Thursday Public Hearing FINANCIAL SERVICES.. 10:00.....FILM TAX INCENTIVES: Rep. Steven D'Amico hosts a press and legislative briefing on film
tax incentives as lawmakers consider Gov. Patrick's plan to cap such incentives at $50 million a year. D'Amico questions
whether the incentives are leading to sustainable economic growth or whether they are "little more than corporate welfare
for an already profitable industry." Ned Rightor, president of New Economy Dynamics LLC, will present an overview
of film incentives in the U.S and D'Amico will present job creation impacts based on Mass. DOR findings.....Room A-1 11:00....FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE: .The Joint Committee on Financial Services will hear several
bills relating to health insurance, focusing on long-term care, consumer protection and group health insurance. Co-Chairs
Rep. Peter Koutoujian and Sen. Stephen Buoniconti will offer proposals (H 944 and S 454) that would prevent contracts between
insurance carriers and providers that would encourage the prescription of one product over another. Other bills propose limits
on co-payments for common diagnostic services, insurance for children of divorced parents and group health insurance.....Room
B-1 NOT COVERED 1:00.....ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE: The Committee on Environment,
Natural Resources and Agriculture weighs 50 bills at a hearing that was postponed in anticipation of the Feb. 10 snowstorm.
Proposals include a Rep. Canessa bill creating a non-indigenous species management plan (H 705); a Rep. Garballey bill limiting
outdoor night lighting (H 731); a Rep. J. Murphy bill directing the Department of Environmental Protection to study the improvement
and preservation of family campgrounds; a Rep. Scaccia bill establishing a trust fund within the Department of Conservation
and Recreation for planting trees (H 828); a Rep. Wallace bill establishing an environmental appeals panel within the Division
of Administrative Law Appeals (H 849); and a Sen. Tisei bill assuring uniformity in the sewage treatment and disposal regulations
(S 441).....A1 NOT COVERED
February 20 2010 week
is full of hearings. Especially Tuesday. I don't have time to publish. Will try to post tomorrow night.! Will say this that there is a lot of to do about the Health Care Legislation
stall up. Much going on. Stay tuned.
Jt committee on judiciary included an assisted suicide bill
on this public hearing.. and this was taped by House Broadcast and by catch of the day, viideo news freelance reporting..
check, and in the next few days for the full posting.
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053 Daily Hearing List for February 25, 2010
| Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture February 25, 2010 At 12:00 PM in Room 437 | S365 | An
Act relative to disposition of state property. | S369 | An
Act establishing the Quaboag and Ware River Valley Heritage District Commission. | S372 | An
Act providing improved management of state forests. | S382 | An
Act Amending the Conservation Restrictions and Agricultural Preservations Statutes. | S388 | An
Act to Promote Healthy Communities and the Environment. | S394 | An
Act Requiring the Notification of Tenants about Oil and Hazardous Waste Material Release | S398 | An Act to Provide Public Input into changes to Public Lands and Buildings located thereon. | S401 | An Act to establish a water infrastructure finance commission. | S403 | An Act relative to memorials located on Department of Conservation
and Recreation property. | S410 | An Act to Ensure
the Safety of Organic Compost. | S415 | An Act authorizing
the Department of Conservation and Recreation to provide leases to yacht clubs on its property. | S416 | An Act creating the blue hills advisory. | S417 | An Act relative to establishing the Massachusetts conservation corps. | S419 | An Act establishing a study commission on the municipal waterways improvement
and maintenance funds. | S424 | An Act providing
fees to licensing authorities for deer tag processing. | S432 | An
Act to protect children from bisphenol-A. | S440 | An
Act to strengthen waterways enforcement | S441 | An Act to
assure uniformity in the regulation of sanitary sewage treatment and disposal. | H692 | An
Act banning the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether in gasoline. | H700 | An
Act further regulating the Pesticide Control Act. | H705 | An
Act creating the non-indigenous species management plan. | H724 | An
Act relative to Morey's Bridge Dam in Taunton. | H731 | An
Act to limit outdoor night lighting, conserve energy, and reduce light pollution. | H738 | An
Act to further regulate cutting practices. | H752 | An
Act relative to ice rinks owned by the Commonwealth. | H753 | An
Act relative to golf courses owned by the Commonwealth. | H754 | An
Act regulating the organic content in newly constructed and renovated lawns. | H755 | An
Act to prevent the use of the most dangerous pesticides. | H758 | An
Act to provide public input into changes to public lands and buildings located thereon. | H760 | An Act relative to protecting the natural resources of the Commonwealth. | H762 | Relative to the preservation of the archaeological and fossil
resources of the Commonwealth. | H764 | An Act relative
to conserving bluefin tuna. | H773 | An Act relative
to certain environmental boating regulations and penalties. | H775 | An
Act amending the conservation restrictions and agricultural preservation statutes. | H783 | An
Act relative to the pollution of water by certain toxic chemicals. | H789 | An
Act to protect and preserve family camping in Massachusetts. | H801 | An
Act relative to areas of critical environmental concern. . | H802 | An
Act relative to the Department of Recreation and Conservation Board of Stewardship. | H807 | An
Act establishing a Mystic River water quality commission. | H812 | An
Act relative to the licensing of a certain facility by the department of environmental protection. | H814 | An Act implementing the Greater Callahan Open Space and Greenway Plan
in the towns of Framingham, Sudbury, and Southborough and the city of Marlborough. | H821 | An
Act directing and Department of Conservation and Recreation to develop a master plan for the Bellevue Hill Reservation. | H823 | An Act directing the department of conservation and recreation to maintain
certain property. | H825 | An Act to establish
the water infrastructure finance commission. | H826 | An
Act making an appropriation for the fiscal year 2010 to provide for the funding of the Ponkapoag Boardwalk in the towns of
Canton and Randolph. | H827 | An Act making an
appropriation for the fiscal year 2010 to provide for funding of certain footpaths and trails. | H828 | An Act establishing a trust fund within the department of conservation
and recreation for the planting of trees. | H848 | An
Act relative to the operating and management of rights of way. | H849 | An
Act establishing an Environmental Appeals Panel within the Division of Administrative Law Appeals. | H850 | An Act regulating the disposal of prescription medication. |
9:00.....WOMEN’S BAR BREAKFAST: The Women’s
Bar Association holds a legislative breakfast featuring remarks from Sen. Cynthia Creem (D-Newton) on alimony, Sen. Jamie
Eldridge (D-Acton) on asset development and Rep. Kay Khan (D-Newton) on paid sick days. The Women’s Bar Foundation’s
Rachel Biscardi also discusses alimony issues. Senate President Murray is scheduled to address the group, according to aides.....Great
Association 1 hour of footage.. 10:00.....WAYS AND MEANS FISCAL 2011 BUDGET HEARING: The House
and Senate’s budget writing committees hold a second hearing on the health and human services portion of the state budget.
Testimony is expected from the Department of Children and Families, Department of Youth Services, Department of Transitional
Assistance, the Office of Refugees, Department of Developmental Disabilities, Massachusetts Office of Disability, the Massachusetts
Rehab Commission, Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.
The hearing will be chaired by Sen. Thomas Kennedy (D-Brockton) and Rep. Thomas Conroy (D-Wayland).....Sudbury Town Hall,
REGIONAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE: Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government holds a hearing on several
home rule bills and other municipal bills. An executive session on municipal relief legislation will take place after the
hearing.....Room A-2 | Hearing Agenda NOT COVERED BY BROADCAST 10:30.....ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: The Joint Committee on Economic
Development and Emerging Technologies weighs a pair of agency consolidation and small business incentive proposals: one from
Senate President Therese Murray (S 2270) and sections from another filed by Gov. Deval Patrick (H 4490). Murray will testify
on behalf of her bill, which she filed with committee co-chair Sen. Karen Spilka (D-Ashland)..... Room 222 NOT COVERED BY BROADCAST 11:00.....COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES:
The Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities holds a hearing on a bill aimed at educating parents on
“the advantages associated with the use of positive parenting techniques to discipline children”......Room A-1
| Hearing Agenda COVERED BY CATCH OF THE DAY VIDEO NEWS 11:00.....AFFORDABLE HOUSING BRIEFING: Regional efforts to respond to the increase in requests
for housing assistance and information are the focus of a briefing planned for Tuesday. Sen. Susan Tucker and Rep. Kevin
Honan, the co-chairs of the Legislature’s Housing Committee, host the briefing with the Regional Housing Network of
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE: The Joint Committee on the Judiciary will hear 16 bills regarding various constitutional issues. Attorney
General Martha Coakley plans to testify on a bill (H 4293 and S 2183) supported by several district attorneys that updates
the laws in the areas of money laundering, enterprise crime and wire interception.....Room B-1 | Hearing Agenda
the following Feb 23 2010 public hearings were not covered by house broadcast or catch of the day video
news this posted on the 23rd.. General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053
Daily Hearing List for February 24, 2010
| Joint Committee
on Telecommunication, Utilities and Energy February 24, 2010 At
9:00 AM in Hearing Room B1 | S2234 | An Act relative to
the financing of wind energy facilities in the town of Falmouth | H1152 | An
Act establishing a renewable portfolio standard for new baseload low cost renewable energy. | H4432 | An Act authorizing an alternative mode of design and construction for the relocation and replacement
of a water line under the Saugus river. | H4458 | An Act to limit carbon
dioxide emissions from renewable and alternative energy sources. |
| Joint
Committee on Labor and Workforce Development February 24, 2010 At
10:00 AM in Hearing Room A2 | H4490 | An Act providing for job creation small business (Sections 32-52).
| Joint
Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight February 24, 2010 At 11:15 AM in Hearing Room B2 | H2198 | An Act authorizing the commonwealth of Massachusetts to convey a certain parcel
of land in the town of Dartmouth.
| S2231 | An Act relative to payment for services rendered for extraordinary storm damage
in the town of Templeton.
| H3695 | An Act to limit losses of subcontractors in private construction.
| H4426 | An
act to designate Vaillancourt Folk Art as the official Christmas collectible maker of the commonwealth.
| H4431 | An
Act to include the Saugus river watershed on the citizens’ advisory board on uses of the Rumney Marsh area.
| H4447 | An
Act reorganizing certain agencies of the executive department.
February 23 2010 Sudbury Gov Patrick Fiscall 2011 Budget Hearing part II Town Hall, taped by Sudbury Cable Access February
19 2010 Governor Patrick Fiscal 2011 Budget
Hearing part I 10AM Waltham High School, Cannon Lecture Hall not taped by cable access
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON
02133-1053 Daily Hearing List for February
23, 2010
| Joint Committee on the Judiciary February 23, 2010 At
1:00 PM in Hearing Room B1 | S1688 | An Act to restore enforcement
of civil rights. | H1365 | An Act Regarding the
Interception of Oral Communications of Law Enforcement Officers. | H1402 | An
Act relative to eminent domain. | H1408 | An Act requiring the
disclosure of obscene materials. | H1468 | An Act Relative to
Death with Dignity. | H1551 | An Act relative to
discrimination of veterans. | H1583 | An Act relative to
eminent domain | H1650 | An Act providing against compelled disclosure of certain information
by the news media. | H1701 | An Act Requiring that
Eminent Domain be for the Public Use and Defining Public Use. | H1710 | An
Act to further religious freedom. | H1743 | An Act further regulating
eminent domain. | H1778 | An Act relative to eminent domain takings. | H1784 | An Act requiring a cleanup of Brownfield sites taken by eminent domain. | H3533 | An Act to Restore Enforcement of Civil Rights. | H3840 | An Act restoring free speech and public access. | H4293 | An Act to Combat Economic Crime. |
Wednesday February 17 2010 Jt Committee on Elections Public Hearing 1PM A!
Tuesday February 16 2010 Jt Committee on WAYS AND MEANS FISCAL 2011 BUDGET HEARING 10AM Gardner
10:00.....WAYS AND MEANS FISCAL 2011 BUDGET HEARING: Constitutional
officers outline spending priorities before the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees at the first of eight budget-vetting
hearings. Treasurer Timothy Cahill, state Lottery officials, and Inspector General Gregory Sullivan are among those
expected to testify. The offices of Attorney General Martha Coakley, Secretary of State William Galvin, and Auditor Joseph
DeNucci are also scheduled to weigh in. Patrick has proposed a $28.2 billion fiscal 2011 budget that attempts to close a $2.7
billion structural deficit with $800 million in cuts and new taxes on non-alcoholic drinks and candy. Gov. Deval Patrick’s
budget chief, Jay Gonzalez was scheduled to testify but Ways and Means officials indicated Monday that he would testify March
5 instead and will not testify Tuesday due to a "scheduling conflict".....Gardner Auditorium COVERED BY CATCH
The Joint Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight will hold a hearing on public safety and grant opportunities generated by
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The panel will look at how grant funds are affecting municipalities and job creation.
Executive Office Public Safety and Security secretary Mary Elizabeth Heffernan will testify.....Room B-1 COVERED BY CATCH OF THE DAY VIDEO NEWS FREELANCE REPORTING
Tuesday February 16 2010 FEDERAL STIMULUS OVERSIGHT: The Joint Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight Public Hearing hearing on public safety 1PM B1 TAPED
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON
02133-1053 Daily Hearing List for February
17, 2010
| Joint Committee on Election Laws February 17, 2010 At
1:00 PM in Hearing Room A1 | S2175 | An Act relative to
voting equipment. | H4306 | An Act relative to
voting rights in the town of Amherst. | H4308 | An Act relative to
the federal write-in absentee ballot. | H4381 | An Act providing for
recall elections in the town of Boxford. | H4384 | An Act providing for
recall in the town of Colrain. | H4414 | An Act authorizing
the town of Belmont to recall elected officials. | H4448 | An
Act providing for filling vacancies in the office of mayor of the city of Revere. |
Monday February 8 2010 12:00.....The Joint committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure will hold an executive session .....Room
B2 auto mechanics Tuesday February 9 2010 Press availability for Opponents to the Casino Gambling in Massachusetts United to Stop Slots 1PM B1 1130AM RM 437 Responsible Gambling Advocates Assemble
Massachusetts Partnership for Responsible Gambling jT Committee on Ways and Means Public Hearing LAWRENCE FINANCES PUBLIC
B 1
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON
02133-1053 Daily Hearing List for February
10, 2010
| Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture February 10, 2010 At 12:00 PM in Hearing Room B2 | S365 | An
Act relative to disposition of state property. | S369 | An
Act establishing the Quaboag and Ware River Valley Heritage District Commission. | S372 | An
Act providing improved management of state forests. | S382 | An
Act Amending the Conservation Restrictions and Agricultural Preservations Statutes. | S388 | An
Act to Promote Healthy Communities and the Environment. | S394 | An
Act Requiring the Notification of Tenants about Oil and Hazardous Waste Material Release | S398 | An Act to Provide Public Input into changes to Public Lands and Buildings located thereon. | S401 | An Act to establish a water infrastructure finance commission. | S403 | An Act relative to memorials located on Department of Conservation
and Recreation property. | S410 | An Act to Ensure
the Safety of Organic Compost. | S415 | An Act authorizing
the Department of Conservation and Recreation to provide leases to yacht clubs on its property. | S416 | An Act creating the blue hills advisory. | S417 | An Act relative to establishing the Massachusetts conservation corps. | S419 | An Act establishing a study commission on the municipal waterways improvement
and maintenance funds. | S424 | An Act providing
fees to licensing authorities for deer tag processing. | S432 | An
Act to protect children from bisphenol-A. | S440 | An
Act to strengthen waterways enforcement | S441 | An Act to
assure uniformity in the regulation of sanitary sewage treatment and disposal. | H692 | An
Act banning the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether in gasoline. | H700 | An
Act further regulating the Pesticide Control Act. | H705 | An
Act creating the non-indigenous species management plan. | H724 | An
Act relative to Morey's Bridge Dam in Taunton. | H731 | An
Act to limit outdoor night lighting, conserve energy, and reduce light pollution. | H738 | An
Act to further regulate cutting practices. | H752 | An
Act relative to ice rinks owned by the Commonwealth. | H753 | An
Act relative to golf courses owned by the Commonwealth. | H754 | An
Act regulating the organic content in newly constructed and renovated lawns. | H755 | An
Act to prevent the use of the most dangerous pesticides. | H758 | An
Act to provide public input into changes to public lands and buildings located thereon. | H760 | An Act relative to protecting the natural resources of the Commonwealth. | H762 | Relative to the preservation of the archaeological and fossil
resources of the Commonwealth. | H764 | An Act relative
to conserving bluefin tuna. | H773 | An Act relative
to certain environmental boating regulations and penalties. | H775 | An
Act amending the conservation restrictions and agricultural preservation statutes. | H783 | An
Act relative to the pollution of water by certain toxic chemicals. | H789 | An
Act to protect and preserve family camping in Massachusetts. | H801 | An
Act relative to areas of critical environmental concern. . | H802 | An
Act relative to the Department of Recreation and Conservation Board of Stewardship. | H807 | An
Act establishing a Mystic River water quality commission. | H812 | An
Act relative to the licensing of a certain facility by the department of environmental protection. | H814 | An Act implementing the Greater Callahan Open Space and Greenway Plan
in the towns of Framingham, Sudbury, and Southborough and the city of Marlborough. | H821 | An
Act directing and Department of Conservation and Recreation to develop a master plan for the Bellevue Hill Reservation. | H823 | An Act directing the department of conservation and recreation to maintain
certain property. | H825 | An Act to establish
the water infrastructure finance commission. | H826 | An
Act making an appropriation for the fiscal year 2010 to provide for the funding of the Ponkapoag Boardwalk in the towns of
Canton and Randolph. | H827 | An Act making an
appropriation for the fiscal year 2010 to provide for funding of certain footpaths and trails. | H828 | An Act establishing a trust fund within the department of conservation
and recreation for the planting of trees. | H848 | An
Act relative to the operating and management of rights of way. | H849 | An
Act establishing an Environmental Appeals Panel within the Division of Administrative Law Appeals. | H850 | An Act regulating the disposal of prescription medication. |
Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON
02133-1053 Daily Hearing List for February
9, 2010
| Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government February 9, 2010 At 10:30 AM in Hearing Room B1 | S2142 | An
Act exempting the town of Wilmington from liability. | H4241 | An
Act Authorizing the city of Brockton to prevent the siting of a power plant in Brockton. | H4322 | An Act authorizing the town of Cohasset to grant certain interests in land. | H4415 | An Act relative to the position of appointed treasurer-collector oin
the town of Freetown. | General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053
Daily Hearing List for February 8, 2010
| Joint Committee on Public Service February
8, 2010 At 10:00 AM in Hearing Room A1 | S2066 | An Act Authorizing the Town of Winchendon to Continue the Employment
of Allen J. Lafrennie as Fire Chief. | S2102 | An
Act exempting the position of fire chief in the City of Gloucester from the civil service law. | S2104 | An Act authorizing the town of Wilbraham to provide certain benefits
to Christopher J. Doyle. | S2107 | An
Act for legislation to place certain housing police officers in group four. | S2230 | An Act exempting the position of Deputy Chief of Police in the
town of Wakefield from provisions of the civil service law. | H11 | An Act relative to retirement board members. | H63 | An
Act relative to compensation for officers injured in the line of duty. | H614 | An
Act authorizing the City of Medford to provide for an early incentive retirement for its workforce. | H615 | An Act to modify pension funding system. | H616 | An Act relative to the town of Dartmouth Police Department promotional
examinations. | H617 | An
Act relative to civil service positions in the City of Pittsfield. | H636 | An Act relative to special police officers in the Town of Greenfield. | H1881 | An Act Relative to the Appointment of the Treasurer of Palmer Fire
District Number One and Palmer Water District Number One. | H1882 | An
Act authorizing the appointment of retired Millis police officers as special police officers in the town of Millis. | H2509 | An Act regarding municipal
health insurance plans. | H3831 | An
Act To Promote Equity in Pension Benefits. | H3832 | An
Act providing an early retirement incentive for certain employees of the department of transitional assistance. | H3929 | An Act relative to pension fund investments by municipalities. | H3930 | An Act relative to
pension fund investments by municipalities. | H3931 | An
Act relative to phased retirement of nursing faculty in public higher education. | H3932 | An Act relative to credible service . | H3933 | An Act relative to disability retirement. | H3934 | An Act relative to disability retirement. | H3935 | An Act authorizing certain retired employees creditable retirement
service time for service in the armed forces. | H3937 | An Act providing for pension reform. | H4073 | An Act relative to collective bargaining rights. | H4097 | An Act authorizing the town of Dedham to establish a group insurance
liability fund. | H4098 | An
Act authorizing the town of Dedham contributory retirement board to transfer group insurance liability fund assets. | H4099 | An Act exempting Richard
Corcoran and Kazimierz R. Piorkowski, Jr. from the maximum age requirement for appointment as a firefighter in the town of
Westwood . | H4124 | An
Act to modify pension funding systems. | H4173 | An
Act relative to the health insurance plan of the town of Hanson. | H4196
| An Act relative to the provision of health insurance and other benefits in the town
of Phillipston. | H4199 | An Act relative to
the health insurance of retired employees of the City of Somerville. | H4239 | An
Act reclassifying a position by the Newton retirement board. | H4319 | An Act Establishing A Post Employment Benefits Trust Fund In The Town Of Wayland. | H4380 | An Act Authorizing the Town of Medway to Continue the Employment
of Paul L. Trufant. | H4391 | An
Act to Exempt Clerical Positions in the Town of Billerica from Civil Service. | H4405 | An Act relative to the promotion of a member of the fire department
of the town of Framingham. |
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts STATE
HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053
Daily Hearing List
for February 8, 2010
| Joint Committee on Public Service February 8, 2010 At 10:00 AM in Hearing Room A1 | S2066 | An Act Authorizing the Town of Winchendon to Continue the Employment of Allen J. Lafrennie as Fire
Chief. | S2102 | An
Act exempting the position of fire chief in the City of Gloucester from the civil service law. | S2104 | An Act authorizing the town of Wilbraham to provide certain benefits
to Christopher J. Doyle. | S2107 | An
Act for legislation to place certain housing police officers in group four. | S2230 | An Act exempting the position of Deputy Chief of Police in the
town of Wakefield from provisions of the civil service law. | H11 | An Act relative to retirement board members. | H63 | An
Act relative to compensation for officers injured in the line of duty. | H614 | An
Act authorizing the City of Medford to provide for an early incentive retirement for its workforce. | H615 | An Act to modify pension funding system. | H616 | An Act relative to the town of Dartmouth Police Department promotional
examinations. | H617 | An
Act relative to civil service positions in the City of Pittsfield. | H636 | An Act relative to special police officers in the Town of Greenfield. | H1881 | An Act Relative to the Appointment of the Treasurer of Palmer Fire
District Number One and Palmer Water District Number One. | H1882 | An
Act authorizing the appointment of retired Millis police officers as special police officers in the town of Millis. | H2509 | An Act regarding municipal
health insurance plans. | H3831 | An
Act To Promote Equity in Pension Benefits. | H3832 | An
Act providing an early retirement incentive for certain employees of the department of transitional assistance. | H3929 | An Act relative to pension fund investments by municipalities. | H3930 | An Act relative to
pension fund investments by municipalities. | H3931 | An
Act relative to phased retirement of nursing faculty in public higher education. | H3932 | An Act relative to credible service . | H3933 | An Act relative to disability retirement. | H3934 | An Act relative to disability retirement. | H3935 | An Act authorizing certain retired employees creditable retirement
service time for service in the armed forces. | H3937 | An Act providing for pension reform. | H4073 | An Act relative to collective bargaining rights. | H4097 | An Act authorizing the town of Dedham to establish a group insurance
liability fund. | H4098 | An
Act authorizing the town of Dedham contributory retirement board to transfer group insurance liability fund assets. | H4099 | An Act exempting Richard
Corcoran and Kazimierz R. Piorkowski, Jr. from the maximum age requirement for appointment as a firefighter in the town of
Westwood . | H4124 | An
Act to modify pension funding systems. | H4173 | An
Act relative to the health insurance plan of the town of Hanson. | H4196
| An Act relative to the provision of health insurance and other benefits in the town
of Phillipston. | H4199 | An Act relative to
the health insurance of retired employees of the City of Somerville. | H4239 | An
Act reclassifying a position by the Newton retirement board. | H4319 | An Act Establishing A Post Employment Benefits Trust Fund In The Town Of Wayland. | H4380 | An Act Authorizing the Town of Medway to Continue the Employment
of Paul L. Trufant. | H4391 | An
Act to Exempt Clerical Positions in the Town of Billerica from Civil Service. | H4405 | An Act relative to the promotion of a member of the fire department
of the town of Framingham. |
February 2 2010 1PM Jt Federal Stimulus Oversight Hearing A1 taped by House Broadcast and up on Blip by Catch
of the Day The Press Conference was on the Yemen 20 year Contract to port and unload in Charlestown. The Coastguard
the Speaker of the House Robert Deleo plus the Public Safety and Homeland Security Chairman Representative Costello, of Newburyport
Commented to Reporters. This is a perfect example why we need a Public Affairs Network in Massachusetts.
This would be lost forever if JAldrich had not happened by. Please support S1458 February 3 2010 There
will be a public health committee executive hearing today.. in that hearing no taping is allowed. 11AM B1
Bills : HI028, 1116,
1148, 2034, 2038 2041, 2044, 2054, 2064, 2070, 2078, 2079, 2087, 2089, 2090, 2104, 2108, 2115, 2119, 2124, 2133, 2134, 2140,
2154, 2155, 2156, 2161, 2173, 2182, 3476, 3479, 3592, 3599, 3828, 3923, S 796, 800, 813, 815, 816, 818, 820, 822,
846, 855, 858, 860, 875, 889, 891
This can be changed. Exec time on mass gov site
These bills are problematic : H 2124. Requires I'd to obtain birth rec Murphy H2133. Rel to access birth rec Poirer H 2034
coakley reveira restr name chang security S 822. Rel to birth mar death records Kennedy S820. Restrict access
to birth rec Jehlen