Three People Are Dead Today Because Bill Delahunt Didn’t Do His Job.Tuesday,
February 16, 2010 Period. The murderer, obviously, is Amy Bishop, a very screwed-up lady who is responsible
for her decision to gun down six co-workers in Alabama. But this psycho wouldn’t have been in Huntsville in
the first place except for the negligence and corruption of Bill Delahunt. She did the shooting, but he opened the door
in 1986 and sent her out to do it. And if, as it appeared, she sent a bomb to a professor that would have detonated
if he hadn’t been so suspicious, Bill Delahunt would have a 4th person’s blood on his hands. There is
no excuse for Bill “Dead Man Walkin’” Delahunt’s behavior in the Bishop shooting. She
fired the pump action shotgun three times. She killed her brother at point-blank range. She ran
into street, fleeing the cops, and brandishing her weapon all the while. She shoved the shotgun into a car repairman’s
chest trying to hijack a getaway car. Nobody has offered any mitigating circumstances.
not only did Bill Delahunt not convict her of a crime…he never charged her with one. NOT one. She was never
even booked. If Massachusetts weren’t such a cesspool of political corruption and judicial abuse, Bill
Delahunt wouldn’t have been able to get elected to the sewer and water commission after this, much less Congress.
Now the bill for that corruption has come in—six shot, three dead in Alabama—and what’s Delahunt doing? Hiding. He’s
refused to take media phone calls for four days. His staff told me today they couldn’t reach him because he’s
travelling in the Middle East. What—they don’t have phones in Israel anymore? Can’t get a dial
tone in Damascus? No cell service in Saudi Arabia? Unless he’s camping out in Osama’s cave, this
is obvious idiocy. Delahunt’s real problem is that he can’t defend letting this daughter of a
politically-connected Braintree family walk. He also can’t evade responsibility for her subsequent violence.
If Bill Delahunt had done his job, those UAH faculty members wouldn’t have died. He didn’t. They’re
dead. At the very least, Delahunt should resign. For the sake of everyone who likes to see Democrats lose
elections, I hope he doesn’t. If anyone wants to edit
or shorten this, I have submitted it on the blog, but would like to cc it to DA, AG, State Rep, and more. Desparate
for justice wrote: I have been living a parallel nightmare
for the past 10 years. Though no one has been murdered - yet, the very same scenario, i.e. of the DA doing NOTHING will
ultimately lead to the same result that could have, long before, been prevented. I live in between two sociopaths that
did not want me to build our house on the land between them. They have been assaulting and attacking, first my young
son, and then me, for the past decade. Presently, one of them, Jocelyn Mackey, is currently facing over half a dozen
felony charges, some for trying and threatening to kill me, but many more for her assaults on other people. In fact,
for more than ten years of these neighbors assaults on me, they have never even been charged, let alone prosecuted, and Mackey
would not be charged now if not for her having "assaulted" with a dangerous weapon, "the right people",
in almost the exact location and manner she did my son and I some ten years ago. All the while no charges were ever
brought for what these people did to us, I aggressively called on District Attorney Blodgett's office to stop the insanity
while I was vigorously prosecuted, arrested, and imprisoned on their 'say so', with NO THIRD PARTY WITNESSES on ANY
occassion. (They both had/have prior criminal records of assault - I still have none dispite all the efforts of false
charges, arrests, incarceration and MORE). Meanwhile, every time this woman
was brought up on charges for assaulting others, which only represent a fraction of her assualts on people, they were brought
in Newburyport District Court where after each incident her CWOFs, (which required an admission of guilt) would be continued
for shorter and shorter periods until finally she got general continuances that no longer required the admission of anything
after attempting to kill people. Now the Newburyport District Court has transferred the 'new' feloney charges to Haverhill
District Court where only the most recent litany of assault, battery, and threats to kill people can be viewed, ignoring the
past decade of the very same behavior that was allowed to go on, uninterupted, with the full knowledge and support of the
Judges and the DA. The reason for this change of venue according to a note in the file from the DA is that I was "aggressive"
with the DA's office. This is TRUE. I phoned, wrote
and even stopped in with a three ring binder full of evidence hoping to finally meet Blodgett and show him first hand, the
corruption that I could prove, but I was never able to meet with him. It could definatley be said I "aggressively"
pursued justice, but at all times, I was politely trying to enlighten him to things I truly believed would be serious and
legitimate concerns to his office. When finally Blodgett was in, I was told to have a seat, and someone would be out
to speak with me. After a very long wait, two state troopers came out and asked who I was, and upon learning, they stated
they were told to escort me out of the building. I swear, there was nothing beyond my unrelenting efforts to expose
the truth that warranted this. I asked the troopers if I could give them my evidence to give to Blodgett, and if they
would sign that they had received it. They responded that they wouldn't sign for anything, but would take it, and could
pretty much assure me it would go right in the trash. The corruption emminating out of
Newburyport District Court is so blatant they make 'deals' in the hallways in front of the public, but no one will listen
or pursue this story. Instead, the corruption trickles up, and people are promoted while my family's and my life is
destroyed at every turn and in every court I go to pursue justice. This blog only touches the surface, but I would be
a fool to think this has only happened to me. I already know of far too many others whose lives are destroyed by the
same people and practices. Watch what goes on in Haverhill where the ADA there
was so hostile to me, that when I told him something that was so very easily provable, he told me I was a liar repeatedly,
and when I told him how he could easily prove I was not, he said he wouldn't make the simple phone call to his office to confirm
my truth. This was in a first time encounter where I was seeking a victim's advocate I had been told I would be provided
since I was the victim in at least two of the incidents for which this woman's felony charges were/are pending.
(Oh yea, and no charges for when she violated the restraining order when there was a third party witness who gave a statement.
The statement, given to police, isn't even in the file!) And
so it goes, on and on, as it has for well before the ten years I have lived it. While Mackey is always well behaved
until all charges pending against her are dismissed, I am currently criminally harrassed regularly by her accomplice who lives
on the other side me, and whose driveway and house I cannot avoid passing in order to get to my driveway. Dispite his
reknown criminal history of assault, and more, he is never charged with theft, vandalism, kidnapping our dog, dousing our
property with gasoline, and even fracturing my nose, no matter how obvious the facts and evidence. I, on the other hand,
if you can believe it, was charged with assaulting him by the same cop that responded to his assault on another woman at almost
the same location, years earlier. Suffice it to say, he plead out to the earlier assault because there were witnesses,
but since I had none, just the bloody nose from him hitting me in the face with a closed fist, I was charged with assaulting
him, and my husband was charged by this same officer, for making the singular statement "You like beating on women you
son of a bitch?" According to her, my husband had "disturbed the peace".
This whole nightmare was initiated when I moved to town and Mackey went after my nine year old son on day one while
he was on his bike, stopped to look at baby geese in the reservoir across a public way from her house. A month after
seeking help from the Selectmen because the Chief would do nothing to protect us, I was falsely charged with assaulting Mackey
- the Chief being her key witness, and had the first and only jury trial in my life. (I was acquitted in seven minutes
which assumably was an embarrassment to both the chief and the prosecutor thus their vested interest in retaliating against
me from then forward.)
Four years later, when construction on the house we moved there to
build, commenced, I would be falsely arrested three times in the ensuing 12-month period coinciding this construction
until I was imprisoned and then exiled from my home and family so that the house could never be finished - to this day.
That this prison and exile would commence the very day AFTER I attempted to have the then cop, now new chief investigated
for an annonymous and vulgar phone call she left on my home answering machine while in uniform, on duty and responding to
my call for Mackey's most recent trespass and malicious destruction of property was par for the course. That she was
made police chief shortly after this evidence was turned over to the Selectman so that they could be forwarned who they were
promoting shows how malice is rewarded if you participate to punish and quash a histle blower. No investigation
into the obscene phone call, or anything else has ever been pursued.
Let no one think this isn't how it goes, for everyone that attempts to stand up for what's right against a regime that has
their own interests to protect and agenda to pursue. It is but one of the many tragedies that plague our system in this
culture of corruption, and surely I will be retaliated against some more for having written this. The aforementioned
case for Mackey's more than half a dozen serious felonies has been continued about five times already. What's the rush?
It's the same criminal behavior she has gotten away with for at least two decades, and nothing will come of it when it does
go forward. (She's protected, and frequently coddled, by Maura Bailey, the ADA in Newburyport District Court, who walks
her to her car, and comforts her in open court while Mackey awaits arraignment. While Bailey is the head prosecutor,
and always prosecuted me to the fullest, and then some, a court officer is dispatched to where I sit on the other side of
the courtroom with my father. The court officer leaned over him to threaten me with arrest if I went "anywhere
near Mackey." (I can't remember if this is when Mackey was being arrained for assaulting a person from another
town with a dangerous weapon, or threatening to shoot two women who were out walking their dog. In either case, Bailey
was always by her side to comfort Mackey before she was arraigned).
It was this sort of thing, and so much more, I thought Blodgett would care about while the very same prosecutor maliciously
prosecuted me for things she KNEW I did not do. Indeed, it was years ago I first attempted to alert Blodgett to the
prosecutorial misconduct of his ADA, and the danger of who the court was protecting, but now, the notices sent to explain
why the case is being continued state they are awaiting further information. All the information anyone could need is
in the archives of both the courts and the police, and spans decades! Beyond that, I have about three feet of documents
that further substantiate all that should warrant a full investigation and that would facilitate that the carnage of my family
and I to be stopped in its tracks - but no one has yet to care or view it. I have gone to everyone from my State
Rep Harriott Stanley, (who openly admitted to being close friends with the police chief, and his wife, the finance director
of my town), to the DA, AG, ethics commission, inspector general, US Attorney's office and more, but no one will look at the
evidence. Try filing a federal lawsuit when you don't have $100,000.00 to pay an attorney, and they have the unlimited
resources of bringing in huge lawfirms to defeat you at taxpayers' expense. There is no place to go to get justice,
but if anyone, most likely me, ends up dead as a result, please know - - - it was all there, for anyone who cared.
If anyone has any ideas of how to end this nightmare, bring them on. This same scenario has very many victims, many
of whom are too fearful to speak out, or who have been so destroyed, they no longer can - - - just like the victims Delahunt
could have spared. Who will be next?
Best regards, Kristi L. Devine Have a GREAT DAY and pay it forward!
"The world is a
dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who do nothing about it."
- A.E. |