National Candidates.. this page has it all! Spending Report Link for all Campaigns compliments of Susan Fargo Senator
Vows to bring Sunshine to Beacon Hill.. will you? Take the Pledge?
Contact: Michael Flynn October 5, 2010
302-584-7243 Connaughton calls
to restore honor in government Boston - This morning, on the steps of the State House, Mary Z. Connaughton called for, "to
restore honor in state government." Connaughton vowed to promote transparency by
pledging to file legislation to make the state legislature subject to a thorough audit by the state auditor.
“Now is the time to restore honor in state government. As Supreme Court Justice Brandeis once said, ‘sunshine
is the best disinfectant’ and I plan to bring a whole lot of sunshine to Beacon Hill,” she said to the crowd. At
least once every two years, the state auditor is required by statute to perform an audit of every state agency, the
notable exception being the state legislature. "The auditor should have the ability to open the books of the
legislature," Connaughton stated, "This is about elected officials firmly asserting there is nothing to hide."
In previous years, bills have been filed to allow the state auditor to review the state legislature's finances.
While the legislation never successfully made it through the legislative process, the bills were filed as far
back as 1985. In a recent debate, auditor candidate Suzanne Bump stated, "until this race, I had assumed that the
legislature was subject to the auditor." Suzanne Bump was a state representative from 1985 to 1993. "It
is troubling that Suzanne Bump admits to being unaware that so much of Beacon Hill operations have been shielded
from an audit after all these years," said Mike Flynn, spokesman for the Connaughton campaign, "if Connaughton
hadn't raised this issue, would Suzanne have ever learned?”
This message was sent from Mary Z. Connaughton to It was sent from: Mary Z. Connaughton
for Auditor, PO Box 1641, Framingham, MA 01701. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below. | Email Marketing by
| Rep Richard Ross wins Scott Browns Senate Seat today.. 4 11 10, Want to follow Bill Hudaks events in September?
CONTACT: September 1, 2010
617-513-4368 LAMB LAUNCHES RADIO AD Candidate Calling Upon Republicans,
Fiscal Conservatives and Tea Party Patriots for Support Holliston, MA...Today Marty Lamb, Republican candidate
for Congress in Massachusetts Third District, launched his first radio ads. He will be advertising on the
Howie Carr and Peter Blute shows on WCRN. Lamb's ad reaches out to Republicans, fiscal
conservatives and Tea Party Patriots with a message about both his background as a small business owner and his stands on
the issues such as cutting federal spending, ending illegal immigration, reviving the economy and repealing Obamacare.
"This is election is our opportunity to send a Congressman to Washington who
will fight for our priorities rather than for the special interest groups. My ad tells voter where I stand
on the issues and how to get more information," said Lamb. Text from commercial: Announcer: This is a special message for Republicans, fiscal conservatives and tea party patriots. Second voice: Are you sick of Congress? Do you want real change
that puts our country on the road to recovery? That's why small business owner and family man Marty Lamb
is running for Congress. Like you, Marty Lamb wants to cut federal spending, end illegal immigration and
repeal Obamacare. As a small business owner, Marty Lamb is the only candidate who has created jobs.
And he has a plan to help revive our economy to put people back to work. Marty Lamb
is the candidate with the courage to stand up to Nancy Pelosi and all the reckless spending in Washington for us.
Marty has signed the No New Taxes pledge and wants to put government spending on a diet with his Lamb Chop plan that
eliminates over a trillion dollars in federal spending. Remember Republicans, fiscal conservatives and tea party patriots
on Tuesday, September 14 vote for Marty Lamb for Congress. Announcer: For more information visit Mr. Lamb graduated
from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University in 1985 and received his Bachelor of Arts from Hampshire
College in 1982. He has an extensive background in real estate law, formerly with Adelson, Golden & Loria, P.C., Edward
A. Sokoloff & Associates, and Lamb & Shaffer, P.C. and is currently with Lamb and Browne, P.C. He is a member of the
Real Estate Bar Association of Massachusetts. An active participant in community affairs, Mr. Lamb sits on the Board of Directors
of New England Region of United Synagogue and is a past president of Temple Beth Torah in Holliston. He has also served on
the Holliston Elementary School Council and the Campaign for Holliston Schools. He resides in Holliston with Peri, his wife
of 20 years, and his two teenage daughters Elissa and Simma. For
more information on Marty's candidacy, voters can visit his website or follow him on Twitter at LambforCongress and Facebook at Marty Lamb
for Congress. ### Paid for by Marty Lamb for Congress |
Welcome! You have received your first correspondence from Rob McCarthy for Congress Please add to your address book
| |
"Who has the Experience and Proven Leadership Abilities to best
serve us in Congress?"
My name is Rob McCarthy and I am a conservative Republican
running for the U.S. Congress in the 6th District of Massachusetts. The United States is facing a $13 trillion dollar federal debt, a trillion dollar
deficit, people are out of work and many are losing their homes. Washington has the power to fix these problems, but has done
little. I will take the skills that I have learned as a U.S. Marine Corps Officer, a small business owner and an experienced
attorney to Washington and give you the representation you deserve.
The primary election is on September 14th. It would be an honor to have your vote and support. You can read about my background and the positions I have taken on current issues at:
My phone number and email address
are below. Please feel free to contact me directly with your questions or concerns.
Best regards, _________________________ Rob McCarthy 781-816-9123 P.S. Change
is urgently needed to stop the failed big-government agenda. I ask for your vote on September 14th and for your financial support today. My campaign has received media coverage and the encouragement of political leaders. Your donation of any amount will help
us convince more voters like yourself to put an end to rampant government spending.
| West Virginia knocks one out. 28 year encumbant takes
the hit.. Thanks Mass Beacon for this round of information..
Quid Pro Quo story .. Yes he did.. that is the
question! hot on story will cause big roar in White House.soon.. Arlen Spector Case vs Sestak.. those dems oh dose dems.. posting 4 21 10 421am
3 21 10 Newsmeat breaking news.. obama says Boxer
could loose seat.. if

'Regular Hector' launches state rep bidBy
J.J. Huggins March 26, 2010 12:57 am— METHUEN — Hector Montalvo is launching an independent bid for
state representative, hoping to unseat Democratic incumbent Linda Dean Campbell. "We've tried it
the Democratic way. We've tried it the Republican way. This election is going to be an independent year," said Montalvo,
40, of 17 Kirk St. While people still have a month to hand in nomination papers, for now it looks like
Montalvo will face Campbell, Republican businessman Al DiNuccio and City Councilor Philip Lahey Jr., who is also an independent. Montalvo, an admitted underdog in the race for the 15th Essex District seat, has never held elected office. "I'm a regular Joe. I'm a regular Hector," he said. Montalvo submitted his nomination
papers to the City Clerk's office on Wednesday with the 150 signatures that are required to be listed as a candidate on this
fall's ballot. He will become an official candidate once the clerk's staff verifies that all signers are registered voters.
He plans to collect extra signatures before the April 27 deadline to ensure that he has a cushion in case some are disqualified,
he said. Montalvo said that if he wins, he won't take all of the pay he will be entitled to. Campbell's
salary is $58,237. She could be receiving $61,440, but she turned down a raise. She received $9,072 for office and travel
expenses last year, according to the state Treasurer's office. Montalvo said that if he's elected, he
will give $20,000 of his salary to the city. If for some reason he can't do that, he'll donate the $20,000 to a charity that
helps children. Montalvo was the first person to return his nomination papers, according to City Clerk
Christine Touma-Conway. Montalvo said he won't ask for campaign contributions. "It's
tough times, people are hurting," said the unemployed home theater installer. If elected, he wants
to fight to ban lawmakers who are attorneys from serving as a chair or vice chair of the Judiciary Committee. That would reduce
lawyers' influence on laws that effect their private practices, he said. Montalvo wants to make judges
elected, rather than appointed. He wants banks to clean up foreclosed properties, and he wants to crack down on Section 8
abuse — he doesn't want people to remain on Section 8 assistance for long periods of time, he said. He
hopes to reform the Criminal Offender Records Information (CORI) system so civil complaints, such as restraining orders, do
not appear on background checks, he said. Montalvo is a volunteer director and producer at Methuen Community
Television, and he would like to increase funding for public access television and radio, he said. Copyright
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