Islamic Terrorists.
This kid was
4 or 5 years old folks.. there will be a protest at Logan sometime this week bring your camera's! Be a Citizen Journalist! Record the conversations Cops have with
Young Boy gets scared by Homeland Security! posting Monday November 22 2010 Read how TSA agents harassed fellow who took video Lets get the facts straight first. Before the video started the boy went through a metal detector and didn't
set it off but was selected for a pat down. The boy was shy so the TSA couldn't complete the full pat on the young boy. The
father tried several times to just hold the boys arms out for the TSA agent but i guess it didn't end up being enough for
the guy. I was about 30 ft away so i couldn't hear their conversation if there was any. The enraged father pulled his son
shirt off and gave it to the TSA agent to search, thats when this video begins.
of what happened after the video (full story)****
After I finished videotaping the incident I went through the
check point myself. I collected my things and went over to talk to the father and son. Before I could get to them a man in
a black suit who had been talking with the other TSA officials approached me. He asked to speak to me and I obliged, wondering
what was to come. He then proceeded to interrogate me about why I was videotaping the "procedures of the TSA". I
told him that I had never seen such practices before on a young child and decided to record it. The man being frustrated at
this point demanded to know my plans with the video, of which I didn't respond. Repeatedly he asked me to delete the video,
hoping his mere presence could intimidate me to obey, but I refused. By this point it became obvious that he felt TSA had
done something wrong and that I caught it on tape. After the interview, I left for my gate. I called my brother who told me
I should put the tape on YouTube because this had been a recent hot topic in the news. My gate was a long way off, but about 15 minutes after arriving 2 TSA agents came and sat
15 feet or so away from me. I stood up and moved so that they were in front of me and then took a picture. A 3rd and then
a 4th agent came and sat down with the others. They would occasionally glance at me and talk on their walkie-talkies. I don't
know why they were there or if it was a huge coincidence but they stayed for 30-45 minutes and left just before I boarded
the plan. Interesting to say the least, intimidating? Maybe a little...