Our questionnaire to State legislative candidates is out! As the responses start to arrive, we will create Voter Guides
and begin posting them on our website. I would encourage you to visit the site and sign up to receive the updates.
questionnaire asks state legislative candidates ten questions on fiscal and scope of government issues important to tea party
activists. We polled you earlier this year to help us decide which issues were most compelling and we look forward to hearing
from as many candidates. When you meet a candidate, ask them if they received the questionnaire and whether or not they have
answered it. Encourage them to do so. This will be our most valuable tool in communicating to you, our members, and the public
in general where candidates stand.
*Our Federal legislative candidates questionnaire will go out next week.
other groups out there have similar vetting processes. The Candidate Questionnaire is a tried and true method of getting specific
answers from candidates on specific issues. There is a national campaign going on to develop a national document that will
serve the same purpose as a local questionnaire. Please visit the following site and participate in this campaign. Contract
From America -
http://www.facebook.com/l/5c678;www.thecontract.org/Thank you to all of you who continue to attend and bring friends to our meetings. We are working on developing a new
meeting format, including adding a speaker to each meeting to address either a legislative or policy issue. These presentations
are brief but the presenter is always available for further discussion. I think you will find these presentations interesting.
Check the June Meeting schedule below to see what’s in store this month.
Christen Varley
Join the Greater Lowell Tea Party to show your support for
Our Constitution, Our Country and Our Flag
With Mr. Robert A. Fairbairn of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.
Bring your family, kids, and friends. Bring
your Flags and your Patriotism.
Dress in patriotic costume or in Red White and Blue.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
2:00pm - 4:00pm Waltham Common
Braintree - Wednesday, June 9th 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Tiki Palace Route 37 (off 128
exit 6), Braintree
North Andover – Wednesday June 9th 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Merrimack Valley Tea Party
Stevens Library 345 Main Street, North Andover
*This is a great new TP group. If it is most convenient for you, I suggest
you attend.
Boston - Thursday, June 10th 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Green Dragon 11 Marshall Street, Boston
Baker is expected after 8:30 PM.
Medford – Tuesday, June 15th 7:00 – 9:00 PM
4054 Mystic Valley Parkway, Medford (Westbound on Rte 16)
North Andover – Wednesday June 9th 6:30 - 8:30
Merrimack Valley Tea Party
Stevens Library 345 Main Street, North Andover
More meetings announcements
next week – Waltham, Framingham and Norton.