Transgender rights bill being pushed through the
back door again..go way to bottom of page for that story and check out the great investigative reporting of AMann.. so this kind of episode will take on all types of forms in the future and we can thank Baker Tisei for the establishment
probabilty if they get the vote in November. So much for the Log Cabin Republicans. Thanks Romney! The homosexual adgenda is much about bullying as well and that is why it is included in this page.
Of course their behavior at an event is not considered bullying now is it.. or is that hate speech. I am so confused.
CPAC otherwise Ma Family .org, written up in story
by Edge gives a pretty good explanation of the deteriorating effectiveness of the Right Wing Conservative army as a
political action crowd., I personally feel Mass Resistance has continued to focus on the schools, kids,
and the homosexual adgenda which effects voting and elections you can be sure even if not one sound of opposition occurs the
ballot box says it all and we will see in November.. However, there is a God in Boston in case you haven't figured that out..
and every time we have a big decision to make the weather gets right in the middle.. So ah maybe you should think about asking
Noah if there was a God in his generation!
He who is most deceived is he who is self deceived..
Who do you think is deceived here?? Are we going to be forced to let people on our property that are not dressed for the occasion??
Do not have an identification as the law requires? Even Jesus tells the story of the Wedding and not being dressed for
the Wedding the guest is thrown out!! Such shall it be at the Wedding feast of the Lamb. Some will presume they are
guests but they shall be thrown out as well. The host chooses the guests and that's the end of the story! Salute
Cabone's!!!! Use their own stupid laws against them.. they require license checks for anything.. go
get em.. JAldrich
You know I blame Public Schools for a lot of things but this
is something that strikes right at the heart of the Church . So when you see the Cardinal on the tube for the St Patricks
Parade crowd it is a reminder that the Parade is about the Church Celebrating the Saint that drove the demons out of
Ireland and he was an Italian . So the bondo belongs to the both and as the North End marches in the Italian Celebration
has the Gays asked to march in that too??? However, the bigger problem is the fact the schools are meddling again in parents
spaces and forcing a bully law to cover this saying to the babes it's ok to peek under the wall and see your friends naked
and that is ok with the Government and privacy has no place in the bathroom when you go to school as it all begins there.
The snatching of innocence is a joke in Massachusetts and the USA is bullying Uganda to do the same. The highest Court
gave the Irish what they had already a right to privacy and to have a religious celebration without the interference of those
party crashers who want to go but not believe in the hierarchy or its teachings and parade their brains out in front of families
mocking them all. Yet our famous Senator yesterday an author of a transgender bill himself yet kept very quiet decides
to mock the parade the supreme court and the families who just winked at this and made a decision to give him a shot at the
most famous seat in the land. So what is a conscience anyway and what is the purpose of a law or laws but to protect conscience
the most delicate soul realm gateway to what??
posting march 17 2010 report on exective sessions at the
statehouse on march 16 2010 March 17, 2010 MassResistance
Update Pro-family
"In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George
Orwell | |
| 1. Mass. Legislature committees act on major pro-family (and anti-family)
bills -- one day before deadline. Here's what happened . . .
2. Where we go from here. | 1. Mass. Legislature
committees act on major pro-family (and anti-family) bills--one day before deadline.
The Judicial Committee,
Education Committee, Public Health Committee and others met in executive sessions yesterday (March 16) to decide the fate
of major pro-family and anti-family bills filed last year, at the beginning of the session. Today was the deadline for acting
on bills or asking for an extension. But since today (March 17) is "Bunker Hill Day" -- a legal holiday for public
employees -- they did it yesterday.
This year there were more crucial bills than usual, both good
and bad, affecting the pro-family movement. And the Legislature has been getting a lot of pressure from both sides.
The homosexual lobby is focused pushing the transgender agenda as hard as they can. And the fact that legislators tried
to slip in language into the anti-bullying bill apparently targeting MassResistance directly is evidence that we're at least
making them a bit uncomfortable. (See our recent report on the "anti-bullying" bill.)
Here's what happened The short answer is that a lot of good
and bad bills are still alive, at least for the time being. Others were sent "study", which is usually (but not
always) a bill graveyard. STATUS OF BILLS (GOOD
and BAD): 1. Sent forward with favorable report: H402 Re-write of Planned Parenthood Bill (Education Comm.) Note: This bill is a completely watered-down
version of the original Planned Parenthood bill. It doesn't mandate anything, just a "study" by a state agency!
We consider this a victory -- owing to our constant pressure against the original version!
2. Applied
for extension of time until May 7 to decide (i.e., still alive). All in Judiciary Committee: H1337 Stop schools from providing pornography to children
H3840 Repeal buffer zone at abortion clinics
H1728 Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes Bill
H1468 Physician Assisted Suicide Bill
H1746 Remove parental consent on abortions for minors
H3536 and S1656 Repeal sodomy laws and other morality laws
3. Sent to a "study": H406 David Parker Parents' Rights Opt-In Bill (Education)
H145 Disband Mass. Commission for GLBT Youth (Children, Families)
H 1670 Woman's right to know [re: abortion] (Judiciary)
H 437 Alternative Parents' Rights Opt-In Bill (Education)
H485, H 472,
H 485, H 421, H403 -- Other less effective parents rights bills filed this session. (Education)
H1708 Officially legalize homosexual "marriage" (Judiciary)
H2174 Create tax-funded "community based" Planned Parenthood clinics (Public Health)
definitely a lot of work still to go. (See our commentary in #2 below.)
What's behind these decisions? We think
it reflects both the hostility of certain politicians against parents' rights and traditional values, weighed against their
uneasiness with controversy and pressure from our side, causing them to pick certain legislative battles on the "social
issues" and leave others by the wayside.
Background: How bills go through committee
A bill before the Legislature is first sent to a committee. The committee holds a public hearing on the bill. After
that the committee must decide to either move the bill forward to the floor of the Legislature -- or send it to a "study"
(which is usually a graveyard).
Since thousands of bills are filed each year, most of them end up in a study.
A "study" is effectively a graveyard, but occasionally bills get resurrected from there if there is enough interest
(or pressure). A recent example of that was the "1913 Law" bill last session, which was sent to a study then months
later brought back to life.
Generally, this decision is made in a special committee meeting called an "executive
session", where dozens of bills are voted on by the members. At least that's the theory. In practice, the committee chairman
make the decisions and the members basically do what they're told and don't appear to be in the decision process at all. As
we describe below, this time was no different.
Tuesday's executive sessions: Not
a pretty picture at all
We attended the executive sessions of the Education Committee and the Judiciary
Committee. It was a pretty ridiculous thing to watch. Even though they were dealing with dozens -- actually hundreds -- of
very important bills (not only ours!) many of which could have big effects on public policy, neither of these sessions, which
are ostensibly "decision making" meetings, lasted more than ten minutes. | In and out. The Judiciary Committee executive session, to decide the fate of over 200
bills, took less than ten minutes. By the time we got our camera set up they had already adjourned the meeting and were leaving.
Hardly any of the committee members even bothered to show up. And in fact very few members
of the public showed up either, rather odd given the huge outpouring at some of the public hearings. There were maybe ten
people (including reporters) watching the Judiciary Committee meeting. At the Education Committee hearing there were just
a handful of people watching, and about half of them were connected with the teachers' union. That's too bad because the psychological
effect of visible pro-family presence is important. (They definitely noticed us!)
As soon as the meetings started
one of the chairmen would rattle off some bill numbers, announce their decisions on them, and the "vote" was declared.
No one objected or even initiated any discussion. At the Judiciary Committee meeting they didn't even vote on bill numbers.
The chairman would refer to "lists" of bills, and they would "vote" on those lists.
Tuesday's meetings we called the offices of two of the Judiciary Committee members. We were told they hadn't even been given
the lists of bills their own committee had voted on. Nor did they seem particularly interested in it. One wonders
why the Legislature bothers to put on such a charade.
Stonewalling, stalling,
Trying to get the results was, well, bizarre. When the Judiciary Committee
"voted" during their executive session they did not name any bill numbers, just unidentified "lists" of
bills. But after the meeting when we asked to see the actual lists they refused to provide them! They said that the lists
"aren't being released to the public." Even the State House News reporter told us he couldn't get them!
It was unbelievable; no one had ever heard of that. Later we persuaded a Judiciary Committee staffer to read us the results
of our specific bills. Eventually we were told we could come in Wednesday and pick up a list but they couldn't fax it or email
it to us. It wasn't easy.
The Education Committee meeting was also very strange. As the meeting
began the chairman announced that no video or sound recordings of the session would be allowed. But the 9-minute meeting was
so dull and bland that no one would be interested in it anyway -- except to marvel at how superficially and insincerely they
do their business. That's probably what they wanted to keep from being posted on a Web site! (But at least they provided
us the lists of the bills without any problem.)
The arrogance of these legislators is quite incredible.
The next stop for bills: On to the House and Senate
Once bills
get out of committee, things can get a little complicated. A lot of the bills go to other intermediary committees which can
modify them and/or send them to the full House and Senate for a vote, and then finally to the Governor's office.
The official legislative session ends on July 31, so in general bills must be passed by the House and Senate
by then, though they can be signed by the Governor afterwards. (The original Parents Rights Bill was finally passed on the
afternoon of July 31, after a huge amount of pressure by parents.) However, they can meet in special sessions until December
31, so anything can happen. This year being an election year, of course, makes things interesting. |  Shallow media interest. The only thing that interested the reporters -- of all the bills
in question -- was the bill on removing Bunker Hill Day from the list of holidays for public employees. Right after the Judiciary
Committee meeting Sen. Jack Hart (D-South Boston), on left, tells Ch. 5 that "It's not a hack holiday. Real people died
in American history." Next to him, agreeing, is Rep. Eugene O'Flaherty (D-Chelsea).
will continue to monitor these bills.
Where we go from here. It didn't surprise us that our two major bills -- the David
Parker Parents' Rights Bill and the bill to Disband the GLBT Commission -- were sent
to a study. Ever since we got the original Parents' Rights Bill passed in the mid-1990s, the Education Committee and other
key committees have been dominated by politicians hostile to parents and friendly to the homosexual movement. It has always
been an uphill battle.
But it's by no means impossible to overcome. It only means that we have
to make it extremely difficult for them to turn us down -- as we did with the original Parents Rights Bill. You'd
be surprised how easily a bill can be taken out of a "study" -- or put into one -- if there is enough pressure.
The situation in public schools has gotten beyond horrible. Children are are having more dangerous "sex
ed", graphic homosexuality, transgenderism and other perversions pushed at them -- now starting even in elementary school.
It's become more aggressive and militant than ever, which the Legislature seems eager to ignore. We must stop
this now.
Our goal is to get those two bills passed this year and to get ALL
of the bad anti-family bills stopped.
Furthermore, we are continuing to work with members of Congress
and people across the country to exert pressure to remove Kevin Jennings, Barack Obama's "safe schools"
czar, who is now pushing that extremely radical agenda nationwide with your tax money. That is also one of our goals
this year. (Sign our petition HERE.)
We'll be letting you know how YOU can take action on all of this, including the bills that got
committee extensions.
Remember: This state just elected Scott Brown to the US Senate. Anything can happen. | This
is your movement! Our funding comes from individuals. Please donate - invest in MassResistance's efforts! Better yet - become a monthly donor (email us back to get set up)! Donations can also be mailed to: MassResistance, PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454 ALL
donations are confidential. MassResistance does not sell or lend any of its lists. Contact us if you want to get involved. Also, check out the MassResistance blog (for even more in-depth coverage)! [If you are on this list by mistake, or do not want to get our email
information alerts, please accept our apologies. Please call us at MassResistance at 781-890-6001 or email us back, and we'll
immediately take you off the list. We've tried to only include people who've contacted us at some point or otherwise indicated
they would like to hear from us.]
Also, if this is being forwarded to you and you want to be on our primary
list, please let us know! |
There, on the night of January 29,
a group of men dressed as women entered the restaurant -- and were asked by staff to leave. The photo of the so-called
“transgender women's” (i.e. men's) group involved helps us understand why. Here’s the “Sisters Family” group, which was behind the restaurant invasion: Above: "Ashley Amber Bottoms," head of the group that invaded Capone’s,
is on front right. Below: Tall man on right is a member
of the “Boston Sisters” – seen at the recent Transgender Lobby Day at the State House. (He's on far left in Sisters photo above.) Bay Windows reports: The women, members of the Sisters Family social organization for transgender women,
held their normal Friday night ritual: a quick social at the bar of a local hotel, then out to another restaurant or bar to
continue their evening. On Jan. 29, they chose Capone’s. It was their fourth or fifth visit to the restaurant and while
they report having had experienced gender-based discrimination in the past, the women say they had decided to try and get
along with the restaurant’s owner and staff. "They don’t want us using the ladies’ room," Ashley
Bottoms, a member of the Sisters Family, said. "Some of the girls in our group, even though they’re legally female...I
said, ’look, let’s just try to get along with these people.’"
Despite the group’s resolution,
they say the evening’s events held only discord and disappointment. "I guess the doorman noticed us and he came
to meet us at the door so we couldn’t get in," Bottoms said. "He pointed to a sign that said you need proper
ID to get into the establishment and I went, ’Not a problem, because we have our drivers’ licenses! They’ve
worked in the past.’ He says, ’Well, your license needs to match
what you look like exactly.’" Gunner Scott - head of Mass. Transgender Political Coalition. Since there’s a lot of talk of driver’s licenses making the trannies’ demands
all OK – because they’re really “women” -- we include a photo of hack Rachel Kaprielian, director
of the Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles. Kaprielian has made a farce of official ID’s in Massachusetts, allowing unbalanced people to claim the identity of the opposite sex on their driver’s licenses. (See our report on transgender IDs here.) DAN REA (WBZ): “. . . to get a state certified ID drivers license that
allows a person to pick a gender based on the gender the individual considers himself or herself to be.” What’s
that all about? KAPRIELIAN: Well, I’m not sure exactly how he posed the question. What we’re
doing, or what I should be doing. One of the things that we do with the RMV is we change with new information, and currently
we have revised that policy of what’s called a transgender license, it’s very obviously a limited number of individuals
who are looking to change their gender designation. We used to require the reassignment surgery. And now it’s
the proof from a medical provider that the person has lived as that gender for a year, because that is concurrent with current
medical practices and current laws of the Commonwealth. Bay Windows again: According to Bottoms, despite the women’s protests, the
bouncer [at Capone’s] wouldn’t relent. "One girl offered to take off her wig to show what she looked like
and I told her, ’No. You shouldn’t have to do that to prove yourself to anybody,’" Bottoms said. Another
transgender woman offered her license to the doorman, explaining that her DMV picture reflected the way she looks now; her
long hair is natural. "The guy looked at us and said, ’but you’re wearing makeup. I can’t tell,’"
Bottoms said. "And I went, ’you know that’s BS, because girls wear makeup!’"
A third member
of the social group is legally female, and produced a license to that effect. "And he looked at her and said, ’Nope,
because you’re really a guy.’"
According to Scott, those women who matched their ID’s were told
"that their skirts were too short." Hooray for the bouncer! But what’s really
odd about this story is that Peabody is where the Marriott Hotel is located that gladly hosts the transgender conference,
“First Event” – which just took place in January. So is Peabody a “welcoming” town or not?