week ending November 18 2010 Informal Sessions both Houses 11am today 430-6pm Suffolk Law School
Today Monday Public Defenders and Prosecutors face off in a debate Monday 4-6pm Charter School Public Hearing Education Committee Collins
Middle School, Salem Ma 4-6pm again same time Wednesday 11am Both Houses in Informal
Session again
Wow, this was great! After trudging around campus and walking from Central
Square to Kendall, then getting stuck on the 6th floor while a building emergency
took place, I had a great sleep as I fell onto my couch like I was part of the
cushions. MIT Communications Web Site for the Forum: web.mit.edu/comm-forum, Brad Sewell Prof, was a
welcome site as he reminded me of my humongus email scam that went out the last time I attended a Forum. You
might even see JAldrich, at the very end of this Forum Public Communications in Slow Moving Crisis. Catch
of the Day, Video News, Freelance Reporting, attended this but did not video.
This will be archived on their website along with other conferences at MIT.
Please enjoy some good events and visit the website. www.web.mit.edu/comm-forum, This event will not be up immediatly. It might take three weeks.
That is because this is an Educational Forum where students are expected to produce
this correctly. Not like Catch of the Day, that practices expediency not perfection, yet. You get what you get
Mark your Calendar, this thursday in Cambridge..
http://act2.freepress.net/go/899?akid=2053.9100776.y67DLt&t=29 Public Communications in Slow-Moving CrisesNov 18: Cambridge, MA for details of meeting. Media please come!
November day after Thanksgiving, Memorial Service held at
Harvard Chapel for Dr Mildred Jefferson, MD, MCFL Founder.
November 30, 2010, second Public Hearing at Worcester
Public Library on the RAIL Eminent Domain Purchase. I taped the first however the
footage was very dark. Will be posting to the http;//comflmregistrynews.blip.tv/, site soon. The audio is fine.
Technology does it's own thing sometimes with me. Sorry.