Democratic Chairman Senator Brian
Joyce, of the State Administration and Regulatory Oversight Committee (removed my comment) on Beacon Hill has
chosen to put my bill S1458 to study. This bill is a direct result of my being bullied on a daily basis
at the Statehouse for not being considered legal press. The AMERICAN CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS does
not provide a requirement for Press but being a new kid on the block some 6 years ago and learning the ropes at the
Statehouse in discovery investigative reporting I selectively, chose to ignore it , but I was not appreciated
for my work ever except in lipservice because I am making my case to put them under public record law arn't I.
Four years ago I attemped another bill and it was filed late. This time it
was on time barely, but filed and so I have been thrilled watching to see if it would make it to the floor for debate.
At least there I could get some serious Press on the subject and make the dumbified public aware that they
keep no records announce no records and don't have to let you know anything.. I guess the route in this case will
be rockier for COMFLM REPORTER J ALDRICH, as the past experience taped and recorded evidence shows, that the only way
to get through to some people is.. See you in court. So much for real hard labor at Beacon Hill.
When I called the Committee today I could have sworn I heard someone in the backround saying tell
her to call the Senate Clerk.. for a list of the execd bllls. But, I am interested in all the open meeting bills
in question and want the entire list. I called upstairs to another favorite of mine Senator Spilka another hater of
freedom of the press, and was told to go to the Statehouse News.. Do you ever go the the Statehouse News?// I explained
I am the News as well and so I will be asking for these lists of bills myself directly as long as I am on site.
But being 67 I guess that won't be that long.
time there are many open meeting/ public record bills to find out about. Yes I am disappointed
about my bill because that the fundamental problem on Beacon Hill . No transparency and yes they
did put it to me by deep sixing my bill S1458 but the problem will go on until one of these days Alice one of those days appears.. time
for show and tell will happen because you know what? that is what makes Lawyers respond! Just remember this
I don't need them to validate my Press Credentialing to exercise my civil rights and they will be personally responsible
for that one when it occurs.. there is lot's of case law to protect me. To be continued.. And you know what??
This is an election year isn't it.. and I am not going to play possum for anyone!
I asked many to support this bill. Yes, I am on my own on this topic at the moment
but I will continue knowing there is no support for this kind of transparency on Beacon Hill. I will work
to discover Candidates that will support the public record law and will fight those who won't. You are not my friend
if you are going to keep the hiding games intact. The wheel of fortune is turning on Beacon Hill.. we'll see who is
still there in November
On Beacon Hill today S1458 my bill on open meetings and comflm registry ID for state buildings will be exec'd out of State
Administration and Regulatory Oversight Committee. Other bills in Judiciary and Education are hot buttons and you should
still be calling to let them know how you feel. Ask for the Legal Researcher in the Committee.
the Hill in Washington the battle for Health Care continues and you can watch it by clicking on CSpan Live on this website.
Last night the Press Club had a great show that I fell asleep with. They were discussing the Tea Party movement
and were convinced this is a wave like the Reagan years. Well it won't go away and it is a reminder the people are upset
with the government and all elected officials are currently on notice of their jobs. They got that right. But
I see it as the mighty water rising of the truth that rocks the cradle of civilization. This is the backlash of being
wrong for a long time and the Pendalum is going back to the center and to the right of center as it always has been according
to jk. America is not for sale and WE THE PEOPLE ALWAYS RULE IN THIS COUNTRY. We will back off when we get things right
but if it gets too wacky out there well we WILL SHOW UP.. and the Internet has shown that we can be effective and remain incongito
like it should be. The all seeing eye of the public is not blind the ear of the public is not deaf and the mouth of
the public is not mute. Get over it if your up to no good we will find you and remove you.